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CGU CLAN HAS RIGGED SERVER WITH A TENT CITY UP IN MOUNTIANS THAT ALWAYS SPAWNS GEAR such as as50 all m4s m16s ammo up the ass everything you would need, they have edited the mission files! i have screen shots also they have a truck that spawns with high tier weapons also, the admin is abusing the game, me and buddy first found the white coyota hillux pick up truck and he was running towards us killed my buddy i got away then he says "oh someone screwing with our server let me check the logs'' and mind you this is up in area of grozovy pass way north the truck spawns just before the end of map or debug forest. in the tent city there are about 20 tents BUT only 5 have gear in them we were up there and a player named CGU 'Ewrawr' shows up out of know were knew exactly were the tents were but we got the jump on him after the fact we been looking at these tents for about a hour and this guy just shows up then once he died more CGU members started to show up like all CGU not other players so how does this make sense for admin to be able to supply there clan members with top notch weapons and trucks and whatever else he has spawned in the game. this gear in the tents is always the same we took most of it log out and come back it and take it again and have like 2 trucks shit ton of m4 m16s 4 AS50s 30 Mags for AS50 2 M107s and about 25 5.56 mags plus all items such maps, hatchets, water bottles, Full Jerry cans of fuel that spawns in gear of the truck, everything.

PS CGU i think your clan is bunch of cheats.... CHEATING GAMERS UNITED RIGHT?

oh yea they have yet too kill me so im not raging cause i died or some b

THE GRID FOR THERE TENTS IS 14.43 in general area there going be stuff in tents take all you can lol then if need more wait a bit and go back and all be there or log off and log back on and it will all be there you could get like 20 as50s if you wanted this is not right. im not exploiting this i dont wanna get banned but i would like to see this CGU mission editing clan get black listedw

Yes the trucks would spawn about every hour or so we had 2 of them same truck same gear full jerry cans truck is 100% good shape no damage done, this truck spawns on side of a mountian in middle of nowhere perfect place to hide it if you ask me.

Edited by Magnumpi99
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Where abouts do they have this, I want to camp shoot them lol.

Or get a forum dev or something to investigate this. Then BAN HAMMER.

Edited by BrokeBackBro_Drizzit

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were there any periods in those vehicles?

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were there any periods in those vehicles?

He read too much Winnie-the-Pooh:

"In after-years he liked

to think that he had been in Very Great Danger during the Terrible

Flood, but the only danger he had really been in was the last

half-hour of his imprisonment, when Owl, who had just flown up,

sat on a branch of his tree to comfort him, and told him a very

long story about an aunt who had once laid a seagull's egg by

mistake, and the story went on and on, rather like this sentence,

until Piglet who was listening out of his window without much

hope, went to sleep quietly and naturally, slipping slowly out

of the window towards the water until he was only hanging on by

his toes, at which moment, luckily, a sudden loud squawk from

Owl, which was really part of the story, being what his aunt said,

woke the Piglet up and just gave him time to jerk himself back

into safety and say, "How interesting, and did she?" when--well,

you can imagine his joy when at last he saw the good ship, Brain

of Pooh (Captain, C. Robin; Ist Mate, P. Bear) coming over the sea to rescue

him.. .."

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From what youv said it sounds like they are simply taking loot from the truck and not saving it. This isnt a cheat atm its a fuck up in the game itself.

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this one time in band camp we all sat on trumpets and then the band started playing, mind you nothing was different to being alone when the velociraptors came but the moderators have however found ways to smuggle in contraband and indeed it wasn't too late to flex your muscles before the hail mary was complete thus throughly inspected iregardless of the outcome of due process in place of those that decided to skip the most important lessons in their basic education.

also, beans and as50.

