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Decrease enfield damage.

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Uhmm its actually more powerful than the M14,DMR, M24, CZ 550...

M24/DMR/M14 fire the 7.62x51mm NATO round.

The Lee Enfield fires a 7.7x54mm R round.

The difference between 54mm and 51mm is some major power when it comes to firearms. Heck, the .30-06 is 7.62x63mm.

The issue with the enfield, that balances it...is the lack of anything beyond iron sights which make long range accuracy difficult...oh and the NOISE.

Not only does it have the 2nd highest damage in the game...(M107/AS50 have higher) but it also has the 2nd highest sound range (234m).

Its fine how it is.

Actually not matey,

See some energy charts, .308 and .303 are pretty similar.

An 303brit is not 50% more powerfull than a 308. Today lee inflicts 12500 blood damage and m14 just 8000.

In my opinion lee should do a little more damage than .308.

Edited by kovalhuk

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no no no!

the lee enfield is a real weapon and has almost the same damage as the real one this is a simulator the guns are almost the same !!!

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Doing my own investigation, I think the 7.62x51mm rounds ingame should do MORE damage. 8k is a bit too low, and probably should be pushed up to 9.9k

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In RL hunt deer with a Lee Enfield (1917, sporterized short mag).

I did add a 3-9x scope to it for those 100+ yard shots but still a very good, reliable medium sized .303 cartridge that

can handle any game in North America (I'd use something heavier for bear, but still OK).

The gun is an infantry rifle from the early 20th century (WWI). Although the bulk of military ammo produced for it was

of a full metal jacket variety (as is mandated by the Geneva Convention), today it mostly eats soft point, rapid expanding bullets,

of about 180 grains in weight - this is what hunters would use.

My personal suggestions:

- The gun is probably right as is currently in game. I'd maybe add a bit of shaking effect when aiming crouched or standing since it's an old, heavy gun.

- Please make it quieter. It's really not that loud in RL. (especially compared to my shotguns firing 3 or 3.5 inch magnum loads/slugs)

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If Lee Enfield is that good, then I guess its spawn rate should be lowered a bit.

Nowadays they are almost everywhere whereas CZ550 or Winchtester is pretty rare.

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If the LE is powerful, reliable and plentiful then my suggestion is to take advantage of that fact.

rocket']There is no balance, other than the balance you will put in. I will put in the features required for you to either destroy this world into mindless PVP, or create something else. Don't look to me for that balance, because I will not give you it.
Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Doing my own investigation, I think the 7.62x51mm rounds ingame should do MORE damage. 8k is a bit too low, and probably should be pushed up to 9.9k

Take matey, to you. :beans: :beans: :beans: :thumbsup:

AwwwYEAH, Buff .308! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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If the LE is powerful, reliable and plentiful then my suggestion is to take advantage of that fact.

Variety is the spice of life dear Sir.

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Variety is the spice of life dear Sir.

Which is why I want more varients of guns and different guns ingame.

MORE MORE MORE. I love more. Unless it is small dogs, then less is better ending at 0, which is best.

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Its fine as it is sure it does a lot of damage but its loud as hell every zed in the city is going to here that Enfield go off and there gunna come runnin.

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really pal? all guns do kill in oneshot if shot in the head. So gtfo.

enfield in chest = dead. regardless wether a flesh wound, or shot in the organ. realistic? no.

revolver shot in the chest, from 2 meters away 4500 blood lost. clearly if a bullet to the chest kills someone so should the revolver. realistic? no.

but accoring to you any chest wound is deadly. according to me it isnt. see my point? lower damage value of enfield for realism and equality to other guns. as they all give somewhat of the same effect since there is NO organ damage. or velocity damage, or puncture damage or any other damage then flat damage. therefor enfield OP.

Now stop being dumb

You do realize that rifles have higher velocity and grains than most pistols, So it is realistic that a 303 round would do that, A pistol has a lower caliber lead so it wouldn't do as much damage(Personally I think all guns on here should be a 1 hit kill except for legs, arms ,etc unless its a 50 cal round or a 308). So just stop talking most pistols will never be as strong as a rifle, except for .22 rifles those are weak.

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This isn't supposed to be a game, you know that, right? Pretty sure Rocket said himself (not gonna bother finding a link) that this is supposed to be an anti-game. It's not supposed to be fair or balanced, it's supposed to make you want to rage quit.

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sound makes up for it, firing enfield is like ringing dinner bell for zombies 400m radius. It´s good as it is, most of the weapons anyways kill you first or at least second shot. Most of the players don´t even pick it up because of the noise it makes.

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Aah the realisitic comment, was waiting for it.

If a bullet kills a person, then why does a m16 require 8 bullets, an enfield 1 a revolver and a m1911 3. a makarov 7. and does a a50 with the same bullet size and less velocity do 6 times the damage a m107 does.

