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Dayz wont launch

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when i try to start dayz via six launcher it says Addon CAAir_E Requires Addon CA_Anims_Char

and bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/G36_C_SD_eotech/burst/:Cannot find Base Class Burst

i have a non-steam version -> over dvd and i did just like in the howto install dayz

can anyone Help me ?

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Have you installed Arma2 then Arma2 Operation Arrowhead above it int the same directory as an expansion? Or do you have a combined ops DVD? Do you have Combined Ops shorctcut on your desktop?

Edited by -=PA=-Mikhail

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i have the combined ops dvd installed the i patched everything to 1.60 and then i started the six updater downloaded eveything so far and when i click on launch or join i get this error

Edited by Alrazyl

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Are you 100% sure you use SIX LAUNCHER and not SIX UPDATER? Six launcher does everything automatically. Six updater is for advanced mod management.

Edited by -=PA=-Mikhail

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Ok. Now find your arma2oa.rpt file. Then grab log file from Six Launcher and send them attached to private message. I will submit them as a ticket to Six Launcher devteam and we will solve it today.

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I'm having the same issue...... but somewhat different though............

I have arma 2 installed on capsule games, from a company called green man gaming. it was a free games giveaway from the sun,

I've just bought arma 2: operation arrowhead from steam as I was told it was a standalone and as long as I had both on my pc it would work.

I am trying to load up DayZ and it comes up with the following error.


Cannot open file 'C;\Program Files (x86)\CapsuleGames\Arma II - PC\\dta\bin.pbo'

any suggestions? I dont check the forums all the time but you can also email solutions to [email protected]



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I got the exact same problem, except I'm using the steam version and I don't use any of the automatic updating things.

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