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Let us exchange some extreme fail stories. Those moments that almost make you Rage Quit the game.

- Spawn

- Head to Elektro

- Search, search and search

- find revolver, alice pack, a ton of drinks + food, map, compass, watch, lee enfield and pretty much all the needed essentials.

- Enter the supermarket

- Find a ton of ammo

- guy strolls in with m16

- i have revolver out


- He shoots me once, i unload clip into him

- think he's dead

- bandage self

- he was only unconscious and wakes up

- need to reload

- "Why me?!"


~ HarringtonMuldoon

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Same deal nearly:

-Bumped into player in supermarket

-Shoot him like 4 times & he falls to the ground

-Scouts out market for loot

-Comes back to check 'dead' players backpack

-'Dead' player does a Lazurus, stands up, & axes me

-I have broken bones & am losing blood

-I shoot Lazurus again

-We both die

Note to self: always wait for 'murder' counter to tick over before assuming other player is dead

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You can tell if someone is dead by, yes looking at your counter on kills. But also check his pulse, breathing, and if his eyes are open not closed he is alive.

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When I get my self into a situation like that I never think fast enough to actually check their pulse... I'll have to remember that for next time haha.

Edited by HarringtonMuldoon

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I fell a meter and broke my legs, its like my bones are made of glass.

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I fell a meter and broke my legs, its like my bones are made of glass.

This annoys me. I walked off an admittedly quite high edge deliberately and suffered insta-death, even though I jumped off a height greater than that when I was 7 and came out of it without even rolling my ankle.

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