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About Kwitch

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  1. If you want to join clan medkit, let me know. We're about 20 strong right now, all timezones, primarily USE and USW. We use mumble. Convo me on steam: kwitch
  2. I can supply you with whatever number of weapons you want for them. It's a matter of convenience more than anything else for me. Steam: Kwitch Let me know what you need, and I can fulfill your order.
  3. Kwitch

    Elektro Solo Sniped a Clan

    Perhaps you don't exactly understand... this is bandit forums. not survivor forums. Try the LEFT turn at Albuquerque.
  4. Kwitch

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    Thank you for your additional proof of trolling.
  5. Kwitch

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    Obvious troll is obvious.
  6. Kwitch

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    No screenshot. Only rebuttals of the most inflaming kind. Obviously, this is a very good trolling. It didn't seem like one, it seemed like a sincere complaint. Bravo. You really had us going.
  7. Kwitch

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    Still waiting for that screenshot...
  8. Kwitch

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    Share us a screenshot of your Steam library or purchases, showing us how long you have owned the game. Show us that your position is based on being a veteran and having an opinion that is based on the core title, not the third party alpha mod. Otherwise, your opinion doesn't matter and you are a raging child.
  9. Recruitment is open once again, and thank you all those who have shown interest up to this point. Since I have had so many new friend requests on Steam, I would ask that any applicants continue to attempt to contact me. Thanks everyone!
  10. Howdy. I have an appeal to file based on the past 48 hours of activity on US339 Chicago. To initiate this appeal, I will explain that this server is on Central time, I myself am on Pacific time, and all times indicated were referenced immediately to confirm the accuracy of these events. -- I lead a group of 7-10 active players, on a few pvp roams. We have encountered two players consistently that have established that they have the ability to add items into the game that do no currently exist and manipulate the uptime of the server. This has been demonstrated to myself personally and over voice communication 7 times in the past 48 hours. The list of these events is as follows. 1/. A player on voice communication logs into the game in a remote location (away from any landmark, lootable spawn, or player camp) and is shot and killed while loading. The players online at this time coincide with the players expected of these events. 2/. A total of 2 Toyota Hilux, 2 bicycles, 2 Offroad motorcycles, an ATV and a Tractor are all removed from our various bases (we have relocated a total of 3 times over the past 48 hours) and have some have been found at their camp after 'killing' one of their group. 3/. After finding their camp and succeeding at killing one of their members, we evacuated with two vehicles and travelled a distance of roughly 400 meters (out of vision range, perhaps 60 seconds) and all received 'No Message received' causing these vehicles to disappear upon re-logging in. 4/. We have killed an enemy player when the server consisted of 4 players total, three of which were friendly and accounted for on voice comms, looting an enemy camp at Novy Sabor some 7000 M from the coast, and been fired upon within 80-100 seconds by the same player without additional players joining the server while looting. 5/. Said player attempted to dodge death by logging out when were firing on them, and as this server specifically states dodging death will result in a ban, attempted to contact the admin of this server with zero feedback. -- (3, 4, and 5 are all the same event, occurred within a 4 minute period, and confirmed by multiple players over comms, at roughly 3:55am PST. Server restarts occur at 1am, 9am, and 5pm daily according to this server message upon logging in [see attachment A]) -- 6/. A pilot-able helicopter was located at their base and removed by our players, after firing on the same player as confirmed by the current player list. Attempting to take the helicopter away from their base with the intent of destroying it and the silenced PDW found in the Bus next to it was presented with an additional server restart at roughly 9:30pm PST. 7/. After waiting for the most recent restart, our team returned to a new, third base location and were fired upon by two AS50 snipers with accuracy that was impossible as the AS50 does not permit night-vision use and the server light being pitch black at highest gamma setting, and with both snipers being at the location of our 6 person squad despite our having NVG overwatch in an open field not observing these two players prior. --- So, to sum it all up, here are my conclusions: • The server administrators do not reply to messages regarding what their server rules pinpoint as a ban-able offence. • The server contains two players that have exhibited their ability to cover great distances after respawning from death without the aid of vehicles or maps to do so, or being visible during this process. • The server has always gone offline after these two players have been attacked, lost vehicles due to other players finding their base or firing upon them, despite the listed server times not coinciding with the time of these events, in such a way that always favors these two players. • The use of weapons without NVG without discrepancies in distance or accuracy during zero visibility night confirmed by multiple players with the sound and damage dealt coinciding with the non-NVG equipped BAF-AS50. And finally, my additional conclusion that the two players in question are the administrators themselves, and are both mis-using the server command functionality and the ARMA II client inappropriately to gain an unfair advantage over other players. I have provided two screenshots to corroborate my reports: A (Server MOTD showing scheduled downtime) http://i183.photobuc...3_22_11_247.png B (Player list) http://i183.photobuc...itchy/us339.png I would like to request that the times of this server restarting be investigated to potentially be found as abused to gain an unfair advantage over other players, as well as the administrators contacted as all attempts to do so have failed to identify if the identified players are in fact the administrators. If these two issues are investigated and found to be as claimed, I would humbly request that the server hosting guidelines pertaining to administrator abuse be upheld in this matter. Thank you for your time.
  11. Kwitch

    Becoming a bandit

    My best advice to begin being a bandit... Scoped weapons. Self sufficient. Never enter a town. Learn a downed heli route. Never keep only 1 base. Frequent sniping supermarkets. And finally, Never go anywhere you haven't checked out from two angles first.
  12. Due to amazing demand, I feel applications are closed at this time. This is due to the time involved with training recruits, and my desire to give each person our full attention. I will re-open this recruitment when I feel these newer recruits are field ready, so thanks for your interest! I will still accept friend requests and interest if you desire. *edit* First op with the new squad, and great success! We looted these weapons out of an unsuspecting group's camp, and made off with an amazing haul. ^.^
  13. Kwitch

    A lot of servers are down right now.

    Most patches are backwards-compatible. This one wasn't very. Server admins must update their servers to the most recent build in order for players to be able to connect. The 'fix' in the interim is to revert back to the pre-patched version. Or wait until the server you like to play on updates.
  14. Ah, allow me to expand a bit on this...I don't expect anyone to have extensive knowledge of game mechanics etc. on joining. I'm willing to teach all that we know and get someone acquainted with how to survive. Being able to navigate on one's own after having that knowledge, and how to take down targets without direct instruction after I have taught them, is my requirement. I have taught some and found them unable to do these two things on their own where others have succeeded. This is to say, my requirement for being a member is to perform at this level of expectation once given the appropriate tools to succeed. I won't carry people through content like a tour guide. <3