Krobar 75 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) Fellow survivors and punk ass bandits alike, today Krobar brings you a magnificent quickfix for ghosting in the form of a relatively simple theorem!Now that theorem is what follows:If Player 1 is in server A for X ammount of time Player 1 cannot enter server B through Z for Y ammount of time.Example 1: Player 1 has been in server A for 120 minutes, if Player 1 leaves server A, Player 1 cannot enter any server except server A for 15 minutes.Example 2: Player 1 has been in server A for 3 minutes, if Player 1 leaves server A, Player 1 cannot enter any server except server A for 1 minute.Example 3: Player 1 has been in server A for 720 minutes, if Player 1 leaves server A, Player 1 cannot enter any server except A for 35 minutes.Though the Y value is directly dependant of the X value I have not decided on the rate of change except for the point of making the value of Y flatten out more as the value of X increases. I have left the dev team to decide the acute exponential value for the the change in Y relative to the change in X.EDIT:After reviewing some feedback I feel that I, even though it goes against most of my own rules of making suggestions, should add more specifics.As we all know there can be problems with a server that you cannot foresee before joining such as improper time, lag, or obvious hacking. Now most of these issues become known almost immediately when entering the server and if my theorem applies you may be only forbidden from entering another server for a matter of seconds.Now my next point is relative to how "ghosting" is used itself. The majority of the time I've seen ghosting used is when someone is approaching an area where they know people are OR they have engaged a person or group of people and has began ghosting to move to a more tactical position usually adopting a different name on return to the server they originally left. Now if my theorem applies if they have been on the server for a decent amount of time they wont be able to enter another server for a little while thus preventing, for the most part, the act of ghosting altogether. One will not ghost if they cannot ghost quick enough.Suggestions? Comments? Concerns? Criticisms? All are welcome. Edited July 19, 2012 by Krobar 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jenga22 22 Posted July 19, 2012 Not sure about the times, but seems to be good, well doneU deserve beans :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wok 25 Posted July 19, 2012 This has to be done very carefully and well though because there are a lot of people that have to try to get into a lot of servers until they can actually get into the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scene 36 Posted July 19, 2012 Is a good idea, I posted a similar idea a week ago Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
puppetmaster11 229 Posted July 19, 2012 This has to be done very carefully and well though because there are a lot of people that have to try to get into a lot of servers until they can actually get into the game.^^ this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thorgold 91 Posted July 19, 2012 While your intention is good, it's too imprecise. Here's why it would fail:1) The direct relation between Time in Server and the "Sever Switch Penalty" (let's just cal it the Timer from this point on) doesn't make sense. If this is a solution to ghosting, wouldn't it be more logical to have an inverse relation? If I'm ghosting through another server to kill you, I'll be spending 3 minutes, tops, in the alternate dimension. If I'm playing in a server for three hours, it's unlikely that I've spent those three hours stalking someone on another server.The function should look more like "y=1/x," so that for smaller times spent in each server there's a greater waiting period to join another server. However, this is irrelevant, because...2) It would punish people who server-hop for legitimate reasons. Sometimes I'll join a server that says it's daytime, but the owner is an idiot and it's pitch black. *DC, join another server* OH SHIT TANKS EVERYWHERE, THE HAX! *DC, join another server* Cripes, I'm getting desync every 5 seconds. *DC, join another server* Ad infinitum. I've had days where, quite literally, I jump between 7 servers because of various legitimate problems. Heck, sometimes I login, think "Oh crap, I forgot to do something" and log out, only to find my server full when I get back.Good idea, I just think it'd be too problematic to implement. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krobar 75 Posted July 19, 2012 I don't think I fully understand what you're getting at thorgold, but I'll try my best anyway. If you enter a server and for whatever (legitimate) reason you need to disconnect, be it, wrong server time, frequent desync, or an abundance of easily located hacking, I feel that you would only be in the server for a few moments anyway so that you're Timer would be only a few moments. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
3rdparty 229 Posted July 19, 2012 yea i think its a good idea, and tbh i think this would definitely reduce ghosting.However i dont think it would resolve peeps server hoping for loot, as it only takes a minute or so to run through a building too see if what your after is there.Maybe if there was timer increase on entering servers, if youve entered X many servers in Y amount of time.But personally ghosting is the worst out of these exploits so id like to see that dealt with first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wok 25 Posted July 19, 2012 i personally just got in and out of about 10 servers, 3 with desync issues, 2 kicked me for high ping, the rest were night time even when according to the server name should be around 11am. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
le_fieber 19 Posted July 19, 2012 Nice idea. but I would suggest this:If player A has been 120 minutes on a server, he CAN join server B immediately. But if he joins server B, he can not join Server A again for xx minutes. If he doesn't join another server he can immediately join server A again. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flambo (DayZ) 50 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) Nice idea. but I would suggest this:If player A has been 120 minutes on a server, he CAN join server B immediately. But if he joins server B, he can not join Server A again for xx minutes. If he doesn't join another server he can immediately join server A again.I like this idea. If you're in a server, and leave it for another server, you can't go BACK to the server you left for X minutes. This doesn't fix server hopping for loot, it doesn't fix alt+f4ing to avoid death, but it does fix server hopping for ghosting. Edited July 19, 2012 by Flambo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tulkor 9 Posted July 19, 2012 Or just have it so each time you log off you are moved to a nearby location when you log in...That way you cannot log off in combat and log back in and shoot the guy. It should not be the other side of the map but just far enough away to make you not want to log off and ghost. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krobar 75 Posted July 20, 2012 I think were on the right track here just need to find the best place where the time penalty is applied and the proper ratio. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 131 Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) Or just have it so each time you log off you are moved to a nearby location when you log in...That way you cannot log off in combat and log back in and shoot the guy. It should not be the other side of the map but just far enough away to make you not want to log off and Edited July 20, 2012 by Massicor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Krobar 75 Posted July 20, 2012 Or just have it so each time you log off you are moved to a nearby location when you log in...That way you cannot log off in combat and log back in and shoot the guy. It should not be the other side of the map but just far enough away to make you not want to log off and ghost.Its hard to designate what combat situation and even harder to punish someone for precisly leaving during one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
metal (DayZ) 46 Posted July 20, 2012 Or just have it so each time you log off you are moved to a nearby location when you log in...That way you cannot log off in combat and log back in and shoot the guy. It should not be the other side of the map but just far enough away to make you not want to log off and ghost.This.Arma even has built in function for this, it is called BIS_fnc_findSafePos. 30 meters radius should be enough IMO. Combined with logout delay of merely 5 seconds it will fix the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites