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Hunger/thirst fix

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Im not sure if the game is supposed to be doing this but for some reason even when im not playing my hunger and thirst still drops. This is a problem in my opinion because not every one has time to play everyday to make sure their guy doesn't starve to death. I think it should pause just like everything else when you are not playing.

Whats your take?

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That is a feature, not a bug. It's been discussed many times, though I don't know if there are any plans to remove it. The wind certainly seems to be blowing that way, but that's the public's opinion. Who knows what the devs are thinking?

I actually think it makes a certain kind of sense, but it still needs to be tweaked for the sake of those of us who can't spend every day playing. Anyway, for now, just make sure you have food and water on you before you log out. You'll never die from hunger or thirst while offline, but you will soon after you log in if it's been too long.

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That is a feature' date=' not a bug. It's been discussed many times, though I don't know if there are any plans to remove it. The wind certainly seems to be blowing that way, but that's the public's opinion. Who knows what the devs are thinking?

I actually think it makes a certain kind of sense, but it still needs to be tweaked for the sake of those of us who can't spend every day playing. Anyway, for now, just make sure you have food and water on you before you log out. You'll never die from hunger or thirst while offline, but you will soon after you log in if it's been too long.


Yeah I have a job and other life responsibilities to take care of..i feel like it pushes the people away that may only have the option of playing once or twice a week because I spend my hour or 2 of playtime restocking my food from when I wasn't there.. If they are going to leave it like that than other stats should roll over too like your life span and such. Its really frustrating to me, at least I know its not a bug now

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It's really nothing to whine about, you'll never die from it while offline and you can't really tell me you don't have 2 free slots in your satchel for your water bottle and a tin of beans now can you?

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I consider logging off to be analogous to "sleeping", which makes sense since your blood replenishes slowly while offline (or so I've observed). In the short term, this is reasonable, but in real life you don't actually sleep for 48 hours and wake up dying of thirst. I think the loss should be capped at a certain level, such as 50%, after which you stop gaining thirst and hunger, but also blood.

The problem with the current system is not just that it penalizes players for being away for a long time, but that it also penalizes them for playing for shorter periods. If I can only play for an hour or so and don't manage to find food or water in that time, I'm screwed.

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I consider logging off to be analogous to "sleeping"' date=' which makes sense since your blood replenishes slowly while offline (or so I've observed). In the short term, this is reasonable, but in real life you don't actually sleep for 48 hours and wake up dying of thirst. I think the loss should be capped at a certain level, such as 50%, after which you stop gaining thirst and hunger, but also blood.

The problem with the current system is not just that it penalizes players for being away for a long time, but that it also penalizes them for playing for shorter periods. If I can only play for an hour or so and don't manage to find food or water in that time, I'm screwed.


I could understand 50 percent or whatever I just think its not right that every time I spawn in they are both blinking and I use my hour or 2 playing to find water and food only to logout and repeat lol..just wish it wasn't like that.. My main concern was if it was a bug or not

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I don't think it'll kill you, just be sure to have a coke and some beans on you when you log off. I've made that mistake before, so I'm careful when preparing to log off now.

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This is my main gripe as well. I'd like to occasionally play for ~20 minutes before I go to bed, but there's no point because if I do, I have to eat/drink. Then if I don't play for a day or so I'm flashing red again. Synchronicity said it perfectly.

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