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Mercenary For Hire. (Possible Group Form-Up)

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  • Age: 24
  • SteamID: Shadlicious


  • Not on Survivor HQ much. My searching fails me for anything concrete.


  • I know there are bodyguards for medics and that is fine I would take any "job" but I figured I would see if anyone needs some odd jobs done.


  • I am a bandit but not a murderer. I do not harm the helpless or kill needlessly. I mainly steal from camps I find.


  • Servers: US West Under 60 ping. All other under 155 ping max.

  • Specialty Items: Smoke Grenades.

  • Tools: Matches, hatchet, hunting knife, map, compass, binocular, military/normal flashlights, binoculars.

  • Preferred Rolls: Diversion, Misdirection, Confusion & Disorientation, Flanker, Driver, City Escort, Protection, Infiltration.

  • Voice Programs: Ventrillo, Mumble, Team Speak, Skype does not work for me.

  • Rates/Prices: Depends on jobs. Anything from Food/Water/Tools/Blood to Guns/Ammo/Rare Items.

  • Medical Support: If you want me to be able to heal you supply me with 1 Epi-Pen, 1 Blood Pack, 1 Morphine or any combo you want. I will use bandages but I keep two for myself at all times. Meat when I have it will be provided in cases where blood is needed quickly and a transfusion is not safe.

  • Rules of Engagement: I will not fire kill or harm anyone unless you say so. Only if they are aggressive or perceived to be aggressive. (seeing a sniper with his scope raised) will I fire without permission. Zombies will be dealt with without order when there is no other choice.

  • If You Die: I will guard your body assuming I did not die as well. If the situation is too dire for me to stay and I will flee but not until you are dead or 100% un-savable. (1000 blood bleeding unconscious surrounded by zombies that cannot be dealt with in time)

  • Notes: If you do die your fee still stands and depending on what the price was a time-frame will be set. The price still stands if I die during your mission except for glitches and something of my own fault. Failure to supply on your end of the bargain or betrayal will be met with hostility and violence and/or just a spreading of your failure to honor the agreement. I will take kill contracts but you must supply payment upfront and there are no refunds if the target DCs or flee's beyond possible capture.


  • Ask any questions you want here. Make requests here or send me mail. If people are interested I can try to head up a mercenaries group in general. Remember not all bandits are evil murders and most of us leave people alone unless its do or die. I am more of a thief than a bandit to be honest.

Edited by D4saken1

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rofl need some kinda currency ingame I think, and players can set up shops rofl and sell stuff so on

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Well it's a good way to enhance the game experience and survive at the same time.

A can of beans is worth more than a brick of gold.

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That's a grand old post. I like to think myself somewhat of a smuggler. If you ever need someone who knows the map like the back of his hand and can find almost anything you're after, don't be afraid to outsource to me. We could even run together if you ever fancy it. I'd love to be a part of some sort of Merc crew.

Edited by Nineel

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Ill toss my hand into this merc group as well.

I excel at being self sufficient and have no issue with killing if I am threatened. That being said, I will not shoot a defenseless survivor.

I always have enough medical supplies to keep myself and one other (possibly two if the situation calls for it) alive.

My preference is to get something done and to get out ASAP. No sense waiting around for Zeds and Players who may have been attracted by the noise.

Toss me a PM sometime if y'all need an additional hand with any sort of job. Chances are I will be willing to help.

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Alright, be willing to take a small task. I might ask you depending on your play style to do something. If you specialize in infiltration and quick scavenging hot zones I might send you to their NW AF to see how you do. My server is not filled with people who camp the NW AF but people go there so its got danger but it is not one of those "you will die" things.

I need to get a tent so I can have people toss their stuff in there and go without their good items in case of death but I cannot get one for some reason.

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Loved reading the post, and look forward to contracting you in the future. ^.^

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I think once I get enough people interested and get some tests set up for people to take I will make a forum for this listed with people for hire and their traits/skills so anywhere from 1 to a group of 5 or more can be hired depending on needs. Meaning if you need a sniper or a infiltrator you can get either one or both etc etc.

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Set up a test, Ill run whatever.

That being said, i am not contractually obliged or anything by doing this. I am a freelance player. I will help if asked and I am available. But I will remain freelance and not be tied down to a single group.

PM me if ya still want me to run a test. I am not against proving myself in case you ever need to hire me in the future

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The Merc Group isn't exactly a group. Basically its a bunch of freelancers for hire and once I get it set up enough I plan to be able to notify the mercs and check availability and assign people etc.

If it was a set group a loot pool would exist but I will hash it out when I have more free time.

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I am interested in hiring you as a bodyguard. Add me on steam price_line_negotiator

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Okay I will add you soon, I have just been busy irl the past few days helping a friend move after I get off work.

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