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DayZ - Nature in Full Effect for the Standalone Game

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I think Nature in the Full effect would be awesome for example adding Tornados, Hurricans and Earthquakes in which they destroy the land, pick up houses and kill players so I will be even harder to Survive. Or even a very thick Blizzard in which it covers your screen, therefor you need to find a house to keep warm and to see. I think adding this to the Standalone game would be awesome and test how people can survive or test the Man Vs Nature & Man Vs Man, in which they only count of themselfs not their friends or other players.

I thought this would be a cool feature to the game.

Would you like this to be added to the Standalone game?

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Well that sounds a bit overboard, I can't think of many places that have to contend with every single natural disaster known to man. Certainly not in Russia.

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As exciting as it could be to content with natural disasters, I hardly think the RV engine could support that very well. Sadly.

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More weather would be a great addition as this really amplifies the survival aspect, and usually helps avoiding deahtmatch situations (fog, rain, whiteout = less visibility). I would be all for those, but the idea of natural disasters is way too much. Noone wants to run from a tornado in a game that already has the undead and psycopaths lol (I suppose that's only an opinion, but, seriously, I don't need mother nature sniping me with a funnel cloud.)

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atleast Winter and blizzards or sandstorm etc should have been implanted :) would have been cool :)

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YES for whiteout. Btw, how do zombies act when it gets really cold? Are they immobile?

I figured it out: THey die very quick. THey have no body temperature so unlike a human there's no time for them to "cool", they just freeze a lot quicker.

"Zombie core body temperature ranges between 65 and 75 degrees, making them slightly warmer than vampires."

Edited by WoRtEx

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I not sure about that, I think it should be REALLY rare to happen a Tornado's in certain areas of the map, but the one I think that should definitely happen would be the Blizzards on winter season

Yes, also should add seasons, so there would be spring, autumn, summer and winter, and some of the Nature Effects can happens with higher chances in certain seasons.

Also during some seasons, leafs of trees and the grass would change.

I really like this idea! +1

Edited by MinxinG
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Yeah, it sound really great and I would approve it =)

I also think that the forests now are too lifeless.

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I would love to see this implemented. Me and the guys I play with have been talking about this and we thought that it would be awesome to have seasons in the game. Never thought of natural disasters though. :)

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It would be cool to see someone stock pile all kinds of vehicles/ammo/guns and everything, just to see it all get blown away by a tornado

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I think some weather effects should be added definitely, but adding natural disasters? I'm no so sure that contending with a tornados, forest fires AND zombies, bandit snipers, food, water, ammo needs are what Dayz needs.

That said I would like to see what it would do to the game.

Edited by ninjaholic

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id like to see other weather features but extreme weather its a little over the top, some temporary and persistant snow would be nice with the addition of snow camo perhaps

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Well that sounds a bit overboard, I can't think of many places that have to contend with every single natural disaster known to man. Certainly not in Russia.


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If the game engine could support it, I too would be in favour of more severe climate conditions. Tornadoes and similar events seem a bit beyond the game, but server-wide climate changes, such as a particularly nasty winter? I could see this happening. We sure would be burning through those heat packs a lot faster.

And on the subject of burning, why not forest fires? My experience with ARMA2 outside DayZ is extremely limited (first mission of the campaign), but from vids and screenshots online large-scale fires seem to be well within the parameters of the game. Forget to extinguish your campfire, or 'forget' to extinguish your campfire, and there could be a chance of it raging out of control.

How to deal with a forest fire? No emergency services in the apocalypse, buddy. Start running your ass off.

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Not a fan of the natural disasters idea except maybe earth tremors or something, just to make you worry about more and make you freak out a little.

On the other hand im in full support of the idea of having a whiteout, mist, morning fog (night time fog would be abit weird seeing as how hard it is to see at night anyway) but natural things like that would make it more interesting and realistic..hell even steam after a rain storm or something would be nice

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Additional idea: Howling winds, which lower your sound, your accuracy, let trees see-saw. If you walk against them, you'll slow down, if you walk with them, you'll be faster.

anyway +1 for the whole idea!

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I think it'd be a cool idea, but it would have to be very rare.

I don't think it would ever be done though.

Rocket stated in his interview with FPSguru that he did not like the idea of natural disasters. He wants destruction, and events, to come from the players themselves.

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I made a post about a nature effect I would like to see Forest Fires, in a post about game ideas. I also think seeing any weather effect that could kill me would be fun, honestly.

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I think Nature in the Full effect would be awesome for example adding Tornados, Hurricans and Earthquakes in which they destroy the land, pick up houses and kill players so I will be even harder to Survive. Or even a very thick Blizzard in which it covers your screen, therefor you need to find a house to keep warm and to see. I think adding this to the Standalone game would be awesome and test how people can survive or test the Man Vs Nature & Man Vs Man, in which they only count of themselfs not their friends or other players.

I thought this would be a cool feature to the game.

Would you like this to be added to the Standalone game?

Having an earthquake or tornado should be VERY rare, as it is IRL. Also, what in the holy hell is up with your capitalization? Why must you capitalize random words?!?!?!

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Also, what in the holy hell is up with your capitalization? Why must you capitalize random words?!?!?!

Was wondering the same thing, but figured he might be German ;)

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