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Jellis (DayZ)

|Sp3c| ( 3 Spec ) Group. Recruiting The Best!

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(3 Spec)



This is a new group that i am starting. I am starting this for fun and could maybe make this into a multi-game group. Make sure that your on the game a considerable amount of time so we can get stuff done please! :) Please have at least 2 weeks of experience before you apply. Make sure to have raidcall! We are currently setting up a set play time so that we can have everyone on at once unless something comes up in their schedule! People have been inactive so spots open!

Roles ( -- = Filled ) ( Purple means that we need more than anything. )

--(1/2)Over-watch: Exactly what it sounds like. The sniper of the group that watches over the group as the rest of the team goes into a city or any other high-risk area.

Equipment: Sniper - Binoculars/Rangefinder - Ghillie Suit - Backup Rifle - Any Backback

(1/2)Medic: Takes all the medical supplies and, in the case of a firefight, heals our wounded while others cover. Essential Role.

Equipment: Any AR - Coyote Backpack - Camo Clothing - Most Medical Supplies

(1/4)Raider: Takes all food/drink or other supplies while the others watch entrances of buildings.

Equipment: Any Weapon of choice other than sniper - Coyote Backpack - Camo Clothing - Misc.

--(1/2)Support: Main role in firefights. Essential for covering fire. Essential role for PvP!

Equipment: LMG - Any Backpack - Ammo Junkie - Camo Clothing


1. NO shooting unarmed survivors!

2. NO shooting AT ALL unless cleared too!

3. Do NOT be a buzzkill!

4. Be nice to your team!

5. Just have fun!

6. Have a mic!

7. Make sure your active with the group and not just staying for a couple days!

If we spot a group of players, DO NOT just open fire on them. Wait till the whole team spots them and then wait for clearance to fire.


1. |Sp3c| Jellis - Overwatch

2. |Sp3c| Method - Support

3. |Sp3c| Aristeides - Overwatch

4. |Sp3c| Jeremy - Support

5. |Sp3c| Cade - Medic

6. |Sp3c| Toast - Raider

Want to join?

If you want to join, PM me the following.........



Where you from?:

How long have you played?:

Best weapon you've had?:

Role you want:

What you want to achieve in this group:


We do not use Skype for communications, we use Raidcall. Skype is just so that i can give you information and let you know if anything that happens.

So hopefully you read all that up there ^^^ and want to join. :) See you in DayZ! :D

Edited by Jellis
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Wouldn't it be better with 2 snipers? like a backup sniper/spotter while the other one just concentrate on sniping/getting the kills

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Just bumping ;)

If you're gonna be faggot enough to bump, make it seem legitimate.

[Warned - Ubi]

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy

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Wouldn't it be better with 2 snipers? like a backup sniper/spotter while the other one just concentrate on sniping/getting the kills

I plan on doing that in the future when we get a full 8-man group.

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1. No shooting unarmed survivors!

What's this? a bandit with some sort of heart? It's a step in the right direction atleast... Look forward to killing you soon!

The Anti-Bandits Steam Group:

Lovely! Come at us! Love some opposition.

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This is a new group that i am starting. I am starting this for fun and could maybe make this into a multi-game group


(1/1)Over-watch: Exactly what it sounds like. The sniper of the group that watches over the group as the rest of the team goes into a city or any other high-risk area.

Equipment: Sniper - Binoculars/Rangefinder - Ghillie Suit - Backup Rifle - Any Backback

(0/2)Medic: Takes all the medical supplies and, in the case of a firefight, heals our wounded while others cover. Essential Role.

Equipment: Any AR - Coyote Backpack - Camo Clothing - Most Medical Supplies

(2/3)Raider: Takes all food/drink or other supplies while the others watch entrances of buildings.

Equipment: Any Weapon of choice other than sniper - Coyote Backpack - Camo Clothing - Misc.

(1/2)Support: Main role in firefights. Essential for covering fire. Essential role for PvP!

Equipment: LMG - Any Backpack - Ammo Junkie - Camo Clothing


1. NO shooting unarmed survivors!

2. NO shooting AT ALL unless cleared too!

3. Do NOT be a buzzkill!

4. Be nice to your team!

5. Just have fun!

If we spot a group of players, DO NOT just open fire on them. Wait till the whole team spots them and then wait for clearance to fire.

Want to join?

If you want to join, PM me the following.........



How long have you played?:

Best weapon you've had?:

Role you want:


We do not use Skype for communications, we use Raidcall. Skype is just so that i can give you information and let you know if anything that happens.

So hopefully you read all that up there ^^^ and want to join. :) See you in DayZ! :D

Nice to see that you guys atleast carry some decency when out on town. If I catch you guys in my crosshairs I'll try to make it quick and painless.

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Nice to see that you guys atleast carry some decency when out on town. If I catch you guys in my crosshairs I'll try to make it quick and painless.

Bring it ;)

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Hi Jellis, I was Jeremy in the game last night. Had alot of fun.

Haven't registered my first kill yet though.

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Bizzump... People, if you're under 18, and you say, "I'm very mature for my age", You're probably not! Preferrably north americans on the east coast, but whatever works as long as you're in NA.

Happy banditoing!

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Was going to ask if I could join as a sniper but I see it's already full and I'm not dropping my AS50. Pretty dumb having specific roles to begin with, but limiting the amount of players for each? =/

Here's the application form anyway:

Gender: Male

Age: 20

How long have you played?: Couple of months

Best weapon you've had?: Strange question. Erm, I've had every weapon except the M16A4/ACOG ...

Role you want: Preferably sniper, although I could handle any role considering I have 2 weapons.

Skype: Yes: Brain_in_a_vat

Edited by Brain_in_a_vat

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Just a suggestion, but instead of just leaving unarmed survivors why don't you just point a gun in their face and ask for their beans? They get to live and you get a meal for the night. :P

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We are STILL Taking people, if i havent got back to you, send me another PM. Ive been getting sooo many, can barely read em all without getting confused xD ;)

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Im having to kick people from the group. IF you join make sure that your not just staying for a day or 2 and then just leaving. We can never get anything done like that -_- So There are spots open for people to join!

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