Yet these guns have low droprate. oneshot guns should not be the most common gun in the game. not if ur gonna throw rare guns out there, who cant reach an enfield, cant outdamage an enfield, and are rare so why even search for them

any gun within theyre effective range will penetrate into a vital area thus killing the person. U want realistic?

a foot shot by any gun can lead to a flesh wound not a one shot. if this is treated one can survive. yet the enfield kills the person realistic? not really.

a shot by the enfield in the finger kills you, but a revolver sho in the heart just does damage, not even throw u on the floor/unconscious.. realistic? not really.

As much as i dislike the idea of starting this conversation... You should consider the round size of these weapons:

M16 is 5.56

1911 is a 45

Makarov is 9mmx18

Lee is .303

AS50 is .50

If you're talking about headshots, just about all of them will be one headshot kills. Body shots are different. You can take down a person with .50 by tagging them in their legs. Lee, if done a body shot, will knock you out, and leave you bleeding with something like 5k blood i believe. M16 is a MUCH smaller round..

Come on, get real, maybe lower spawn, but leave weapon as is.. With M16 you have a firing rate thats SIGNIFICANTLY higher than Lee

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I think the enfield is great. Its sort of annoying that when I have an M24 I have to two shot survivors if its not a head shot. But I feel that the game needs a weapon for freshly spawned survivors to be able to effectively engage other players with better gear. To me the damage is ok. Its the spawn rate and the ammo...far too much ammo laying around. and too many enfields in spawns. other than that i love that weapon.

Oh and to people that dont like that it makes a loud sound...I like it....Lets people know I'm coming for them MWUUAHAHAHA

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Actually not matey, See some energy charts, .308 and .303 are pretty similar. An 303brit is not 50% more powerfull than a 308. Today lee inflicts 12500 blood damage and m14 just 8000. In my opinion lee should do a little more damage than .308.

I'm not entirely sure you're correct, sir. Enfield (in game) does more damage than .308, but it isnt one shot kill (unless its a solo encounter). Body shot will incapitate, break bones and cause loss of consciousness, loss of about 8k health, but not kill. Now if the person isnt bandaged... they're screwed, but as it stands, they will lay there for few minutes bleeding out

JFK got killed with such a gun, its a good rifle and its realistic as it is. Dont nerv it it would make this gun arcade, maybe reduce spawn rate a bit... In my opinion all shotguns should be avaiable in civ areas, there is no sense to spawn them as military loot only because you can buy as much as you want as civillian in europe. Only real military weapons should spawn in military areas (full auto and sniper guns)

I dont think that is corrent info, I believe JFK was shot with Italian Carcano rifle.

At any rate, owning this rifle IRL, i can assure you it's a kicker. Yes, as someone above mentioned, the sway of the weapon should be greater, but i wouldnt touch the damage on it.

Final verdict:

Need greater sway when crouching/standing

Reduce spawn (not to the CZ extend thoguh, you can find 10 DMR's before you find one CZ)

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Aah the realisitic comment, was waiting for it.

If a bullet kills a person, then why does a m16 require 8 bullets, an enfield 1 a revolver and a m1911 3. a makarov 7. and does a a50 with the same bullet size and less velocity do 6 times the damage a m107 does.

Yet these guns have low droprate. oneshot guns should not be the most common gun in the game. not if ur gonna throw rare guns out there, who cant reach an enfield, cant outdamage an enfield, and are rare so why even search for them

any gun within theyre effective range will penetrate into a vital area thus killing the person. U want realistic?

a foot shot by any gun can lead to a flesh wound not a one shot. if this is treated one can survive. yet the enfield kills the person realistic? not really.

a shot by the enfield in the finger kills you, but a revolver sho in the heart just does damage, not even throw u on the floor/unconscious.. realistic? not really.

If it takes you eight m16 bullets to kill someone, you are a horrible shot and you deserve to die. The Lee Enfield is fine as it is.

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Aah the realisitic comment, was waiting for it.

If a bullet kills a person, then why does a m16 require 8 bullets, an enfield 1 a revolver and a m1911 3. a makarov 7. and does a a50 with the same bullet size and less velocity do 6 times the damage a m107 does.

Go Google an image of the bullet the Lee Enfield fires (7.7x56mmR), and then compare it with the (5.56x45) and then ask your stupid question again.

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I'd much rather have guns retain their realism and authenticity as opposed to ditching all that for game-play balance...

That said, I've come across a lot of Enfieild's in my travels... decreasing their spawns in favor of Winchesters and shotguns would be better...

Edited by ScramUK

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Nerf my glorious .303 of the British Empire?

Nerf the round that can kill elephants with one shot (and some good shot placement)?

Nerf the round that killed the Red Baron?

No sir, I will not stand for this.

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