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Zombies Alive/Total?

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Just wondering what this means, difference between total and alive. Is total the amount that could possibly spawn, and alive how many have actually spawned, or something like this?

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Yea if a zombie gets killed it'll respawn soon... If you see something lilke 100/500 you'll know that there will be spawning a huge number of zombies somewhere^^

These nubers doesn't really help you as a player though. It's just interesting for the developers to see how many zombies a server can handle.

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I just assume it means how many zombies have spawned (Total) and then how many are alive. The difference should be how many dead Zed bodies there are lying around.

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I am not exactly sure. I think it is zombies alive/dead. In the current patch when someone leaves or dies the zombies that were spawned my them get stuck in place. I think that's why the zombies/alive ratio is out of whack right now.

It used to be more like 525/515 meaning there were 10 zombies on the ground "dead".

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Alive = zombies... alive.

Total = alive +zombie dead bodies (they will disappear after a while).

Each zombie body consumes an amount of processing power and internet connection. More zombies = higher ping as the data of each zombie must be delivered to each player on that server.

This information is not relevant to the player, but considering this is an alpha version of the mod, the debug monitor may help the dev team finding issues related to that data.

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