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Matze (DayZ)

Which magazine fits into what weapon?

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Hey guys...

I'm playing DayZ for 4 days now and I think it's going pretty well.

But my biggest problem is that I can't remember which magazine fits into what weapon. There are plenty of combinations. For example the G17 takes G17 Mag, M9 Mag and M9 SD-Mag.

So there are magazines that fit into more than one weapon, and that's what killing me :D

For example: I find a weapon and I don't even know whether I have ammo for this one or not.

Is there no other possibility than memorize every combination? Or are there other tips in the game which can be helpful?

Edited by Matze

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It's pretty simple to remember the ammo types once you find them enough.

I can just look at a gun on the ground and instantly know which clip belongs to it.

Or if I see a clip, I know what gun it's for right off the bat.

I would check the guns here, though, at first.


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