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Inspired by Dr. Wasteland I've decided to stop killing and start saving. No I wasn't a bandit, but I did kill if I had to. My base server is US 5, if anyone needs assistance please feel free to IM me either on the forum or by steam. My profile is Nergalwaja if anyone wants to add me, if not then shoot me a message on the forum and I'll tell you what my ingame name will be. I will not shoot you unless shot at first, if you need medical assistance such as a transfusion or a shot of morphine/ epi-pen I have medical supplies sufficient enough to help at least a few to start off with. I'll be gone for state baseball the next couple of days so I won't be able to help too much right off the bat, but when I get back I'll be more than glad to help out anyone who needs it.

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I've considered turning medic myself recently. I think being the med supplies hoarding support mechanism armed with only an M911 that rushes to my co-horts aids would satisfy me immensely :)

Edited by Addicted

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It's nice to see a bright post in these forums for once instead of the typical complaints about PvP or complaints about complaints about PvP.

I myself have been considering it for a while also as I do have quite a bit of medical supplies on me.

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The first time you are waiting to meet a patient and you see some survivor walk out near you, and you have no idea if it's the patient or a bandit or a random player, you will be sold. And when he or someone else shoots you to death, and you realize where YOU screwed up (walking out into the open, not having a spotter, picking a bad location, etc) you'll change your undies, smile, and love the game (all over again).

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This is tempting to do for me too, but I feel that with the equipment I currently hold (DMR/PDW/Alice Pack) I'd be too tempting a target. I think maybe my next life I'm going to focus on just finding a sidearm for zombies and just stock up on meds and food/water and give it a shot.

I always take the game way too seriously for my liking when I find rare equipment, so I think being able to run around without worries while holding just a pistol and meds will be a change in pace for once; even if I die with my sidearm and meds, those are pretty easy to scrounge up in comparison to sniper rifles and etc.

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This is tempting to do for me too, but I feel that with the equipment I currently hold (DMR/PDW/Alice Pack) I'd be too tempting a target. I think maybe my next life I'm going to focus on just finding a sidearm for zombies and just stock up on meds and food/water and give it a shot.

I always take the game way too seriously for my liking when I find rare equipment, so I think being able to run around without worries while holding just a pistol and meds will be a change in pace for once; even if I die with my sidearm and meds, those are pretty easy to scrounge up in comparison to sniper rifles and etc.

Pretty easily solved by just dropping everything but your med supplies in a tent.

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A hatchet is pretty useful for a medic as well, and a spare tin can (for hospital windows). It's pretty liberating shedding the yoke of rare gear. I'm having more fun now that I don't have my ghillie suit (because I don't worry about losing it all the time).

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I am definitely running the medic route (US40 is my primary, ask for assistance though on any server). This game definitely preys on my psyche. I've only had one tense encounter, where I knew someone was coming around the corner to shoot me. And even when he did, and opened fire...I couldn't shoot right at him. I just couldn't bring myself to move my sights over his head. I had the drop on him, but I couldn't kill him. I shot away from him on purpose. I'm not cut out to be a bandit, or see people suffer.

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Welcome to the crew ;)

If you ever need some medic supplies/help yourself, feel free to message myself or the RMG Squad.

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I'm *SO* stoked that I found this thread and heard about the voluntary Medic "class". Count me in! This is what I want the game to be, this is how I play.

I frequently raid hospitals, I feel naked it I don't have morphine and blood bags on hand. Sign me up. I've already saved a few strangers, and picked up my companions once or twice as well. Most recently was a fall from a ladder, broken leg, bleeding, and shock. Luckily for him, I was only around the corner.

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Seriously, OP, good luck with that.

More medics are killed on sight for the potental loot, or the increase to kill count.

Your actions will be viewed favorably by people ingame, and go ahead and ignore the people that think you are stupid or crazy. Sandbox mod and all that, you can play how you want.

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Playing as a medic can be rewarding but at the same time it can be terrible. Don't help people with your good gear on and have the people drop their weapons on the ground before you try to help them. Even then there are no guarantees. People will kill you to get a extra murder.

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