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[EU/English] The Sentinels (Recruiting)

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I'm now starting up a DayZ Bandit group, this thread is where all information wil be available so it may become quite a large post. All information on here will be updated as necessary. This is an all new group currently with 2 members other than myself so I'm going to be rather picky with who I let into the group as they'll be defing what the group will likely become. For anybody thinking about joining please read this all as there is important information that is throughout this post that you will need for your application. Below are the entry requirements and rules.

Entry Requirements (Items With "*Blah Blah*" Are Only Preferences But NOT REQUIRED)

- 16+ Years Old

- Experienced Player

- Good Microphone

- Skype/Dobly Axon - Skype is what we're currently using but we may switch to Dolby Axon because one of our members is having an issue with Skype

- Fluent English (So there's no miscommunication)

- Know Have To Navigate The Map (At least Somewhat)

- Can Take A Joke (Nothing Worse Than Gaming With Mr.No Humour)

- *Recording Capabilities*

- *YouTube Channel*


- Try Not To Be A Twat

Groups Current Facilities - This is just things like YouTube Channels, Websites etc.

Curently the only asset I have set-up is the TeamSpeak Server on my own computer as this group may not take off.

Application Format & Info - For those of you that apply with friends, you can put your friends application in with yours


Location: (Country Will Do)

Play Time: (How many weeks/months you have been playing DayZ)

YouTube: (If You Have One - If you don't you can link a video or something that you are in)

Resources: (If you can supply any additional resources to the group eg a better TeamSpeak, a website etc please say so)

Info: (Any other information about yourself that you think would help your chances in getting accepted)

More Important Stuff

Warning this will be an un-organised paragraph of info - brace yourselves! After you have submitted your application I will message you telling you that you have been accepted and will give you all of our Skype's etc. If you aren't accepted I will reply to you telling you what I thought was wrong and will give you a few chances to fix your application if I think it can be improved upon. One thing that I want possible members to keep in mind is that I don't want any hackers or rage quitters, they can seriously ruin the fun of a whole group. Last thing I want to say here is that the more information you give me about yourself the better your chances of getting accepted :)


This section I want everybody, even if you don't want to apply for the group, if you feel like you have some advice for me to help improve the group please say so below and I'll take it into consideration.

Current Members

Myself (ScaryNachos)
















By Request, My Info;

Age: 16, 17 in about 2 weeks

Location: Northern Ireland, UK

Play Time: A little over 2 months I believe, first week I was solo then I played with 2 guys (Th3PinkNinj4 & a random we picked-up instead of murdering) for a few weeks. Then Me & PinkNinj4 started playing with LevelShrimp & this other guy called TheSilentBadger, then there is everybody above although I haven't got to play with everybody yet

YouTube: DebuggedHD, I haven't uploaded anything yet because my mic broke but once my new one arrives I'll be uploading group raids and stuff like that probably.

Resources: Fraps, Dxtory, xSplit(free version)

Info: Other from everything above, I don't have gaming hours but i'm usually on from 6pm-3am(GMT) .. I have very irregular sleep pattern, mostly because I don't have school though :P

Mic: The one I had when I wrote this broke, my new mic hasn't arrived yet but it's a Thermaltake Tt Shock (Black)

Edited by ScaryNachos

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Another requirement:

- Can't spell Sentinel


Lol fail on my part haha

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Age: 21

Location: United States

Play Time: about 2 months

YouTube: dont have links for any videos tho one of the guys in my last group did stream he didnt post videos often tho

Info: I am adept at sneaking into high value locations alone but prefer having back up in case things go bad. I like to carry two primaries so i can fill double roles sniper/overwatch and support roles. I have decent understanding of squad level tactics but always willing to learn more.

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Age: 21

Location: United States

Play Time: about 2 months

YouTube: dont have links for any videos tho one of the guys in my last group did stream he didnt post videos often tho

Info: I am adept at sneaking into high value locations alone but prefer having back up in case things go bad. I like to carry two primaries so i can fill double roles sniper/overwatch and support roles. I have decent understanding of squad level tactics but always willing to learn more.

Sorry, we're only accpeting people from the EU currently thanks for your application though.

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Age: 17

Location: Romania , GMT+2

Play Time: Two weeks, got used fast with the interface, watched lots of streams before starting

YouTube: Nothing regarding this game on my youtube yet, I don't usually up any videos.

Resources: N/A yet.

Info: I've been playing a lot on my own and it gets boring after some time, I play quite a lot and finding a suitable group for me is hard because of the +18 rule on most groups. But even for my age I'm very mature while I'm still able to take on jokes and even makes some , if I feel the person allows me to.

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Age: 17

Location: Romania , GMT+2

Play Time: Two weeks, got used fast with the interface, watched lots of streams before starting

YouTube: Nothing regarding this game on my youtube yet, I don't usually up any videos.

Resources: N/A yet.

Info: I've been playing a lot on my own and it gets boring after some time, I play quite a lot and finding a suitable group for me is hard because of the +18 rule on most groups. But even for my age I'm very mature while I'm still able to take on jokes and even makes some , if I feel the person allows me to.

Thanks mate, I'll add you to the "Current Members" now, glad to have you :)

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Age: 23

Location: US - NY EST

Play Time: Over 2 Months

YouTube: Just DL recording software, looking to do something different than every other bandit video on YouTube.

Resources: I would be more than willing to team up and do site design - http://www.6thorder.com/ (Current job i'm working on now)

Info: Love the game and this idea. I'm a relentless player that's sick of the boring team/servers I currently play with. I play more of an infiltration role, rather than sniping. I'm great at the "fast in, fast out" style and love f*cking with people!

