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Punishment for banditry?

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No Way!

But, we could do the opposite! That's right, reward NOT KILLING Ah, I dunno, maybe some kind of point count for each time you have a player encounter and don't shoot at them? But this would only work for unique players so people don't farm points.

So, here it is.

Z-points are acquired by encountering other players in DayZ and not killing them. Every time you meet a unique player in DayZ and don't shoot you will receive a point instantly, however if you do decide to fire you will loose that point.

With Z-points you can buy these things:

  • Makarov 1Point
  • Lee Enfield 3Points
  • CZ 550 4points
  • Ghillie Suit 5Points

Okay, I think you guys get the idea! Now just tell me what you think below!



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There are over 9000 topics like this one, if you value your sanity just delete everything you just said, and ask the mods to close this thread and suggest this (rather poor idea) on another thread.

Edited by Badhaggis
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No... just no.

Justify your "No"?

Rocket has already said he didn't want anything gimmicky like this in the game.

I wouldn't really describe this as gimmicky... People want a reason not to kill.

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There are over 9000 topics like this one, if you value your sanity just delete everything you just said, and ask the mods to close this thread and suggest this (rather poor) on another thread.

The reason there is over 9000 topics like this is because everyone wants a reason NOT TO KILL. I've been trying to think of a way to do that.

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Even if it's unique players, you can still farm it.

Run around Cherno once or twice? You most likely got near 5-9 people. If the latter, you can get a Ghillie and a CZ50 and just kill EVERYBODY. (Or Lee Enfield. It's pretty OP as well.)

My opinion? NO.

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If this was the case, I would have about 6 billion ghillie suits.

We're not manipulating the way people play the game. There's clans for a reason, stay in a group, or be smart solo play.

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Even if it's unique players, you can still farm it.

Run around Cherno once or twice? You most likely got near 5-9 people. If the latter, you can get a Ghillie and a CZ50 and just kill EVERYBODY. (Or Lee Enfield. It's pretty OP as well.)

My opinion? NO.

Valid point, but remember you have to actually see them, maybe a distance factor?

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The reason there is over 9000 topics like this is because everyone wants a reason NOT TO KILL. I've been trying to think of a way to do that.

Im aware of that, i want the bandit skin back, but some kind of "not kill currency" won't improve the game one iota, there are already a big surplus of weapons.

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If this was the case, I would have about 6 billion ghillie suits.

We're not manipulating the way people play the game. There's clans for a reason, stay in a group, or be smart solo play.

Even grouping up is hard, you're right, this is a bad idea but one thing that definitely needs to be improved is the communication.

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No. In real life do you magically receive a marakov when you cross with a guy and don't kill him?

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Communication DOES need to improve. Before you can say you're friendly you're either shot dead or robbed.

Saddens me.

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well it isn't a that bad idea but it will ruin the game.

like the way it is now.

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No. In real life do you magically receive a marakov when you cross with a guy and don't kill him?

Sorry but that argument is just stupid. Do you get a fountain of blood coming from your chest when you're scratched/hit by someone in real life?

Seriously this argument is just silly.

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I imagine there would be some blood if you are shot :rolleyes:, thats a graphical limitation anyway.

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Valid point, but remember you have to actually see them, maybe a distance factor?

Distance factor, exactly. Running around has the chance of getting you close enough to someone, and flicking your mouse over them for a brief moment isn't particularly hard, even while moving.

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No, just no. There is the "Humanity" Option anyway and also the "Heartbeat" AFAIK.

If you just wanted to give a Penalty to Player-Killers, I would agree 100%. But giving a Bonus for not killing other Players makes no sense to me.

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I think the ability to act revenge upon the bandits would be better. When you get killed you can add the killer to your hunted list. This list will tell you when they're online and what servers they're on. When you join their server through the hunted list it pops up with a msg to the bandit warning them that they are being hunted. You can only hunt one bandit at a time.

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Sorry but that argument is just stupid. Do you get a fountain of blood coming from your chest when you're scratched/hit by someone in real life?

Seriously this argument is just silly.


I dont said that "fountain of blood coming from your chest when you're scratched/hit by someone" happens in real life. I read my post again and saw that i dont even mentioned that words.. so i think your argument is invalid.

The discussion here is not about blood.

The conversation here is about magically receive a gun for being a good guy.

In this game you:

-feel thirst;

-feel hunger,

-feel cold,

-need light to see at night,

-need fire to roast a meat;

-Have "permadeath",

-needs bandage;

-needs morphine;


I think that the goal here is to achieve an immersive zombie apocalypse. And things like magically receive a gun to make a good thing breaks it.

PS: I think that a fountain of blood coming from the chest is not realistic too.

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Jesus christ, no, just no.

Sorry but that argument is just stupid. Do you get a fountain of blood coming from your chest when you're scratched/hit by someone in real life?

Seriously this argument is just silly.

You do realize that was never meant to be in Arma 2, so naturally it is going to look a bit unrealistic and silly.

Edited by Womb Raider

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You serious? Okay guys lets turn DayZ Mod from realistic to Dead Rising 2 fantasy!!!

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No. Read your post outloud and you realize why its a no go.

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thats the stupidest idea i ever heard. This isnt first-grade with gold stars reward system

The only reward you ever get is living a bit longer

Edited by MikeTupper

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