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I am a new member of CGU as of yesterday and I assure you they are not cheating. We have been constantly raiding air bases and such to get the supplies. Every one in CGU is butt hurt that people took our vehicles. then we killed someone got it back then the server crashed and we lost alot of stuff. :( TO my knowledge Ewrawr Was making his way back to camp and saw you guys looting us. So that was sad. We all scaled the top half of the map last night searching for our vehicles but like i said. Server=Crash. Also i enjoy all the map markers you made all around our map saying how trash we are.We dont cheat. We loot. WE have 16 plus members of cgu i believe. With everyone looting and bringing back to camp thats how we got goods. Keep in mind this game has been out for awhile. Im sorry that you think we hack. But this is no rigged server. WE also have server logs to prove it :/ sorry bud your argument is invalid. in fact we thought you were hacking at first until we checked the server logs cause alll of our camps had been found. But if our server does get black listed we have proof of nocheatingwhat so ever.

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sure thing man I don't believe you one bit when you have all these guys grabbing gear and stuff in tents are same thing over and over and over oh yea you are "new" to cgu I call bull shit if you look at this post by Cgu a new guy too the clan is not allowed too get high tier items here's your post http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/35323-crimson-guards-united-recruiting-survivors/ says here that only you have be in clan for awhile to get this supply so there's proof that you accounts fake and you just joined cgu yesterday...

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Don't worry I'm getting video proof of your hacked tents and trucks so your server gets banned

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Dude just cause our tents have stuff in them doesn't mean we hack... you are not so bright. Tis true, i wasn't allowed to visit the main camp. i dont even know where it is. I found a barret 50 cal north west airbase with CGU ghost. I have not once been to the camp nor seen our trucks. Chill your boner. Plus our server now has 3 enemy hackers and we keep getting killed. if we are hacking how come we cant fight back. Look on the website i am Fame Retro. you are going balls out looking at every reason to get us black listed. Calm your shit dude. I swear we have nothing to hide. And our tents and jeeps arent spawning up there. WE took them and put them there.Chill the fuck out. we have died 4 times today lol because of this post probably. thanks for ruining our server. Plus i bet that 99 represents your birthday. So that would make you like 13? When i was 13 i thought everyone was a hacker too. Please grow up and accept people are better at scavageing. Seriously. Other players come to our server look at the camp. Its truly nothing out of the ordinary. I meant CGU retro. Used to my old clan name my bad.

Edited by neo442

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But the thing is our tents aren't hacked, the loot keeps coming back by itself after every server restart. To my knowledge there's not too much we can do about that but if there is please let me know. Also, how are we editing the server files? The game keeps fucking up and respawning the loot in the tents we continuously run over the tents so nobody can get the loot. (Even us.) I'll tell you whatever you want to know about the CGU server/clan members if you so desire.

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Sure man, wow yea 99 is my birthday please man, I done more Things in my life then you ever will, but I will get you your proof or kill every cgu player i see near that camp, riddle me this there since I'm only 13 how is it the same gear pops in tents over and over same exact gear no different to every login every single time so your telling me that your clan is finding 2 As50 like 30 mags for it ever hour come on and the truck that spawns lol don't even say you put that there, my buddy drove one away then i sat there were it spawns then hour or so later BAM another same fucking truck with badass gear in it and full Jerry cans so please, o by the way 99 year of one of my trucks idiot, i don't think a 13 year even knows who magnum pi even is, your not the bright one there idiot, when i get home in going to fraps it and send you a video and end your clan on cgu bullshit

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Peebioh explain how truck keeps coming back and only player that come near it is cgu?

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oh pee guy I seen server on restart one time cause admin just shot my buddy out of your guys truck and I got away then he says ooooo server restart I gotta restart server cause he though we were cheating?

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WE dont have any trucks right now thanks to a certain someone. I wouldnt know if our stuff respawns from the camp. When one of the members checked the camp they said you guys didnt take anything. Are you sure that you were checking the same tents or different tents? Maybe they are hacking or maybe you are glitching. If we were hacking i doubt the people in vent would be freaking out less when they die and our camp is raided. Im positive we arent hacking unless vent chat is bs and we are all sneaky bastards... We truly arent hacking.

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Thanks for backing me up on this post, I thought i was the only one following. The server reset once. and crashed once yesterday. Thats all. Take the loot tonight and check and see if it goes for good. I doubt it willsince our server is done having issues.

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Peebioh explain how truck keeps coming back and only player that come near it is cgu?

