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Alright thats enough.

First. And this will likely get this thread deleted or me warned or both. The tents are a known issue. I have reported them to the devs, and they are not OUR tents. We found them just like you did. I have driven over them, emptied them, etc. And still they return. Though I got some practice on your tents last night on how to temporarily solve the issue of that military gear flooding my server. So I will be taking care of that tonight. Though I expect that theres likely to be people waiting to kill me instead of letting me make those tents stay empty. Thanks for that btw.

Second, the vehicles is another bug. They also don't keep "respawning up there" we moved them there yesterday.

Third, Visigothian stopped the truck on the road and got out to confront me, stupid move if you ask anyone and I shot him up good. He combat logged. I took my truck back from you, and surprise, surprise the server promptly crashed. Vehicle reverted somewhere and it sure as hell wasnt that hill. Unless a seriously injured Visigothian got back up there before I did.

Fourth, now today we have a hacker targeting our members on our server, that together with the sudden server reset last night seems a tad suspisious guys.

But Oh happy day. I got plenty of practice making sure tents don't respawn all their hardware on reset when I found your camp last night, after staying up all night searching. The debug line, really?

So I know how Butthurt you guys are after the loss of your gear, and at me recovering my truck for a SECOND time in one night. But thats no excuse for hacking. Rest assured the logs will be sent in and people will be banned.

And hey if a dev does check this out, I would LOVE one of them to completely reset the map on my server because these bugs have absolutely FLOODED my server with high end military hardware. I unfortunately do not have that level of control over the server. So if I can't do that, how the hell could I rig all that.

Edited by S_poon
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lol ok so you think you solved the problem with tents in your server so maybe and if your crushing them with your truck they come right back so i dont think you are running them over cause its great way for your clan to have all high end gear....

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Alright thats enough.

First. And this will likely get this thread deleted or me warned or both. The tents are a known issue. I have reported them to the devs, and they are not OUR tents. We found them just like you did. I have driven over them, emptied them, etc. And still they return. Though I got some practice on your tents last night on how to temporarily solve the issue of that military gear flooding my server. So I will be taking care of that tonight. Though I expect that theres likely to be people waiting to kill me instead of letting me make those tents stay empty. Thanks for that btw.

Second, the vehicles is another bug. They also don't keep "respawning up there" we moved them there yesterday.

Third, Visigothian stopped the truck on the road and got out to confront me, stupid move if you ask anyone and I shot him up good. He combat logged. I took my truck back from you, and surprise, surprise the server promptly crashed. Vehicle reverted somewhere and it sure as hell wasnt that hill. Unless a seriously injured Visigothian got back up there before I did.

Fourth, now today we have a hacker targeting our members on our server, that together with the sudden server reset last night seems a tad suspisious guys.

But Oh happy day. I got plenty of practice making sure tents don't respawn all their hardware on reset when I found your camp last night, after staying up all night searching. The debug line, really?

So I know how Butthurt you guys are after the loss of your gear, and at me recovering my truck for a SECOND time in one night. But thats no excuse for hacking. Rest assured the logs will be sent in and people will be banned.

And hey if a dev does check this out, I would LOVE one of them to completely reset the map on my server because these bugs have absolutely FLOODED my server with high end military hardware. I unfortunately do not have that level of control over the server. So if I can't do that, how the hell could I rig all that.

HEY DICK when you confronted visigothian last night the sever did not crash ADMIN SAID HE WAS RESTARTING THE SEVER CAUSE SOMETHING WEIRD WAS GOING ON THAT WAS NOT US YOU IDIOT u have no idea what your talking about

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Alright thats enough.

First. And this will likely get this thread deleted or me warned or both. The tents are a known issue. I have reported them to the devs, and they are not OUR tents. We found them just like you did. I have driven over them, emptied them, etc. And still they return. Though I got some practice on your tents last night on how to temporarily solve the issue of that military gear flooding my server. So I will be taking care of that tonight. Though I expect that theres likely to be people waiting to kill me instead of letting me make those tents stay empty. Thanks for that btw.

Second, the vehicles is another bug. They also don't keep "respawning up there" we moved them there yesterday.

Third, Visigothian stopped the truck on the road and got out to confront me, stupid move if you ask anyone and I shot him up good. He combat logged. I took my truck back from you, and surprise, surprise the server promptly crashed. Vehicle reverted somewhere and it sure as hell wasnt that hill. Unless a seriously injured Visigothian got back up there before I did.

Fourth, now today we have a hacker targeting our members on our server, that together with the sudden server reset last night seems a tad suspisious guys.

