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I have an ATV; how far away can zombies hear it? or how does lightning work? atm im looking to refuel but it seems like a bad idea to just drive right into town during the night, next to gas pump. consider weither i should run there myself or drive right in there ?

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Depends on where you are, if its cherno or electro don't do it but if your in some far off place go ahead that's what I usually do. ATV's are gas hungry so start stocking up on jerry cans so you don't need to stop as often

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They can hear it from 400m away I think.

Just park it up in a forest a kilometer away from where you wanna go and voila. You run away from zombies so fast they don't even matter. You also lose LOS fast

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I was on a bike a few days ago and a zombie managed to hit me and put me in shock :/

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From what I've experienced zombies can break the bike you're riding, effictively throwing you off. They can also damage and break the blue van - not to Ural/Gaz/Uaz/Land Rover/ATV/Cross - and make it explode

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I parked it far away, server restart before i got back with jeery cans, went back to where it was saved but its gone, it had all my food supplies in it and no i died with DMR, 50 cal and G17 because of that fucking car dissapearing -.- fml

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