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Zombie aggro...

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We all know there was a change to zombie aggro recently...frankly I think its a bit overkill but I make do by being a little more sneaky and sticking to the outskirts of towns until I find a weapon. However...why is it that if I am prone and not moving that a zombie will aggro me from a block away when some guy 2 blocks away on the other side of the zombie fires a gun? I mean...come on...the gun fire was in the opposite direction of me from the zombie! I was prone and not moving at all...watching the guy that fired. Zombie just runs over and starts attacking. Do the zombies just agress the nearest player when gunfire is heard regardless of who fired?

PLEASE! Zombie mechanics must be a priority fix!

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Honestly, I think they need a buff! I can crouch RIGHT beside one now.. and when I shoot in a building.. they just walk away.

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Different people seem to be reporting different zombie behaviour atm.

1. Super aggro zombie. Will spot you from 500m away when only on 0 or 1 bar of visibility.

2. Super dead zeds. Don't see you even if you walk up to them and kiss em on their dead lips.

3. Normal zeds wth reasonable/expected aggro range.

I think it's just a case of bugged out zombies with the latest update. I personally have experienced all three of the above examples on different servers

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wtf... zombies don't aggro no more, they need better hearing n vision.

i can sprint thru NWAF, BEREZ, CHERNO, ELEK, and they just sit in their spawn locations

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wtf... zombies don't aggro no more, they need better hearing n vision.

i can sprint thru NWAF, BEREZ, CHERNO, ELEK, and they just sit in their spawn locations


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I think they made zombies deaf but gave them great vision.

Agreed, gunfire isn't aggroing them like it used to, but their vision range and closing speed seems to be buffed.

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You play a zombie survival game, and complain when you have to fight zombies? I think you need to find a new game bro.

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Different people seem to be reporting different zombie behaviour atm.

1. Super aggro zombie. Will spot you from 500m away when only on 0 or 1 bar of visibility.

2. Super dead zeds. Don't see you even if you walk up to them and kiss em on their dead lips.

3. Normal zeds wth reasonable/expected aggro range.

I think it's just a case of bugged out zombies with the latest update. I personally have experienced all three of the above examples on different servers

This too. Ive ran around a lot and not seen a single zombie (or loot for that matter) in Zelen, but then I'll be crossing through fields and and aggro zombies a mile away. I've also encountered the frozen variety as well, at deer stands and in towns.

Also, if you approach a town too fast in a vehicle, loot and zombies do not spawn until several minutes after your arrival (if at all). Not complaining, just bug reporting.

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Im not saying make them easier...im saying FIX them. I want to see MORE zombies but until the mechanics ruling their behavior are fixed it would be a nightmare to do so.

On a side note...crawling should make you less visible but make more noise...crouching should make less noise but more visible. Just making a common sense observation there.

But seriously...zombies are so screwed up right now. Attacking through walls and floors, ignoring doors and barbed wire. Not to mention to "matrix" move...slow down the attack animation so it looks normal and not like some super warping move thats physically impossible without ripping off the arms and torso of the attacker. Same with the running animation. I can understand them being faster than the player but Christ in Heaven! They look like a speed user having an epileptic seizure while running!

I can understand increasing aggro range. It makes sense. But if I have to crawl everywhere then there is a problem. I have experience all of these zombie behaviors as well. Sometimes they wont see or hear you at all and sometimes they aggro from halfway accross the map. Sometimes I can run through town and only get a couple...sometimes I have the whole town on me.

THIS I don't mind. Different behaviors in the zombies is actually kind of a cool idea. Leaves an element of randomness to their behavior. My problem lies with being attacked by a zombie that should have gone after the guy that fired instead of me...especially when the zombie had no idea I was there until the other guy fired.

Edited by Vertisce

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