But Oh happy day. I got plenty of practice making sure tents don't respawn all their hardware on reset when I found your camp last night, after staying up all night searching. The debug line, really?

So I know how Butthurt you guys are after the loss of your gear, and at me recovering my truck for a SECOND time in one night. But thats no excuse for hacking. Rest assured the logs will be sent in and people will be banned.

And hey if a dev does check this out, I would LOVE one of them to completely reset the map on my server because these bugs have absolutely FLOODED my server with high end military hardware. I unfortunately do not have that level of control over the server. So if I can't do that, how the hell could I rig all that.

your the owner of us 450 and you said im restarting the server it did not CRASH WHEN you shot up visigothian i got mad at him for D/C in combat with you yes that was wrong i agree.

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"Riddle me this," if we DID spawn shit WHY would we spawn shit in a camp that EVERONE knew? Also, if you think our item's aren't legit then they would've disappeared on login. Also, does the name Cherko mean anything to you? Just wondering.

i dont know what cherko is or who he is why?

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server didnt CRASH lmfao admin comes and sais i gotta take server down to read my logs and whats going on...then as yes i was sevely injured...sustained a broken leg and about 12 gunshot wounds i loaded back in to find that the server was coming down thanks to admin, so off we went til it came back up..upon retrieval of the server admin warned me about combat logging well no shit sherlock but getting banned off your server < keeping my AS50 seeing as i was a good 5000 meters from the magical land of endless best tier weapons. but since 450 plays so damned well comparably i wont be combat logging on it. You guys think youve got some air tight alibi which makes no sense what so ever. yes this Alpha game is buggy, but the crazy shit that happens on your server is comparable to a team of hackers running amuck on a private server.

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server didnt CRASH lmfao admin comes and sais i gotta take server down to read my logs and whats going on...then as yes i was sevely injured...sustained a broken leg and about 12 gunshot wounds i loaded back in to find that the server was coming down thanks to admin, so off we went til it came back up..upon retrieval of the server admin warned me about combat logging well no shit sherlock but getting banned off your server < keeping my AS50 seeing as i was a good 5000 meters from the magical land of endless best tier weapons. but since 450 plays so damned well comparably i wont be combat logging on it. You guys think youve got some air tight alibi which makes no sense what so ever. yes this Alpha game is buggy, but the crazy shit that happens on your server is comparable to a team of hackers running amuck on a private server.

Learn to read. Spoon is THE server admin. If he says it crashed, then the server crashed, not to mention I was online when it happened, and we all lost connection.

Secondly, we had somebody on our sever, teleporting around, killing anybody and everybody with a <CGU> tag, if you don't believe that that is hacking then you best reassess what you are doing on the internet.

Oh and p.s. your grammar and spelling are horrendous. If you're going to post on the forums, please make it at least somewhat easy to read. How old are you. 9?

Edited by akatosh100
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I was in the Truck I lost cnnection. No msg for 76 seconds total. The server restarted. I was in the hills without a truck. Seemed suspicious. I warned I was shutting server down to check the logs. I WAITED 5 mins, to allow people the chance to save what they needed, and abort. Including yourselves.

I looked at the logs, and unfortunately if any funny business was going on its beyond my ability to detect on my own. So I started the server up again.

It is all in the logs, and I welcome the devs to check. Maybe while they are doing that they can do something about the damn tents flooding my server with gear.

Edited by S_poon
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I just can't wait to home and check the logs for Names, IP's and GUID's I have a feeling there will be a few matches.

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i will tell you one thing spoon were not one teleporting around killing cgus but we were not doing any funny things in server idk who was killing you guys cause i thought it was funny CGU guys were only people dying, Check logs check ip all you want me and visigothian were not cheating. but back to point this just shows how fucked up your sever is.

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I got just one more thing to say, its a public server, ANYONE is allowed in, a tent in the bush could belong to anyone, it could belong to your mother for all you know.

You call us out because I pay for the server to rep our clan, with absolutely no evidence, it gives you someone to blame, I understand you are angry that we found your tents and used them to figure out how to make the respawning gear issue go away. I have to admit I did take special pleasure in depriving you of your gear after my encounter with Visi, but thats no reason to come here and call us cheaters with absolutely no evidence and clearly no knowledge of the current state of the game. I mean how could you possibly have not noticed your own tents doing EXACTLY the same thing.

