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Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

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Your so full of shit. You(or the people you defend) have no qualms about saying to someone. "Hey if you play passively then you get what you deserve". That is YOU deciding to punish someone for their play style....so fuck off with your fail logic hypocrite bullshit. And my suggestion was not for a place to come and whine about being killed. But maybe you're in like sixth grade and don't have alot of experience with reading comprehension. (Or maybe you're a complete fucking retard :)) Either way. Im not asking for a tool to fix "getting killed" shithead. I'm asking for a tool that will possibly discourage folks from working in teams to camp an area indiscriminately killing every soul they see just for shits and giggles. That's my request OK ALL YOU FUCKING MURDOCH DOUCHBAGS. Not for someone to save me from getting killed. Get it through your thick fucking malformed skulls. You see the problem is...When your arguments are not based in logic, and you just keep talking, eventually you have nothing to stand upon and you fall. So all you imbeciles who accuse me of being a pussy who wants rocket to hold my hand KEEP TALKING. I will take each one of you apart piece by piece and expose you for the fucking idiots you are, Have a nice life


Also, the difference between bandits and survivors IMO

Bandit-kills people for their loot, kills for fun, or kills because he chooses to play alone and does not want to risk getting betrayed

Survivor-someone who is willing to take the chance that the other person is friendly and team up with his, which provides a far greater advantage to you than taking his loot. Or someone who tries to avoid player contact through stealth like me! ;)

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@op: What is the advantage they have? please explain.

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Dude, half of the suspense of the game is wondering whether the guy across the street will shoot you. If you see they have a bandit skin, then it takes all the mystery out of it. Also, some people got fucked by the bandit skin since they were shot at, the person shooting them missed, and they shot back and didn't. So they got a murder even though it was self-defense. The bandit skin was removed, and rocket said it was the wrong direction since it forced people to play a certain way or become a target.

Plays the intelligence card, can't spell monkeys. Before you criticize anyone about intelligence, go through your post and look for typos and mistakes. That way you look less like an angry twelve-year-old.

If you had taken a bit more time to try and decipher the secret code i wrote the original post in you would have seen i thought of the issue where killing in self defense wouldn't get people bandit skins because reported murder counts would reset on a 48 hour cycle. So for someone to get like 50 or 100 murders within a 48 time period it is clearly not self defense. And if by some freak chance it was, they would get to post their appeal and the community could decide.

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@op: What is the advantage they have? please explain.

The definition of advantage =

any state, circumstance, opportunity, or means specially favorable to success, interest, or any desired end: the advantage of a good education.

Bandits have stated...why should they hunt scavenge when its so much EASIER to just shoot someone and take theirs. The ability to kill someone and take their things with no possible consequence is a definite advantage. The reason its not done normally is because there are also DIS-ADVANTAGES like going to jail or whatever (in the game there is no disadvantage, only advantage). BUT again....banditry is not the big issue for me. If you kill another player because you need or want their supplies OK. But killing simply for sport as many are doing needs to be addressed.

If someone is murdering 20 or 30 people a day. thats not banditry thats PK'ing and that is what my suggestion would effect.

Edited by playZ

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I am killed by another player...I'm prompted on screen...."you were killed by xyz".

Now if I choose to I can go to website and "report" the murder.

Once a murderer gets a certain number of reported murders (negotiable) they are from then on "Identified" in some way as a murderer in game.

This is not the dev's or the game punishing you for how you play it is the community.

This player "rap sheet" could reset itself every 48 hours or so, so a player would have to commit a high number of murders within a short time to be flagged. But once you are flagged it sticks.

You are allowed an appeal (To the community, not the dev's)

I don't see this as putting a bandit at a disadvantage. I see it as removing a bandits advantage.

Its a tool. Just as a sniper rifle is a tool with which you can kill an unarmed, non-aggressive player

from 400 meters (or whatever). This is a tool with which the community, if it so chooses, can punish unethical behavior.

I do not see how this conflicts with the goal of the game....provide the tools and let the players create the world

I do not see how this threatens pvp. It simply balances it

And it fits perfectly with the developers plans to incorporate the website into game play.

I'm open

very nice idea I love it

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The definition of advantage =

any state, circumstance, opportunity, or means specially favorable to success, interest, or any desired end: the advantage of a good education.

Bandits have stated...why should they hunt scavenge when its so much EASIER to just shoot someone and take theirs. The ability to kill someone and take their things with no possible consequence is a definite advantage. The reason its not done normally is because there are also DIS-ADVANTAGES like going to jail or whatever (in the game there is no disadvantage, only advantage). BUT again....banditry is not the big issue for me. If you kill another player because you need or want their supplies OK. But killing simply for sport as many are doing needs to be addressed.

If someone is murdering 20 or 30 people a day. thats not banditry thats PK'ing and that is what my suggestion would effect.

its a game not real life. I still don't get what kind of advantage they have, you are just making stuff up. We are all equal players, what you are saying is some people are better than you and you don't like that. Instead of adapting and getting better you whine because its easier.

