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Strange Character Problem

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Two days ago I was playing on my own with a fresh character. I spawned at Komorovo and ran north, killed 6 people on my travels and got some good gear then logged out for the night.

Yesterday I logged in and was forced to make a new character. I wasn't dead when logged out but I was still forced to make a new character. I played this new character for a while, ran north, my friend located and secured a crashed heli and I got an M107, we killed a player and looted him and I took nvgs, range finder, bizon sd and loads of other stuff. I logged out for the night.

I came on today to play. I log in and it puts me on my original character with the 6 kills from two days ago, not the character I was playing last night.

I have one serial key, both character were on the same profile, same name, skin etc - I didn't change profile or serial number. I literally did nothing other than log in and out.

Any idea what's going on?

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that happend to me, exept i havent gotten my original character

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My story and my fix : Played some, quit, logged back in and I respawned with no gear and at the coast again. My friend told me to hit respawn and join another server. Worked like a charm got my old character + position back.

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