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Location: slovenia/eu

Play Time: a few days

YouTube:dont rly use it i prefer to watch the videos there =)

Resources: dno rly if its of any help but i know a bit about making good looking walpapers one of my few pics i made http://www.2shared.com/photo/Q1cEj_hY/light.html

Info: well since i started a few days ago i noticed tht something is missing and then i noticed i was kinda alll alone on the WHOLE map alone with a bunch of zombies :( even tho it says x/x ppl online so i looked myself around for groups/clans/ect. and u guys seemed nice and not a too big group.I know i m prety new to it but i can learn and i honestly just wana have alot of fun on here and to not be alone anymore :( so i hope u take me in ^_^ and mby well prob smash some zombie heads =)

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Age: 16

Location: the netherlands

Play Time: everyday for a few weeks now, but i recently died so i have to start over, that i why i was searching for a community, to enhance my restart

YouTube: Atomicpimptime

Resources: Im willing to help a community youtube channel grow, im good with sony vegas 11, adobe premiere and photoshop, i have fraps and alot of disk drive for long recording sessions

Info: Skype: Atomicpimptime Steam: Atomicpimptime TeamSpeak: Atomicpimptime, and i have the abillity to change my biological clock to any other in the world.

1 more thing, if I get accepted, please add me on steam/skype/teamspeak because i dont check my mail very often (preferably all 3)

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You haven't given any info at all about you and your other 2 guys. How old are you? Where are you from? At what times do you play the most etc. You know what I mean? I am not eager to join a group of people that mostly play when I can't and I am 24 so I am looking for a 20+ group/clan. Its just some info everyone would like to know before applying I guess. Peace out

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Age: 16

Location: Romania

Play Time: About 3 months

YouTube: youtube.com/iaxx23 - i dont have any dayz videos

Resources: I can host a team speak server.

Info: I can livestream I have a good enough computer for that I can do 720P. I'm patient I like killing people in DayZ although I never kill unarmed people that just spawned. I can switch and play on any timezone since it's summer and I can do whatever I want with my sleep schedule. I don't have an accent and I can speak english pretty well.

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Location: UK (GMT 0)

Play Time: Nearly 2 Months now

YouTube: Jamierulez4ever (I don't make Vids though)

Resources: None, sorry, I use skype and steam

Info: NOT Greedy or murderous, fair player and well supplied currently

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Age: 24

Location: UK

Play Time: 8 WEEKS, once a day

YouTube: nope

Info: I know tactics and know how to work well in a grp/squad. i can lead or follow and i am looking for people who play regularly and at siem-set times i have a TS sever and a dayz server but if you want it to keep running i will have to talk to you about that.

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how about learning to spell "sentinels" before making a group based on them, little boy

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From : Holland

Age : 28

Experience : I just started playin this game "full-time", I have allot of other game experience (including lots of shooters)

Good mic ? : yes, costed me 20,- euro ;)

Teamspeak : yes

English : gooood!

Navigate : good, i was in the dutch army myself ;)

Humor : ofc, what is life without humor!!!!???

Recording : I use Fraps and have good PC!!!

Youtube channel : lots....

oyeah... i have a shit load of patients, maby nice to know ;)

Greetingz Hellmid

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Location: Sweden , Skane

Play Time:12 days , longest survival streak 5 days.

YouTube:I currently do not upload video's (Freind of mine and me finding 3 boats in under 10 minutes of playtime);

Resources:I currently use a Teamspeak that is hosed by "Battlefieldo" which I use daily for chatting.

Info:I play daily , allways motivated to play. Love going to raid barracks and just enjoying the game.

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Age: 23

Location: US - NY EST

Play Time: Over 2 Months

YouTube: Just DL recording software, looking to do something different than every other bandit video on YouTube.

Resources: I would be more than willing to team up and do site design - http://www.6thorder.com/ (Current job i'm working on now)

Info: Love the game and this idea. I'm a relentless player that's sick of the boring team/servers I currently play with. I play more of an infiltration role, rather than sniping. I'm great at the "fast in, fast out" style and love f*cking with people!

Sorry, EU only mate.

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Age: 16

Location: the netherlands

Play Time: everyday for a few weeks now, but i recently died so i have to start over, that i why i was searching for a community, to enhance my restart

YouTube: Atomicpimptime

Resources: Im willing to help a community youtube channel grow, im good with sony vegas 11, adobe premiere and photoshop, i have fraps and alot of disk drive for long recording sessions

Info: Skype: Atomicpimptime Steam: Atomicpimptime TeamSpeak: Atomicpimptime, and i have the abillity to change my biological clock to any other in the world.

1 more thing, if I get accepted, please add me on steam/skype/teamspeak because i dont check my mail very often (preferably all 3)

Sure, I pm'd you my skype. (Teamspeak isn't working)

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You haven't given any info at all about you and your other 2 guys. How old are you? Where are you from? At what times do you play the most etc. You know what I mean? I am not eager to join a group of people that mostly play when I can't and I am 24 so I am looking for a 20+ group/clan. Its just some info everyone would like to know before applying I guess. Peace out

Mostly 16 here, you might want to look else where in that case.

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Age: 16

Location: Romania

Play Time: About 3 months

YouTube: youtube.com/iaxx23 - i dont have any dayz videos

Resources: I can host a team speak server.

Info: I can livestream I have a good enough computer for that I can do 720P. I'm patient I like killing people in DayZ although I never kill unarmed people that just spawned. I can switch and play on any timezone since it's summer and I can do whatever I want with my sleep schedule. I don't have an accent and I can speak english pretty well.

Okay, I pm'd you my skype :)

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