What do you mean keeps coming back where? One of the trucks were filled with as50's + an assload of ammo because we raided someone elses camp and got one of our truck back. As for the tents respawning with all of the stuff in it I don't know why that is, but it does.

oh pee guy I seen server on restart one time cause admin just shot my buddy out of your guys truck and I got away then he says ooooo server restart I gotta restart server cause he though we were cheating?

I.. don't get what you're trying to say here. You were cheating? That's bannable, brohan.

Edited by Peebioh

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i think this guy is mistaking game glitches for hacking...

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i think this guy is mistaking game glitches for hacking...

He is.

He thinks that we're hacking because there's a bug with the tents on our server where the loot that was previously inside them comes back after a server restart.

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So I am the "guy" that supposedly knew where the stuff was and yes i did and i did just "appear there" cause it was our previous camp so that is where i logged out, we are not hacking or anything of the sort, there is a very large camp at the top of the map near the debug line loaded with high grade weapons that we discovered, we raided it and when we came back the next time it was all back. We have no control over the fact that the stuff respawns at server restarts and we do not exploit it either, that camp has been visited three times by us and yes we have a truck filled with weapons as we keep our camps mobile. This idiot cannot tell the difference between a game glitch and a legitimate hack, plus several times this week we have found, banned and then sent in documented proof of other players joining our server and spawning non-ingame items and helicopters.

Also like to add that this guy or one of his buddies took the time to join our ventrilo and set up an account called YOUVEJUSTBEENROBBED just to thank us for the stuff and to taunt us. Just another no-life troll that gets his kicks off with the anger of others, only problem is that we don't really give a shit about anything but the trucks as we raid map wide and recover most of it.

Edited by Ewrawr
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"Riddle me this," if we DID spawn shit WHY would we spawn shit in a camp that EVERONE knew? Also, if you think our item's aren't legit then they would've disappeared on login. Also, does the name Cherko mean anything to you? Just wondering.

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sure thing man I don't believe you one bit when you have all these guys grabbing gear and stuff in tents are same thing over and over and over oh yea you are "new" to cgu I call bull shit if you look at this post by Cgu a new guy too the clan is not allowed too get high tier items here's your post http://dayzmod.com/f...ting-survivors/ says here that only you have be in clan for awhile to get this supply so there's proof that you accounts fake and you just joined cgu yesterday...

Yeah the post talks about new recruits only being allowed low value items, but since we were raided, we called for EVERYONE to come and help move as it was an emergency so yeah the new guy has good items, so fucking what

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so if its all legit then why is it that theres tents stacked up on top of eachother in groups of 5+ when settin a tent requires perfectly flat terrain (which this is also NOT)... edited mission files.... its so obvious... this server is some serious BS... the truck spawned AGAIN btw.... so im out 4 wheelin it right now til your server gets blacklisted. anyways CGU..... get some integrity and earn your gear then get some skill to use it properly

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so if its all legit then why is it that theres tents stacked up on top of eachother in groups of 5+ when settin a tent requires perfectly flat terrain (which this is also NOT)... edited mission files.... its so obvious... this server is some serious BS... the truck spawned AGAIN btw.... so im out 4 wheelin it right now til your server gets blacklisted. anyways CGU..... get some integrity and earn your gear then get some skill to use it properly

lol the tents stacking is actually all me, after the 2nd hotfix whenever i placed a tent, about 50 or so would spawn, this was all documented and sent into the bug report system and after the next hotfix it simply stopped. And there are no edited mission files and yeah the truck is gonna spawn until you wreck it you stupid stupid twit

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so if its all legit then why is it that theres tents stacked up on top of eachother in groups of 5+ when settin a tent requires perfectly flat terrain (which this is also NOT)... edited mission files.... its so obvious... this server is some serious BS... the truck spawned AGAIN btw.... so im out 4 wheelin it right now til your server gets blacklisted. anyways CGU..... get some integrity and earn your gear then get some skill to use it properly


Your stupidity is fucking astounding, Do you even know what you're talking about? There was a bug with tents some people's character's had and whenever they placed a tent 50 more would spawn, honestly before you bitch you should look at the list of bugs from this patch and previous patches. Also, the truck is going to keep respawning until it blows up you mindless twat.

Edited by Peebioh

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