Rest assured I will be repeating the process in quite a few locations I am aware of across the server, I cant do anything about the tents coming back but such is life. Unfortunately this process requires a server restart to make sure the gear enters the abyss never to be seen again. You have to remember that for me to go out and deal with that problem I am commiting a considerable amount of time and energy and possible runs back up from the coast because of you jackasses drawing attention to our server. Whether you are the hackers or not, I blame you for the problem. Either its you or this post is responsible for it.

I can't activate any kind of "admin" mode and deal with the problem because every cry baby that doesn't get his way cry's abuse and the dev's tie our hands. I have to walk, run, bike, or drive like everyone else. I risk getting killed specifically in the location you felt was necessary to post all over the forums. I am afraid I will be leaving that one for the Devs. I cant open the files and edit the tent's inventories, contrary to what you may believe. I simply do not have that level of access. I can Start and Stop the server. I can view the server logs, I can set difficulty options like the 3rd person, crosshairs, map waypoints and personal locations, I can rename the server within the set guidlines to reflect the current version of DayZ and Beta, and I can play like everyone else. Thats It. I die just like everyone else. And I get frustrated with combat logging cowards who were dumb enough to stop the truck AND get out with me point a fully automatic assault rifle at the door.

Edited by S_poon
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thats fantastic spoon im personally glad u had to restart the server to make this "glitch" go away LOL I LAUGHED SO HARD WHEN YOU SAID I WAS BUTTHURT FROM YOU RUNNING OUR TENTS OVER OMG LOL... i dont care one bit that you've done that this is a game not life so go ahead waste your time and energy cause sitting in chair and hitting a key board is just soo much energy you big baby, also about the tents some of your clan members saying ''OH WE WALK UP ON IT TOO'' and then when visigothian made post about tents stacked on top of each other your clan buddy Ewrawr says oh i did that in one of the and they stacked on top of each other and got fixed in hot fix patch, SO WHICH IS IT SPOONFED?! YOU WALK UP ON IT OR WHAT?

Seems to me your clan cant keep there stories straight i hope the devs do see this i leave there choice about your server up too them. Have a good day

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also about the tents some of your clan members saying ''OH WE WALK UP ON IT TOO'' and then when visigothian made post about tents stacked on top of each other your clan buddy Ewrawr says oh i did that in one of the and they stacked on top of each other and got fixed in hot fix patch, SO WHICH IS IT SPOONFED?! YOU WALK UP ON IT OR WHAT? Seems to me your clan cant keep there stories straight i hope the devs do see this i leave there choice about your server up too them. Have a good day
If you were not such an ignorant fuck you would see that when Spoonfed said "The tents are a known issue. I have reported them to the devs, and they are not OUR tents. We found them just like you did. I have driven over them, emptied them, etc. And still they return.The tents are a known issue. I have reported them to the devs, and they are not OUR tents. We found them just like you did. I have driven over them, emptied them, etc. And still they return." He is referring to the tents with all of the nice loot up top NOT the fact that putting a tent down spawned several more tents inside it

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on man that ewrawr guys says in page 1 post that you guys discovered (the magical Gear tent city) it then says in page 2 he posts that he was putting the tents there lol WEIRD it gets better and better :)

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ewrawr i seen your pics on your guys website CGunited.net Man you look like a hacking kid lol

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Umm no? The place where you killed me, where all the multiple tents were, was not our actual camp, it was a previous camp that we left in a hurry and the "magical Gear tent city" camp we found and I referred to is not that location either, as previously said ANY tent on ANY camp location will respawn the items inside on a reset, this means that ANY player on the server will have the items back so it's not to our benefit since anyone that discovers them can get the same high value items we had. And honestly you'd have to be pretty stupid if you think we would want everyone in our server to have AS50s and LMGs, we already stated that we are trying to keep the items from respawning. If you would read anything about the bugs, you would see that EVERYONE has the problem with tents restocking themselves.

Edited by Ewrawr

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Man, you guys keep on digging a deeper hole for yourselves idk if you can hack your way out of it.

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Man, you guys keep on digging a deeper hole for yourselves idk if you can hack your way out of it.

Cool story bro

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I doubt they cheat, we don't have 20x AS50 and shit like that but we're pretty geared up, 7 vehicles, I'm not a part of CGU by the way.

Also, tents are having a pretty weird bug where every server restart the items inside of them dupe/tents dupe. it's weird happen to me twice.

Edited by Tfortacos
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I doubt they cheat, we don't have 20x AS50 and shit like that but we're pretty geared up, 7 vehicles, I'm not a part of CGU by the way.

Also, tents are having a pretty weird bug where every server restart the items inside of them dupe/tents dupe. it's weird happen to me twice.

Thank you, finally! Someone with common sense.

Edited by Peebioh
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