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My First Adventure

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So I got the game at midnight about 6 hours ago. I love ARMA and I love zombies so I thought I'd give this a try. I get into the game and start by the sea with nothing but a backpack, some pills, a flashlight, and my dick. I'm like ok I guess I'll go "survive". I quickly find some zombies and they run at me super fast but I run into the sea, swim aways and then get back on land and get low and apparently lost em. I head down the road and find some small villages. I spend about an hour or two crawling around to avoid getting spotted by zombies but don't find anything. I head farther down the road and come across a small city with a harbor. I had read somewhere that this is where fags hang out but I'm apparently dying of thirst after half an hour in the game so I need to find some. I crawl around the city for 3 or 4 hours and find plenty of ammo, bandages, pills, but no weapons or water or food.

As I'm crawling to what I think are some buildings I can actually go inside I see a dead survivor in an intersection with blood spurting out of his head. It would appear he was killed recently so I quickly go up and get some bandages off him then hide the body. I had found an ALICE pack earlier but it was quickly getting full. Then I spotted a dude standing about 50m away and I say friendly in the mic but he must not have heard it and I guess he didn't see me because he ran off. I quickly ran up some scaffolding and as I was walking across I saw him crawling below me. He went into a building and I quickly went to a building across a courtyard to watch him. I tried communicating but nobody ever said anything. As I got into the other building I saw him on the roof. So I made my way to the roof of the other building and as I did that I found a crowbar. Sweet a weapon even if it is a pos. As I was watching the dude on the roof I see a red puff come out of his head and then he dropped. I freaked out and started making my way out of the building but I saw some hooded ghillie figured dudes and I was afraid that they saw me. So I crawled away. Half an hour later I'm pretty far away on the other side of town and happened to find a Makarov and a couple of mags for it. I'm like awesome! Now I just need to find some fucking water and I can get out of this death trap.

Nope. 30 seconds later I crawl around a corner just as 4 hooded ghillie fucks run across the road. The last one of them turns and spots me and right as I say friendly into the mic he puts 5 rounds into my face. Then it's you're dead.

....really? Six fucking hours of my life wasted just so I can crawl around a fucking city looking for water only to find a shitty pistol and get shot in the face by a group of dickless fuckheads who are obviously out hunting unarmed people? WHAT A FUCKING WASTE.

If there is one thing I have learned it is that IF (and trust me that is a HUGE FUCKING IF) I decide to waste any more of my precious time on this turd of a game I will fucking kill every single person I see so I can ruin your shit and waste your time.

This game is fucking garbage and so are all of you.

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If there is one thing I have learned it is that IF (and trust me that is a HUGE FUCKING IF) I decide to waste any more of my precious time on this turd of a game I will fucking kill every single person I see so I can ruin your shit and waste your time.

This game is fucking garbage and so are all of you.

Just one death and you're ready to give up? I can assure you that many players have invested more than six hours into a character, only for them to die at the hands of a bandit. Just one bad experience with a set of players and you're ready to brand us all as "fucking garbage"? I got mugged by a black guy last month, does that mean I should assume all black people are out to get me?

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Hey, I can't hear you. I think your voice just shrunk to that of a lady-bugg's.

If you're trying to get a message across, use your big-boy voice.


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This game is obviously not for you. You should read up some perhaps. The coastal cities are full of bandits. Try and head north, but stay out of Stary Sobor or NW Airfield till you're prepared to fight for your life.

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Head north? Avoid certain places? Sure I'll do that oh wait I started with pills and my dick but didn't start with a fucking map or a fucking compass. I read up on this shit. I watched stupid youtube videos with 8bit video game music. I read forum posts where people bitch about the same shit. HOW IS THIS SHIT FUN? All you fucking do is crawl around, get eaten, and get shot. I don't see the fucking point. And where the fuck do you get water? By the time I get "north" I will already be dehydrated. God damn.

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Dude you just started the game and your opinion is a bit quick. To tell you the truth i had the same opinion for the game when i first started to play it. I was getting shot everytime even if i hadnt a weapon (i was furius). DayZ is a hard game but when you learn how to play it, you can get the loot in no time.(learn the map and the loot places). I suggest you to play it with some friends you can trust and help eatch other. Dont trust anyone with a weapon, most of them shoots you emmediatly. In my case i wanted to be friendly but i gave up this idea very quickly and become a bandit because i dont trust anyone except of my friends. Im not a nerd bandit though who shoots unarmed people in the coast or in cherno and electro from high places with my sniper.(but even this is a part of the game) Im in the north and try to survive. I didnt found anyone upthere who was a friendly one and if you want to survive i suggest you to watch them closely in silence and when you find a chance kill them and get the loot. For now the ''friendly'' thing in DayZ is an utopia...

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You mad bro?

There's an idea. Copy the same line that every kid and teenager in the world uses because thinking for yourself or being creative is too hard. By saying the same thing everyone else says you guarantee your immortality in a sea of sheep that also guarantee theirs. Congrats.

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Well, I saw the name, and read the last sentence, would've read the whole paragraph but I made a conclusion already. I see that you're another of those pieces of shit in the community XD. Your tears, they taste delicious. QQ More.