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its a game not real life. I still don't get what kind of advantage they have, you are just making stuff up. We are all equal players, what you are saying is some people are better than you and you don't like that. Instead of adapting and getting better you whine because its easier.

What did I make up? And all i did was offer a suggestion. Your the one whos being kind of whiney ;) Edited by playZ

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Nab ideia, just shoot him back..Survive is the word..dnt cry

Im not crying asshole. Im offering a suggestion

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Put me on the list, i change my name next time i start the game ...

Pointless to make such a list and not even close to "realistic", cause YOU are dead you can not pin someones name on a list at all anymore.

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Really makes no sense to me. How is that going to remove this so called 'adavtage'? Won't help you if you're sniped or shot in the back, just helps you if you see them first and that's really like some have already suggested killing the suspense when meeting another player.

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Im not crying asshole. Im offering a suggestion

i see u'r the kind of person alwys dying at dayZ and start call all the ppl asshole xD

Real life apocalypse u gonna make a list of ppl who shoot at you? ^_^ and print on the walls? LOL

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Put me on the list, i change my name next time i start the game ...

Pointless to make such a list and not even close to "realistic", cause YOU are dead you can not pin someones name on a list at all anymore.

It could be attached to your IP, but I get it. You'd find an exploit...cool

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i see u'r the kind of person alwys dying at dayZ and start call all the ppl asshole xD

Real life apocalypse u gonna make a list of ppl who shoot at you? ^_^ and print on the walls? LOL

DO you see i'm the kind of person who's always dying in DAYZ ? You don't know that. You're just full of shit. Like assholes are ;)

Real life apocalypse? really? asshole

Edited by playZ

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DO you see i'm the kind of person who's always dying in DAYZ ? You don't know that. You're just full of shit. Like assholes are ;)

You should really stop with the name calling...
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This is a simulator, if one chooses to play it the way that he will just keep killing others, fair play to him, his choice - this however might end up one beautiful day into forming clans, that will be like bounty hunters - one will kill, other will contact those, and tell them where he got killed(of course must be done in-game not on forums or anything) and he would pay up something - and they'd get him... the more I think of this, I guess I might create my own bounty hunter's clan, and try to get as much other player killers as possible - anyone up for this?

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Why people Thinks That the bandit have an advantage? If you shoot his face he will die like you. Dude, there are weapons in the dayz with a purpose and not make you looks like cool. Shoot the bastards!

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But again you can't really see who is a bandit and who isn't without a bandit skin.

true, but as a skilled player with some experiences and bounty hunter, you will most likely recognise 'bandit' in starting location somewhere on roof, shooting at others, from poor guy with hatchet in his hand, runing away from zombies - if you got some brain you see my point - I didnt say it will be easy job, but its definately doable - and it might bring and attention of some PK's now, who might join the force just to get some real challenge, rather than shooting inocent noobies

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You should really stop with the name calling...

Oh c'mon....don't cry just cuz i called you a couple names...it's not like i killed you or anything ;) Edited by playZ

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Oh c'mon....don't cry just cuz i called you a couple names...it's not like i killed you or anything ;)

I'd challenge you to an intellectual dual... but I can see you are unarmed. ;) Edited by James Ashwood

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But again you can't really see who is a bandit and who isn't without a bandit skin.

If you witness someone murder someone else unprovoked, you can be relatively sure.

I would kindly invite you to post here or here if you're interested in supporting ideas that would allow you to "remember" players you have witnessed commiting criminal acts or acts of unprovoked violence - and here for a way to further identify friends ands squad mates with visual accessories.

The bandit skin was broken; you need only search the forums and read the related threads to understand why. I do not want to have the conversation again.

But the core notion is sound - help players identify friends and enemies. We just have to find a more authentic, reliable and immersive way to do it. I think my idea does just that.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. You expect this community to make just and fair decisions over people's appeals? I don't know if you've noticed, but the community isn't exactly used to being nice to each other.

Aside from the fact that if you make an appeal and then bust out the language you're using on people trying to express their opinions, your appeal will probably be rejected.

I noticed that you have a message saying "Are you capable of having an intelligent discussion?"

If you perceive calling everyone retards and assholes as an intelligent discussion, your parents raised you wrong.

I don't mean to offend, I'm just pointing out some flaws in your reasoning.

Edited by Ivanuvo

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Players could just as easily change their names, this will just lead to confusion and probably a lot of wrong killings, there are many duplicate names in DayZ which is why I said so. If the anybody in the community can post about people who murdered them, then even the bandits themselves could make false reports about whoever and falsely tag them as hostile towards other players in their own devious little schemes.

Also, all this time I've played DayZ I've not once seen the name of the person who killed me, except for a couple of times where it said friendly fire for some reason. So I don't really think it will work.

Edited by SgtPapaya

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