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6ft Under.. They got me.

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Well damn.. After 3 week and counting on my previous character. I was taken down outside Berezino..

Brief idea of my stats.. 34 Murders 16 Bandit kills.

I finally ran out of ammo within my AS50 then started to plunder deerstands in such of some M107 mags, yet I still had an AK Kobra in my bag with 5 clips that I recently traded my FN FAL for off a dead corpse I layed down the other day. Soon as I make my way south of Berenzino checking a near by deerstand I hear gunshots like a July the 4 firework show. I am a bandit!! Of course I couldn't just leave the area without checking it out. Start following the gun blast into a near by factory as the shots grow louder! Pull out my AS50 (of course 0 ammo remaining) just to scope the area and I run across two targets crouched east of the factory in some bushes. Knowing the basic range of 300 meters with the AK I start easing my way downhill towards the two. Finally manage keep a distance of roughly 150 meters between me and the two survivors, and quickly trying scan their gear. Closest target had a coyote backpack wielding a M4A3 CCO and second one appear be allice backpack with a DMR. This is it!! I zoomed in on the guy holding the DMR and release a burst of shells into his back dropping him instantly. Then quickly switching to second guy watching him drop down into prone soon as his buddy takes impact from my bullets and start unloading into his side. Watch the side chat and see one name come up killed then waiting on the second to appear shortly behind, yet as I wait only one murder.. Fuck? I let out a few more shots then start easing towards him. Finally!! another murder comes out in chat!

Hell breaks loose.. Soon as I start scanning the dead boddies gunshots start impacting near my feet. Quickly run into factory to find cover and notice one bandit rushing downhill from the way I came. I try to react with some return fire but take a hit in the chest.. Bleeding like a stuck pig I make my way inside the closest building trying attempt a bandage. Just as I recover my blood loss, a guy bolts inside the building bursting shots! I manage take him down as well but taking another damn bullet to the chest. Fuck! Blood count slowly droping again.. At this moment think i am finally clear and start bandaging and eating some meat to heal up. Make my way outside the building scan the area for a min then BAM! I was smoked by a sniper from top of the near by hill. Was an adrenaline firefight! so not to pissed how I went down.. Just sad after all that time and kills I've manage to actually be down for the countdown as well.

Here we go again! I'll see you fellows another time hopefully! ;)

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Sorry to hear that man, its always painful to see a character you've spent so much time on go.

Oh well look at the bright side, now you get to start fresh and start your adventure over again :)

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Sorry to hear that man, its always painful to see a character you've spent so much time on go.

Oh well look at the bright side, now you get to start fresh and start your adventure over again :)

Very true bud! Had some new buddies IRL i've force them to tryout Dayz so guess it'll be easier to help them out now.

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