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Well, I saw the name, and read the last sentence, would've read the whole paragraph but I made a conclusion already. I see that you're another of those pieces of shit in the community XD. Your tears, they taste delicious. QQ More.

And I made the conclusion that you're a pole smoking faggot. Stick to what you're good at piece of shit. Sucking your moms dick.

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I'm sorry sir, I don't believe it's possible to smoke a pole. They're made out metal and normal fire would do basically nothing to it. And I don't believe it's possible for a woman to have a dick unless they've undergone a sex change. Anyway, in all seriousness, you die once and you start crying all over the forums? Hell yeah, that's the way to do things XD. Go back to ArmA if you can't handle DayZ. Also, it may help to stop acting like a twelve year old, but you know, that's just a helpful tip that'll make people take you SLIGHTLY more seriously.

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I'm sorry sir, I don't believe it's possible to smoke a pole. They're made out metal and normal fire would do basically nothing to it. And I don't believe it's possible for a woman to have a dick unless they've undergone a sex change. Anyway, in all seriousness, you die once and you start crying all over the forums? Hell yeah, that's the way to do things XD. Go back to ArmA if you can't handle DayZ. Also, it may help to stop acting like a twelve year old, but you know, that's just a helpful tip that'll make people take you SLIGHTLY more seriously.

Poles are made of a lot of things. They're a nationality too. Women can have dicks. It's called transgender and isn't uncommon. If I wanted to be taken seriously I would have started an account under my real email with a non-inflammatory forum name. I can hande DayZ I was just expecting a survival horror RP game. Not yet another FPS game. Except this is an FPS where it takes a few minutes to create a new character and you start the game completely defenseless. It is idiotic.

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This has got to be a joke right? Because I read your story and thought "Wow, this guy had a really exciting first time, successfully evading zombies while unarmed and braving the bandit infested streets of Cherno!" If I see a sniper take another player's head off it's a real buzz because I know the next few minutes will be a challenge to survive, whether I'm freshly spawned or strapped to the gills. Sneaking and spying on survivors is challenging fun and finding your first proper weapon is a thrill; as far as I can tell you had an ideal DayZ experience.

I'd suggest trying to approach the game from a fresh perspective - try and play it differently to mix things up a bit. Alternate between survivor and bandit, stalk people without them noticing, fire a gun in the middle of the city and see how many zombies you can fight off, fix up a vehicle, be a medic or gun for hire, join a clan, blast k-pop through your mike from the rooftops if that's what you want. DayZ is a sandbox game, and there are very few limits beyond your imagination.

Edited by Knave

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I read you were killed by people wearing ghillie suits? I was under the impression ghillie suits weren't possible to find in

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It got my heart pumping but it was in no way fun. I crawled around for six hours for what? What exactly was my reward? I killed one zombie with a crowbar. That's it. Normally games reward you with fun but seriously it is more fun watching the tadpoles in the pond out back than it is doing what I did in the game. Near as I can tell, the best way to get a start is join a server with no people. Loot a city by running around like a chicken with your head cut off, then join a server with people and shoot them in the face. Do I pretty much have it down?

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I read you were killed by people wearing ghillie suits? I was under the impression ghillie suits weren't possible to find in

They were about 25m away when they shot me. They looked like ghillie suits. They were hooded and were a dark olive drab color.

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If DayZ is not you type of game, I have a copy of COD I can send you. You can get all the rewards you like then

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Based on your logic you should just kill yourself in real life because you will eventually die one day.

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Can I have your stuff? Oh, wait, nevermind someone beat me to it. :-)

Anyways, this is not a game, it is a simulator. Trust me, I have been frustrated, but When I am killed I learn from the experience and try not to repeat my stupid actions. The longest I have survived was 5 hours. I think that's pretty good. Killed about 6 Zombies and stayed low and out of sight as much as I could.

If I had to run across a street, I would lay for around 5 minutes scoping the area first. Thirst isnt a problem. You can always find some Pepsi cans. Food? NP, there are always cans of beans or you will 90% of the time you will find a hatchet, matches and get wood in the forest for a fire to cook. Killl a cow or some animal in the woods.

This game takes a shit load of patience. You have none. This simulator isnt for you.

Your reward? SURVIVE, that's it.

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It got my heart pumping but it was in no way fun. I crawled around for six hours for what? What exactly was my reward? I killed one zombie with a crowbar. That's it. Normally games reward you with fun but seriously it is more fun watching the tadpoles in the pond out back than it is doing what I did in the game. Near as I can tell, the best way to get a start is join a server with no people. Loot a city by running around like a chicken with your head cut off, then join a server with people and shoot them in the face. Do I pretty much have it down?

Stop talking shit to everyone and go, enjoy yourself while you splash around in the pond with your tadpoles.

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..I started with pills and my dick..

You seem very keen to tell us all you started with your dick. I was wondering if this is some sort of novelty?

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Stop talking shit to everyone and go, enjoy yourself while you splash around in the pond with your tadpoles.

Suck a duffle bag of dicks faggot.

[Warned - Ubi]

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy

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You seem very keen to tell us all you started with your dick. I was wondering if this is some sort of novelty?

No it is called humor.

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