AllDayZSimon 75 Posted July 19, 2012 I figured I'd throw in my own little thought since everyone loves to throw the "Rules" around all the time on what you can and can't do. (While also digging this mod deeper and deeper into its grave)Taken from Bro,At no point in Rocket's post does it say that Combat DC is a bannable offense. In face, the DayZ admins have stated MULTIPLE times that the only bannable offenses are 1. Racism/Discrimination and 2. Vulgar/Offensive Language.You have, in fact, violated the rules in banning this person for combat logging. He could, therefore, report your server for breaking the rules.Please read the rules before you take matters into your own hands. are the Rules in case you cant read:BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers!- IT MAY NEVER BE PASSWORDED- NO OTHER KEYS OR MODS. NONE. PERIOD.- NO KICKING TO MAKE ROOM FOR 'FRIENDS' OR CLANMATES- NO LOCKING THE SERVER- NO EDITING DAYZ/MISSION FILES- IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO UPDATE YOUR SERVER TO THE LATEST VERSION OF DAYZ-BATTLEYE MUST BE ENABLED- Minimum slot count of 40 (30 for countries where bandwidth is expensive i.e. developing countries)- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.- You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel). But you may not kick due to race or language or because the person does something you do not like.- Kicking for extremely excessive ping or desync is permitted, but if abused is grounds for blacklistingFailure to adhere to these rules will BAN YOUR SERVER'S IP from DayZ.Just in case you cant read that either:Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.Better?Now I will tell you why, in very many ways - This arguement is the stupidest thing you can throw out there.As you can see, there are many rules that are being "Laid down" - DCing not being one of them. Because of this, everyone seems to believe it's within their right to do so.Now let me go over the list of things that aren't on this list along with ghosting/battle disconnecting - I mean, it's not on the list so it must be fine right?Spawning Gear, Vehicles, Weaponry.Using ESP/Aimbots.Teleporting with .50 cals.Nuking Elektro/Cherno.Spawning Goats with .50 cals.Hacking a server and giving yourself server administrator powers.+ Anything else that isn't on the list.Now that that little bit is done, let's go over the rules that are inplace and pick apart their meaning like everyone else does to validate their ability to battle-disconnect without punishment.BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers!- IT MAY NEVER BE PASSWORDED - Forgot to add the "Except when updating/restarting for ping related issues"- NO OTHER KEYS OR MODS. NONE. PERIOD.- NO KICKING TO MAKE ROOM FOR 'FRIENDS' OR CLANMATES - Fair and is rarely being abused (And before you say everyone does it, realize that there are thousands of servers.- NO LOCKING THE SERVER - Again, forgot to add the "Except when Updating/restarting to resolve ping issues."- NO EDITING DAYZ/MISSION FILES- IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO UPDATE YOUR SERVER TO THE LATEST VERSION OF DAYZ-BATTLEYE MUST BE ENABLED - Love how this was added moment after the first report yet all the abusing/cheating players get one post three days down the road.- Minimum slot count of 40 (30 for countries where bandwidth is expensive i.e. developing countries)- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc. - So Malicious ACTS don't count? So aslong as I don't type something racist/harrass anyone with text, I'm free to do it however I want - Just along as I don't type?- You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel). But you may not kick due to race or language or because the person does something you do not like. - Battle Disconnecting is disruptive behavior, but people also go "Not on the rules so it doesn't count"And if not, IE; ..It's not on the list so it must be fine right?Spawning Gear, Vehicles, Weaponry.Using ESP/Aimbots.Teleporting with .50 cals.Nuking Elektro/Cherno.Spawning Goats with .50 cals.Hacking a server and giving yourself server administrator powers.+ Anything else that isn't on the list.Now then, what I would like to see out of this thread? Not what I'm going to recieve I guarentee - But what I would like is a definitive response from anyone with the development team on what is freegame on cheating? What can we do to cheat but not be banned like is going on now? How much can we get away with because "It's not in the rules"?Because it seems like alot of people seem to have mixed emotions on the matter, why not clear it up here and now?Now that your mod is getting views, is the time to get professional and not leave these loop-holes in your rules - Especially if you're blacklisting people who pay to NOT have people go through your loop-holes. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobJoeXXI 28 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) Simon, I know you are upset but you have to let the devs do what they do. They are only a small team and things aren't going to get done overnight.Hackers will still be hacking tomorrow, D/C'ers will still D/C tomorrow.Question is, will you go on a banning spree without submitting tickets? If you do then you risk being blacklisted.I personally have confidence in what they are doing. Edited July 19, 2012 by BobJoeXXI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caviano 287 Posted July 19, 2012 Good shit.. Good shit through and through, thankyou for putting in your time with this. BRAVO. If I had more beans I'd give, but you get 5 for your profile. THANKYOU..BRILLIANTLY written. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caviano 287 Posted July 19, 2012 Simon, I know you are upset but you have to let the devs do what they do. They are only a small team and things aren't going to get done overnight.Hackers will still be hacking tomorrow, D/C'ers will still D/C tomorrow.Question is, will you go on a banning spree without submitting tickets? If you do then you risk being blacklisted.I personally have confidence in what they are doing.It has nothing to do with the devs and their development, it's about making sure admins have the right to ban people without having stupid repurcussions from hackers saying they're allowed to hack because the rules don't say they can't. The OP is totally in his right for this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AllDayZSimon 75 Posted July 19, 2012 Simon, I know you are upset but you have to let the devs do what they do. They are only a small team and things aren't going to get done overnight.Hackers will still be hacking tomorrow, D/C'ers will still D/C tomorrow.Question is, will you go on a banning spree without submitting tickets? If you do then you risk being blacklisted.I personally have confidence in what they are doing.The question isn't whether I'm upset or not - It's how flawed these "Rules" are and how they're being worked around -NOW-.The quote I took is from someone ranting on about how he's not in the wrong because there is no rule that explicitly mentions Battle Disconnecting.There are also no rules explicitly mentioning hacking servers/harrassing the HIVE -Don't hide behind "There is no rule about it", because the same can be said about anything I've mentioned in this thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schmotto 32 Posted July 19, 2012 I would call Disconnecting Disruptive behaviour. Problem is, it is all but impossible for Server admins to police. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobJoeXXI 28 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) The question isn't whether I'm upset or not - It's how flawed these "Rules" are and how they're being worked around -NOW-.The quote I took is from someone ranting on about how he's not in the wrong because there is no rule that explicitly mentions Battle Disconnecting.There are also no rules explicitly mentioning hacking servers/harrassing the HIVE -Don't hide behind "There is no rule about it", because the same can be said about anything I've mentioned in this thread.Mod is Alpha.Alpha.It is underdeveloped and continuing to be developed.I'll let you do what you do. You sound like you are going to anyway.I have more confidence in the ticket system than admins.Admins can be hotheaded while the dev team I can trust.I could easily link more hotheaded posts from admins.If anyone gets banned for D/C all they have to do is submit a ticket to get unbanned because they shouldn't be banned for it. Server admins can't police this. The logs won't show it. You just have to let the devs patch it out. Try to keep calm while waiting for the devs to patch it out. Edited July 19, 2012 by BobJoeXXI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caviano 287 Posted July 19, 2012 Mod is Alpha.Alpha.It is underdeveloped and continuing to be developed.I'll let you do what you do. You sound like you are going to anyway.I have more confidence in the ticket system than admins.Admins can be hotheaded while the dev team I can trust.I could easily link more hotheaded posts from admins.If anyone gets banned for D/C all they have to do is submit a ticket to get unbanned because they shouldn't be banned for it. Server admins can't police this. The logs won't show it. You just have to let the devs patch it out. Try to keep calm while waiting for the devs to patch it out.Admins should be allowed to ban for generic disruptive behavior. hacks combat logging, etc. That is the base line. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adron 42 Posted July 19, 2012 Mod is Alpha.Alpha.It is underdeveloped and continuing to be developed.I'll let you do what you do. You sound like you are going to anyway.I have more confidence in the ticket system than admins.Admins can be hotheaded while the dev team I can trust.I could easily link more hotheaded posts from admins.If anyone gets banned for D/C all they have to do is submit a ticket to get unbanned because they shouldn't be banned for it. Server admins can't police this. The logs won't show it. You just have to let the devs patch it out. Try to keep calm while waiting for the devs to patch it MUST not be an admin, and if you are, then you don't pay attention to your logs because you either dont care or are incompetent. The logs clearly show it, it's obvious, and if you grab a friend and try shooting them in the foot and having them alt+f4, you will see what it looks like. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jskibo 143 Posted July 19, 2012 Mod is Alpha.Alpha.It is underdeveloped and continuing to be developed.I'll let you do what you do. You sound like you are going to anyway.I have more confidence in the ticket system than admins.Admins can be hotheaded while the dev team I can trust.I could easily link more hotheaded posts from admins.If anyone gets banned for D/C all they have to do is submit a ticket to get unbanned because they shouldn't be banned for it. Server admins can't police this. The logs won't show it. You just have to let the devs patch it out. Try to keep calm while waiting for the devs to patch it out.No son they can't get unbanned by submitting a ticket. An admin ban is specific server based. They get unbanned by the admin unbanning them. The ticket is ignored like all the other tickets submitted and life goes on.... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 37 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) Mod is Alpha.Alpha.It is underdeveloped and continuing to be developed.I'll let you do what you do. You sound like you are going to anyway.I have more confidence in the ticket system than admins.Admins can be hotheaded while the dev team I can trust.I could easily link more hotheaded posts from admins.If anyone gets banned for D/C all they have to do is submit a ticket to get unbanned because they shouldn't be banned for it. Server admins can't police this. The logs won't show it. You just have to let the devs patch it out. Try to keep calm while waiting for the devs to patch it out.1. Your example of a "hotheaded admin" who you apparently can't "trust" is one who insists he's going to ban cheaters? Say it ain't so, not admins banning cheaters, what has this world come to!?2. It's trivial to police, actually. I know exactly who server hops and who disconnects in combat, it's easy.I don't ban either, because frankly at this point I don't care. It's part of the game right now. Rocket says it's an exploit so they'll take care of it eventually. But if you think it's difficult to police you don't know what you're doing.P.S. That and it's not worth the time right now. For all the complaining about ALT+F4 I've so far seen two people do it, and they were together and ran smack dab into another group and instantly ALT+F4'd to avoid it. Edited July 19, 2012 by thekab Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobJoeXXI 28 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) No son they can't get unbanned by submitting a ticket. An admin ban is specific server based. They get unbanned by the admin unbanning them. The ticket is ignored like all the other tickets submitted and life goes on....I am not your son.I am mistaken, you got me. One would submit tickets to report an abusive admin, which being banned for D/C is abuse since it is not apart of the rules due to it being able to be abused MUST not be an admin, and if you are, then you don't pay attention to your logs because you either dont care or are incompetent. The logs clearly show it, it's obvious, and if you grab a friend and try shooting them in the foot and having them alt+f4, you will see what it looks like.So since I'm not an admin my voice isn't important? This is the second time an admin told me this like my voice doesn't matter. I'll have you know I've seen what the logs look like. They do not paint me a clearcut picture of what happened. I can't tell if this person was in a firefight or disconnected for the night/day/break.1. Your example of a "hotheaded admin" who you apparently can't "trust" is one who insists he's going to ban cheaters? Say it ain't so, not admins banning cheaters, what has this world come to!? favoriteHe's acutally quite hilarious with what he says if you take a step back and ignore that he's an admin.With DayZ the way it is meant to take a shit on you at any moment (way as intended,) people will lose their temper. We cannot have admins with volatile tempers abuse anyone. A well organized group could kill an admin and they all get banned for D/C and the admin will provide the logs of them logging out at some arbitrary time. Edited July 19, 2012 by BobJoeXXI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kokofaser 0 Posted July 19, 2012 i likethis thread and i like your thinking but still i will always stay on my position that admins should be able to decide something about their own you pay for it that someone tells you what to do with it? so im paying a server for exaclty nothing since i cant make any decicions?.. yeah sure admins could abuse and get a advantage out of it what will wear over to other servers. but no passwords i dont get. there are people out there who maybe want to be able to just stay with each other and dont want other players around.i mean i get it why the rules are how they are but i would not pay money for hosting a server alone that in the end belongs to everyone.still im thankfull for this post since it gave me a good overview about the rules and how they could develop may have my beans ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 37 Posted July 19, 2012 With DayZ the way it is meant to take a shit on you at any moment (way as intended,) people will lose their temper. We cannot have admins with volatile tempers abuse anyone. A well organized group could kill an admin and they all get banned for D/C and the admin will provide the logs of them logging out at some arbitrary time.To put it succinctly, currently we must ask for permission to stop cheaters from abusing others in a vain effort to stop us from abusing them.You're making statements, not a cohesive argument. What makes you think admins can't and don't abuse people with these rules? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted July 19, 2012 Hello thereSurely *common sense* should rule?If ones server is being hacked, I very much doubt the devs will blacklist you for banning the said offender.Any unjust bans can be appealed.Use the rules as a guide not commandments written in stone.RgdsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites