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Cant even get close to a town without being killed?

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And it's killed by zeds before you all rage at me for moaning about pvp. Right, anyway, I have tried numerous times to get close to towns, but with no luck. How can i find these deer stands?



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Deer stands are generally on the outskirts of a town or in the woods themselves, I rarely find one too close to a town, and if I do they are at the edge where you can generally get in and out before too many infected spawn.

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lol stop running around all CoD like and you won't get touched. if you do run up hills in a zig zag motion or find a barn and go inside one.

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That's the problem, im proning/ crouching everywhere and just cant find any barns? I found a hatchet in a wooden block but couldn't take it? Guessing it was just a scenery item. Also, i cant enter any houses.

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And it's killed by zeds before you all rage at me for moaning about pvp. Right, anyway, I have tried numerous times to get close to towns, but with no luck.

You could try playing at night and cranking your gamma until you can see, then proning everywhere. Or, better, learn which buildings have two exits, and just run everywhere. Benny Hill around town until all the zombies are following you, then ditch them in a barn and go loot in peace. Fast, easy, and vastly more sniper resistant than proning.

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You could try playing at night and cranking your gamma until you can see, then proning everywhere. Or, better, learn which buildings have two exits, and just run everywhere. Benny Hill around town until all the zombies are following you, then ditch them in a barn and go loot in peace. Fast, easy, and vastly more sniper resistant than proning.

How does it work with the building or barn. Don't the zombies just follow you out the second door?

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They do, but they can't run inside, which means you get a 10-15 secs buffer to create distance and break line of sight....still a pussy move tho.

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go to a server with less people? or just go prone

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They do, but they can't run inside, which means you get a 10-15 secs buffer to create distance and break line of sight....still a pussy move tho.

I agree, but it's the state of the game right now. If you want to create challenge for yourself by doing something different, then by all means do so, but know that this basically amounts to playing poorly on purpose. It would be more productive if everyone got comfortable with sprint looting towns, so that we could all agree what a problem it is and seek out ways to fix it.

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Im not finding this easy at all. I finally find a town. Nothing there. On the road for another half an hour, find another town, get killed. This seems impossible without a weapon or starting food or drink.

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If you have no idea where to loot, then it's pretty tough starting out with only bandages and painkillers. On the other hand, if you do, then it's not so bad. Just find the best loot locations that are somewhat isolated (barns/deer stands, then heli crash sites), and be sure to study up the towns to see which have convenient loot spots in the outskirts. You can minimize risk this way.

In my most recent life I spawned in one of the western coastal cities and just ignored the coast entirely- just sprinted up towards the deer stands, ended up with decent weapons and finally went to a town near the middle of the map to loot the high-yield buildings for basic survival gear. I haven't encountered a single player and have already gotten almost fully geared up just by knowing which places to hit and which places to ignore.

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Im not finding this easy at all. I finally find a town. Nothing there. On the road for another half an hour, find another town, get killed. This seems impossible without a weapon or starting food or drink.

Nothing is impossible, keep at it.

Still no luck... Not picked up a single item yet.

Find the major cities they have plenty of loot.. even if raided there will always be drinks, food and handguns left behind.

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If you don't want to be "hardcore", use the loot map http://dayzdb.com/map#2.086.068

Tells you which buildings are entereable and what kind of loot spawns there. General rule, if you can see in the windows, you can enter. Stick to the outskirts if you have no weapon, and be sure to prone through most of it if you see Zeds. Also make sure to alt + turn so you can see around you without turning your body. Abuse third-person for extra help. Also never fire a Lee or a shotgun in town, it's basically a death sentence.

There's also DayZGuides on youtube, shows you a safeish run through Cherno and Elektro if you need it.

Edited by HerrJon

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Don't listen to these noobs, the best way to do it now that zombies aggro from 100 meters away is to crouch run through towns ducking in and out of buildings with 2 entrances. Once you find a hatchet equip it and kill any stragglers that follow you. If you don't want to risk it... run out of town and use trees and tall thick brush to break line of sight... it isn't that hard to lose aggro of the zombies.

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And it's killed by zeds before you all rage at me for moaning about pvp. Right, anyway, I have tried numerous times to get close to towns, but with no luck. How can i find these deer stands?



Wrong towns if you are getting killed by players

Not stealthy enough if you are getting killed by zombies.

There are no deer in town, so there are no deerstands in town.

My advice, spawn, head north, raid deerstands and barns. Barns first.Once you have some food and a gun the worst part of surviving is over. Its only the initial part when you are on a deadline because of your food and drink bar going down that this game is hard.

Oh and before you say that you don't know where north is because you don't have a compass. Use the sun to navigate.

Happy hunting.

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And it's killed by zeds before you all rage at me for moaning about pvp. Right, anyway, I have tried numerous times to get close to towns, but with no luck. How can i find these deer stands?



This game is a whole new animal. You have to get very used to crawling and going slow, being very patient and observant. And also, unlike most games you've played, your sound feedback will be critical. You need to pay very close attention to what you're hearing around you (e.g. zed sounds, distant shots in nearby areas, footsteps, etc.).

good luck!

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as soon as you're spotted run into a building. aggro the zombies to middle of building, leave said building. No more zeds

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Learning which buildings offer loot is the first key step you need to take. After that the game will be much more productive. That, and not running everywhere (Not saying you are....). Running tires you out faster.

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If you can't survive alone, post in the Survival HQ section and look for a survival buddy to group with.

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