Worrun (DayZ) 108 Posted July 19, 2012 Their speed is not the problem- it's their shitty pathfinding and glitchy movement.It's near impossible to kill them because they unrealistically switch directions in an instant and when they're up close they've start moving to your left and right at the speed of light.I actually have no problem at all shooting Zombies. Just run a little, spin around and they should be an easy target. If not, just run backwards and when they go to swipe at you, they lose ground and gives you plenty of time to pop them off. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Worrun (DayZ) 108 Posted July 19, 2012 I realize you dont watch NFL in the UK so its cool, but google itHehe, okay I'll do that :)American Football Zombies lol, imagine them in the gear Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
noobfun 87 Posted July 19, 2012 Lmfao, you leave him at Cherno, get in a helicopter and all of a sudden he is in the back seat :D haha youd have to get a 2-300 meter distance to force him to despawn and that wasnt happening on foot lolyoud try and sneak into town agro a zombie on the edge run 1/2 a mile into the woods, shoot him then try again tio sneak back in or have a firefight agro a few more Z's doing it and alert everyone else with a gun exactly where you were it made shooting there and then a possable life and death situation, not becasue of the Z's but becasue of the friends you might attract Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sticky (DayZ) 38 Posted July 19, 2012 Hehe, okay I'll do that :)American Football Zombies lol, imagine them in the gearI think that headshots will make them entirely more difficult, as of the current state of the mod its pretty simple to round up 20 or so zeds and funnel them into a building and mow them down at full auto. Now bear in mind, it could be implemented in the future with the ability to dismember them and even knock them down with well placed body/limb shots...just a cool idea in my opinion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bluerising 22 Posted July 19, 2012 I actually have no problem at all shooting Zombies. Just run a little, spin around and they should be an easy target. If not, just run backwards and when they go to swipe at you, they lose ground and gives you plenty of time to pop them off. :)Like I said in my second sentence, when they're up close they won't just attack you, they'll keep moving left to right making it ridiculously hard to hit them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Worrun (DayZ) 108 Posted July 19, 2012 Like I said in my second sentence, when they're up close they won't just attack you, they'll keep moving left to right making it ridiculously hard to hit them.Yeah I noticed that when they are at point-blank range. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Worrun (DayZ) 108 Posted July 19, 2012 I think that headshots will make them entirely more difficult, as of the current state of the mod its pretty simple to round up 20 or so zeds and funnel them into a building and mow them down at full auto. Now bear in mind, it could be implemented in the future with the ability to dismember them and even knock them down with well placed body/limb shots...just a cool idea in my opinionIf they were to be headshots only do you think they should be walking Zombies instead of running? That's the only scenarion I would agree with.Running, headshot-only Zombies would be a nightmare! Lol :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Worrun (DayZ) 108 Posted July 19, 2012 youd have to get a 2-300 meter distance to force him to despawn and that wasnt happening on foot lolyoud try and sneak into town agro a zombie on the edge run 1/2 a mile into the woods, shoot him then try again tio sneak back in or have a firefight agro a few more Z's doing it and alert everyone else with a gun exactly where you wereit made shooting there and then a possable life and death situation, not becasue of the Z's but becasue of the friends you might attractYeah, or you could use a Hatchet on them :D I think that is a 100% silent kill mate Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 164 Posted July 19, 2012 This has been discussed numerous times. In depth discussions here and here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Worrun (DayZ) 108 Posted July 19, 2012 This has been discussed numerous times. In depth discussions here and here.Thanks for the information mate, but I don't think they should remove sprinting Zombies, just slow them down.Right now, as far as I can see I run at 100% speed and Zombies can run at 130% speed. I would suggest that they run around 75% speed, they can still suprise you and assrape you but if you have the chance you can outrun their rotting, lifeless corpses :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Matchew 9 Posted July 19, 2012 I think that the Zombies are seriously too fast, the fact that I can't kill a Zombie without first finding a gun is crippling enough but the Zombies are actually FASTER than the player.I'm trying to outrun this dude for like 15 minutes while he CONSTANTLY stops to attack and just catched straight up to me.If you're going to fuck us over by making us helpless atleast give us a chance to escape them.If you keep running, the zombies can't get you. They have to stop to hit you, so by the time they swing, you're already too far for them. I've been chased for miles--From Elektro to Cherno and back in a single run. Run indoors and they have to walk but make sure you're not going to get trapped or flanked. For example, just west outside of Elektro is a huge barn in a field. If you have a huge zombie mob chasing you, run through that barn. They'll pool into the one side and you can get distance on them in no time at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Worrun (DayZ) 108 Posted July 19, 2012 If you keep running, the zombies can't get you. They have to stop to hit you, so by the time they swing, you're already too far for them. I've been chased for miles--From Elektro to Cherno and back in a single run. Run indoors and they have to walk but make sure you're not going to get trapped or flanked. For example, just west outside of Elektro is a huge barn in a field. If you have a huge zombie mob chasing you, run through that barn. They'll pool into the one side and you can get distance on them in no time at all.Yeah I think we've gathered that I can lose the Zombies in buildings. Earlier I even resorted to climbing up a Deer Stand I luckily found (no loot was there :() and logged out while he couldn't reach me :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
