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Petition: Stop Playing 'til 1.5.8

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I've personally decided to stop playing DayZ until the new patch comes out. I've read all the arguments regarding the reasons why it hasn't been released yet, and it namely comes down to too many people are playing still, and the hive would be under too much strain in its transition to the new patch.

So... that being said, I'm doing my part to open the way for Rocket to make a smooth transition. I've ceased playing until 1.5.8 is released.

I'm petitioning all of you to do the same.

The patch is clearly ready... why keep playing the game if we know that a better version is waiting for us??

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Petition lol, I dont think everyone that is playing right now would listen to this. Somehow my net was not happy with me being on the internet so i'm also chilling for 1.5.8 right now :)

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Yeah I'm out till 1.5.8 too, right now identification of my allies and enemies has caused way to much friendly fire and I want the lootable skins in before I start playing again.

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Lol just wait. If they wanted to bring it out now. ALl server owners could shut down their servers and go up 1 by 1.

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But why arent you playing it? I dont get it?

and you know that we are actualy here just to test the game?

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I don't see where is the problem if they shut down all servers for some time and update. Because 7k people will be dissapointed? Q_Q. I think they can wait.

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I had to read this a few times, at first I thought you were demanding the new release because it has been done.

I'll join, I've been missing out on enjoying ACE2 on normal Arma 2 anyway, was half-way through creating an epic mission. :D

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The spirit is willing but the flesh is ... chewed...

This is a glorious sentiment. I would up vote you twice if I did that sort of thing. No one will, though.


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But why arent you playing it? I dont get it?

and you know that we are actualy here just to test the game?

1.) Continuing to TEST 1.5.7 is pointless' date=' as 1.5.8 is already done and waiting for us. Why continue testing an outdated version of the game?

2.) The continued playing of DayZ will cause too much stress on "the hive" (the central database server which holds all of our precious character progress). Since thousands of people are playing currently, if Rocket were to push the patch through, then all of those thousands of people would rush to get the new patch, invevitably rejoining the server, then thousands of people will be sitting and waiting at the "Waiting for Server Response" screen [many being denied - thus trying over and over again'], essentially DDoS'ing the hive server(s), cause the database to crash, and possibly corrupting the character save data. This problem would be ameliorated if their were a more elaborate database server system, but this is probably a couple servers that Rocket (and company) are managing themselves. We can't expect a $100k+ server infrastructure from a private mod team.

Thus, we must do our part...

Stop playing while the transition continues.

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But why arent you playing it? I dont get it?

and you know that we are actualy here just to test the game?

1.) Continuing to TEST 1.5.7 is pointless' date=' as 1.5.8 is already done and waiting for us. Why continue testing an outdated version of the game?

2.) The continued playing of DayZ will cause too much stress on "the hive" (the central database server which holds all of our precious character progress). Since thousands of people are playing currently, if Rocket were to push the patch through, then all of those thousands of people would rush to get the new patch, invevitably rejoining the server, then thousands of people will be sitting and waiting at the "Waiting for Server Response" screen [many being denied - thus trying over and over again'], essentially DDoS'ing the hive server(s), cause the database to crash, and possibly corrupting the character save data. This problem would be ameliorated if their were a more elaborate database server system, but this is probably a couple servers that Rocket (and company) are managing themselves. We can't expect a $100k+ server infrastructure from a private mod team.

dude u should definitely change places with rocket cause u obviously know everything about this mod...

some ppl...

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Chilling, there are other things to do, video games, netflix ect!

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Well I played my first game today (lasted 45 mins). I'll stay off until the patch arrives.

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But why arent you playing it? I dont get it?

and you know that we are actualy here just to test the game?

1.) Continuing to TEST 1.5.7 is pointless' date=' as 1.5.8 is already done and waiting for us. Why continue testing an outdated version of the game?

2.) The continued playing of DayZ will cause too much stress on "the hive" (the central database server which holds all of our precious character progress). Since thousands of people are playing currently, if Rocket were to push the patch through, then all of those thousands of people would rush to get the new patch, invevitably rejoining the server, then thousands of people will be sitting and waiting at the "Waiting for Server Response" screen [many being denied - thus trying over and over again'], essentially DDoS'ing the hive server(s), cause the database to crash, and possibly corrupting the character save data. This problem would be ameliorated if their were a more elaborate database server system, but this is probably a couple servers that Rocket (and company) are managing themselves. We can't expect a $100k+ server infrastructure from a private mod team.

dude u should definitely change places with rocket cause u obviously know everything about this mod...

some ppl...

I never said, or remotely insinuated that I know more than Rocket, however, based on what Rocket (and many others have proclaimed), that what I said above is 100% accurate. If you have proof that what I'm saying is wrong, then please, prove me wrong.

However, replying with a pointless and sarcastic claim, with no evidence that I'm wrong, goes against the mission that the server admins repeatedly reinforce in this forum.

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Im out till 1.5.8 is out too

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I had to read this a few times' date=' at first I thought you were demanding the new release because it has been done.

I'll join, I've been missing out on enjoying ACE2 on normal Arma 2 anyway, was half-way through creating an epic mission. :D


I appreciate what you said :)

How is ACE2? I've only recently just purchased ARMA 2 (for obvious reasons), but have been curious of the other ARMA mods I've been hearing about? I used to create custom maps for Company of Heroes [an addiction to be sure - which satiated the creativity outlet], how is the editor in ACE2? Is it custom for the mod, or modified slightly from the OG ARMA 2 editor? I love flying helicopters, and was curious if there was some fun, intense medivac blackhawk custom missions/mods!

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We should probably send messengers to the servers to try and spread the word.

you sould all get banned for disrespecting the devs like that, fuckin spoiled kids

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We should probably send messengers to the servers to try and spread the word.

you sould all get banned for disrespecting the devs like that' date=' fuckin spoiled kids


That was unnecessary. Rocket did state once when it 'dipped down' but now it's just going to be today whenever.

Seriously, come on.

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We should probably send messengers to the servers to try and spread the word.

you sould all get banned for disrespecting the devs like that' date=' fuckin spoiled kids


Yes, a bit uncalled for.

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