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[+] Looking to train a few new mercs

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Cheers! I'm [+]Kwitch of clan Medkit and like the title says I'm looking for a few more players to join our group. We're 9 strong presently and looking to add a few more in various timezones (many of us play around the clock).

What I would expect from interested parties:

A working, functional mic.

A voice that can be distinguished from Donald Duck.

The ability to function solo, yet interest to participate in team raids and ops.

No previous knowledge mandatory, but a plus if exists.

And finally: The ability to kill anything that moves provided it can kill you.

That's it. We're not Bad guys, just soldiers of fortune that have no qualms with taking what's not rightfully ours should lady luck see fit to grace us with willing prey. We have an auxiliary group that we join with for larger engagements, and our own mumble server with them. We also train newer players provided the above criteria apply.

If interested, feel free to send me an invite on steam, my tag is ' Kwitch ' and my stream is twitch.tv/kwitch (Although i do not stream DayZ for potential risk involved).

Thanks for your time, hope to hear back from ya.


Some additional info for applicants:

We use a mumble server. I would expect you to be able to use the program with us.

We are US West + US East primarily, but many of our players play through the night (So that would be GMT 9am-5pm)

English is our primary spoken language, but if you can understand it without speaking it we are accepting of that.

Edited by Kwitch
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Eh I'm looking to joining a clan and all that fancy stuff but not so sure about my killing stuff ability.

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I Wouldn't mind becoming a Merc for your Team/Clan/Group.

I Have a fully working mic.

I'm pretty sure my voice can be distinguished from Donald Duck, maybe more like Mickey Mouse? (lol just kidding :P)

I like performing Solo raids but would like to make tactical Team raids and attacks.

And I Can kill anything/one that moves that is a threat to me & the group.

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Thanks fellas for the interest!

Again, just send me a friend request on Steam so we can chat. Looking forward to hearing from ya.

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What age group do you accept?

We've had some issues with people under 18 in the past, so I would have to request that this be considered a soft age limit. I will make acceptions if a strong enough case is made for it though.

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Ah, I probably wouldn't be accepted then, most of the groups I've tried to join is 18+ but I'm 14 I just guess if they are trustworthy or not

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sent a friend request on steam, looking to check out the group. nickname is saint of killers

as for me, I'm self sufficient and capable with all weapons... I can fill/play roles, got a mic too :P

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The ability to function solo, yet interest to participate in team raids and ops.

Your requirement for joining a clan is to operate solo?

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Your requirement for joining a clan is to operate solo?

Ah, allow me to expand a bit on this...

I don't expect anyone to have extensive knowledge of game mechanics etc. on joining. I'm willing to teach all that we know and get someone acquainted with how to survive. Being able to navigate on one's own after having that knowledge, and how to take down targets without direct instruction after I have taught them, is my requirement.

I have taught some and found them unable to do these two things on their own where others have succeeded. This is to say, my requirement for being a member is to perform at this level of expectation once given the appropriate tools to succeed.

I won't carry people through content like a tour guide. <3

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Due to amazing demand, I feel applications are closed at this time.

This is due to the time involved with training recruits, and my desire to give each person our full attention.

I will re-open this recruitment when I feel these newer recruits are field ready, so thanks for your interest! I will still accept friend requests and interest if you desire.


First op with the new squad, and great success! We looted these weapons out of an unsuspecting group's camp, and made off with an amazing haul. ^.^


Edited by Kwitch
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I'm 19, and I just started playing Dayz, but I've had a lot of experience with other shooters. This ones just a b***h to do alone. I'll send you a friend request asap. Are you really active?

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Hello , im looking for a group to continue playing in Day Z . I play daily and I am a dedicated player.

19 year's old.

I have most of the Social programm's for chatting.

I do not post youtube video's.

Played for 13 day's ( Longest streak is 5 days).

Most prestigeous weapon is the M349 Saw which I looted from a Helicopter Crash.

Edited by Spli_n3r

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Recruitment is open once again, and thank you all those who have shown interest up to this point.

Since I have had so many new friend requests on Steam, I would ask that any applicants continue to attempt to contact me.

Thanks everyone!

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ill join. Steam name is basedgod. i can chat you for whatever reason but its okay. ive got a pretty good haul. hmu if youre interested.

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