noobfun 87 Posted July 19, 2012 I think that headshots will make them entirely more difficult, as of the current state of the mod its pretty simple to round up 20 or so zeds and funnel them into a building and mow them down at full auto. Now bear in mind, it could be implemented in the future with the ability to dismember them and even knock them down with well placed body/limb shots...just a cool idea in my opinionin the future like? already in the game?leg shot a zombie he turns into a crawler, then stands up to attack, then gets back down to chase ..its kinda odd but amusingshhot him in the leg then tease him, sit there soona s he starts standing up back off, he lies down crawls over again repeat ... trolling Z'sp.s. theya re neither lifeless or rotting, game law has them as infected (ala 28 days later) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
noobfun 87 Posted July 19, 2012 Yeah I think we've gathered that I can lose the Zombies in buildings. Earlier I even resorted to climbing up a Deer Stand I luckily found (no loot was there :() and logged out while he couldn't reach me :) dont be so sure, they climb ladders it just takes them a while :Ponce aggroed a zombie at the military camp near SWAF, he was already in the tower and did his spaz out attack animation adn growled a bunch, then climbed down the ladder and did it again, then up the ladder and .. you get the idea .. i just sat there laughing at him for 30 seconds then shot him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Worrun (DayZ) 108 Posted July 19, 2012 in the future like? already in the game?leg shot a zombie he turns into a crawler, then stands up to attack, then gets back down to chase ..its kinda odd but amusingshhot him in the leg then tease him, sit there soona s he starts standing up back off, he lies down crawls over again repeat ... trolling Z'sp.s. theya re neither lifeless or rotting, game law has them as infected (ala 28 days later)"The Rage virus does not directly cause the death of its host, but because the host is solely focused on infecting or killing the uninfected it causes those infected to become disinterested in self-nourishment, which will eventually cause death by starvation."So from their starvation they will become degraded :DLol, that's from the official 28 Days Later Wiki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Worrun (DayZ) 108 Posted July 19, 2012 dont be so sure, they climb ladders it just takes them a while :Ponce aggroed a zombie at the military camp near SWAF, he was already in the tower and did his spaz out attack animation adn growled a bunch, then climbed down the ladder and did it again, then up the ladder and .. you get the idea .. i just sat there laughing at him for 30 seconds then shot himI just lol'd my ass off at that! :D"Then growled a bunch" Hahaha Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zombie+me=? 0 Posted July 19, 2012 It doesn't matter if they are easy or not to avoid, the thing is that the zig-zagg moving is ridiculous, and i really think it should be changed in future patches.By fixing the way they move, i couldn't care less about their speed, we just need a way to shoot them while we're outside of buildings, when they are running at us.I agree with the zig-zagy crap, but I still can't kill one zombie either. And I'm not even a noob! =/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Worrun (DayZ) 108 Posted July 19, 2012 I agree with the zig-zagy crap, but I still can't kill one zombie either. And I'm not even a noob! =/I think the developers will be working on this very soon, once they have the stability of the new patches all worked out :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sixbarns 217 Posted July 19, 2012 I think that the Zombies are seriously too fast, the fact that I can't kill a Zombie without first finding a gun is crippling enough but the Zombies are actually FASTER than the player.I'm trying to outrun this dude for like 15 minutes while he CONSTANTLY stops to attack and just catched straight up to me.If you're going to fuck us over by making us helpless atleast give us a chance to escape them.Weave between a series of bushes or bushy trees. This cuts the zombies line of sight and they stop chasing you. You can also run through buildings and lose them.Zombies are easy to deal with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Worrun (DayZ) 108 Posted July 19, 2012 Weave between a series of bushes or bushy trees. This cuts the zombies line of sight and they stop chasing you.You can also run through buildings and lose them.Zombies are easy to deal with.Yeah I only recently noticed that bushes have collision, that will be handy in open spaces because they are wider than trees and therefore easier to manipulate into a Zombie trap :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sixbarns 217 Posted July 19, 2012 I agree with the zig-zagy crap, but I still can't kill one zombie either. And I'm not even a noob! =/The zig zagging just make them harder to shoot which makes them more threatening. This is a cheap solution but better than having them run straight at you making it easier to shoot them.Run backwards, when they stop to swing, aim and fire. Still too easy if you ask me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zexis 127 Posted July 19, 2012 It doesn't matter if they are easy or not to avoid, the thing is that the zig-zagg moving is ridiculous, and i really think it should be changed in future patches.By fixing the way they move, i couldn't care less about their speed, we just need a way to shoot them while we're outside of buildings, when they are running at us.Agreed. The speed is dumb but necessary. But the zagging? No one irl can run like that, and makes outdoor killing a bitch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sixbarns 217 Posted July 19, 2012 Yeah I only recently noticed that bushes have collision, that will be handy in open spaces because they are wider than trees and therefore easier to manipulate into a Zombie trap :DIt's not really collision. It's the line of sight. Zombies were given eyeballs a few patches back and reduced superman hearing. So now all you really need to do is break their line of sight while trying not to make too much noise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 70 Posted July 19, 2012 Its not their speed... its the pathfinding.... And sometimes pure glitchy movement. To be honest, zeds at the moment are nothing more than an annoyance; they should be made tougher to kill - AFTER they can run in a straight line. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 20 Posted July 19, 2012 Halls said it was to compensate for the AI and allow the zombie to catch up to the player when the AI has a stupid moment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites