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Thinking of buying this game, but...

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I would like to know if the game is full of hackers, cus that would be a huge deal breaker for me :P

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Not in my experience. I've seen one hack in the last 6 weeks or so. Although I know others will tell you different. Don't forget it's an Alpha Mod though and not a shiny new finished game.

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Not in my experience. I've seen one hack in the last 6 weeks or so. Although I know others will tell you different. Don't forget it's an Alpha Mod though and not a shiny new finished game.

Ok, thanks for the fast response!

Edited by Jakzy

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its not so prevalent and the admins/batteleye seem to be on top of things. i have yet to encounter a clear case of hackers after a week.

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I've seen one hacker and he was booted off the server promptly.

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Not too too many hackers as there are exploiters, and admins for the most part are good about booting people hacking however there are some servers that have hacking admins so its a mixed bag, more so than not its good to go and it's very possible to find a server you end up loving and call home. Best of luck to you if you buy the game, IMHO it's well worth it

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there are hackers, just not in every server, it honestly depends on how the admin of the server feels about cheating.. i play on #LOTC and he is very quick to ban hackers!

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if u don't mind me asking, what exactly does exploiters imply? bug abusing?

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in all i would def say buy this, its worth the money i know that.

I just realized that its only 20 euro, so I will definitely be buying it.

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Best money I've ever spent, much much better than that Diablo 3 crap-fest

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Best money I've ever spent, much much better than that Diablo 3 crap-fest

I did the same misstake, might as well thrown 50$ in the toilet = /

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Hey, if you get bored of DayZ try the actual game arma 2, and OA, it's really fun. And also, hackers aren't really THAT bad, the only encounter I've had with hackers, is all the guns that eventually became mine!

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This might be a stupid question, but hows the player base in Europe? any good european servers?

Edited by Jakzy

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I have played for over two months and only ever died to a hacker once. Your far more likly to die to zombies or bugs or even other players who are not hacking.

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