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ThePunisher (DayZ)

Rocket Said its up to the players to do something about bandits

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So that's what I'm freaking doing. Several of us are wanting something like this so I decided to run with it. Its just getting started and I just opened up the board so there is a lot of work left to do yet and Ground work to be laid out and talked about like where our base of operations is gonna be and things like officers and moderators are needed so let me know if you would be interested in such a thing, but I feel this would be a great start to something really cool!

Ladies and Gentlemen I preset to you

The Anti-Bandit Brigade [ABB]


What we are about

Rocket (the developer of Dayz) Once said He's not gonna add consequences for killers or bandits. If we think something needs to be done about the snipers and rampant killers and bandits then we are gonna have to stand up and make the change for ourselves instead of simply complaining about it. Well That's exactly what the ABB plans to do. We are not here to complain, we are here to stand up and do something about it.

The ABB is a clan focused on cleaning up the streets of Chernarus. The Police Force of Dayz if you will. Death Match and Player killing are running rampant in Dayz and its up to players to get organized and make a plan if we want to Lower the number of bandits and make a change. This change won't come easy as the population of Dayz keeps increasing, but that simply means there's always something out there for the ABB to do.

Our missions will mostly center around patrolling the treelines/streets of the major cities and Airfields/Military zones while attempting to clean out the Bandits and Snipers that we come across. Wouldn't it be nice to make a run to the hospital and only have to worry about the Infected instead of the sniper in the trees shooting people at the hospital? We want to try to keep the hospitals safe for all who need medical supplies. We want to let new players and new spawned characters feel safe when they enter the streets in search of starting supplies. We want good supplies and vehicles to be shared amongst everyone on the servers not just the few organized bandits who take everything.

We are the Anti-Bandit Brigade and We have had enough!!

Rules of ABB

All ABB members must follow these simple rules or they subject to being removed from the ABB.

1. We only shoot 2nd!

All members of the ABB are required to not openly fire on anyone first. We are survivors not bandits. Bandits Kill on sight. Only fire your weapon on another player if for self defense. Yes this may get us killed from time to time but do not get discouraged. We can always re-supply and get back out there. Otherwise we are simply going to turn into the very people we are trying to fight against.

2. Confirm your targets.

All members of the ABB must Confirm that your target is indeed a bandit before opening fire. A lot of times simply following rule number 1 will confirm your targets for you. Often times we may need to clear out snipers that are killing people but you must make sure they are bandits first! If your sneaking through the treelines looking for snipers and happen to spot someone Pointing their rifle towards town, crouched down in a sniper suit. You still have not confirmed they are bandits. Maybe they are simply covering their friends? . Wait for them to make that first shot at the people before you take them out. Assume nothing, Confirm First before making the kill.

3. Don't judge others from simple Hearsay or rumors.

Just because Bob says that Susan is a bandit doesn't mean that she is. He could be just trying to get her killed because she called him a dork or something. Make sure to follow rule number 2. Bob says Susan is a bandit, he tells you where he last seen her at. Follow her around some, Let her see you, see if she opens fire first. Watch and wait, see if she kills someone else first. Confirm the target!

Exception to this rule is if 3 or more people are confirming they are bandits. If Bob, Jerry and John all say that Susan is a bandit. We will count that as a confirmation.

4. Do not Steal from others unless banditry is confirmed.

Stealing is something bandits do. We are not bandits. There is plenty of supplies in the world for us to find ourselves without stealing it. Do not run around simply looting random camps. However taking supplies from bandits is helping the cause and that's ok. Confirm that the camp belongs to a bandit or bandit clan first before taking its supplies and destroying it.

5. All members of ABB must place an [ABB] clan tag infront of their profile name

This is pretty much the ground work for now. This is my first time running a message board so it may be a little sloppy till i figure everything out. Also feel free to check it out and give me suggestions or opinions or sign up to become a member even! Let me know what you guys think.



Edited by ThePunisher
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hard for the players to do something about bandits when the majority of them are bandits. ~_~ I, for one, am forced to kill on site after finally putting up with too much shit.

The turning point for me was when I saved someone, told them to come here so I could blood bag him. As I'm doing the healing the fucker just pulls my AK out of my alice pack and wastes me, gee, thanks asshole!

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Interesting idea and I wish you the best of luck, but I don't see this working. At best you'll be able to semi-protect one city on a server, but once folks find out you'll have bandits from everywhere trying to get into that server just to mess with your patrols.

IMO, there isn't any other way to put a dent into rampant banditry other than to give them something else to do. While some folks willingly take on the role I think most are just bored and have nothing else to do but hunt other players.

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This is a sandbox game, if you want a theme park game there is always WOW....... :P

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Well if Rocket could kindly give us the tools to recognise Bandits then we could do something about it. So far, the only way to discover another players murderous intentions is shortly after you see the ' you are dead ' sign.

Just give us some prompts that could mimic the 'gut feeling' we would get in real life when encountering some one who is untrustworthy. Simple.

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I can't even read what you posted with the grey text on white background. Oh my bleeding eyes!

i fixed it, copy and paste from my board apprantly changed it white for some reason. fixed now sorry about that.

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Dont people play Online Shooters to kill people? correct me if im wrong????? Ill look after my team mates thats it, these people making things like this dont have freinds to play with.

Grenades coming your way lads ElecktrO is allways locked down ;)

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Dont people play Online Shooters to kill people? correct me if im wrong????? Ill look after my team mates thats it, these people making things like this dont have freinds to play with.

Grenades coming your way lads ElecktrO is allways locked down ;)

If you think DayZ has been developed as an 'online shooter', then you are very wrong.

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You guys are over-exaggerating this bandit thing..

IT IS A SIMULATOR. To simulate what it is like to be in a post-apocalyptic world. It is psychologically confirmed in the real world that people will kill and become crazy. If you can't even deal with it in just a game, you wouldn't last a second in the real thing.

THE WORLD IS SO HUGE, that you shouldn't even be wandering into anyone for hours. You should never stick in the cities. People run so openly in the main cities that bandits are doing them a favor by putting one between the eyes for them. Stick to rural areas and you wont get killed. YOU NEED TO STRATEGIZE, that's why this game was made.. You need to learn to defend yourself and tell who's friend or foe. Not run around in the most oblivious areas to get chased by zombies and get yourself killed.

When you first spawn, run into the nearest forest and hike up north, it's safer, and you can survive better. Quit making 10,000 threads about how you get killed due to someone that out-smarted you

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I hate calling myself a bandit because being a faggot waiting all day on a roof is just plain dumb, HOWEVER

This idea is equally stupid. I would just pretend to be one of you and wait till we're "on patrol" then shoot as many of you in the back as I could until you either kill me or all of you are dead.

Edit: Please do that somebody. Please record it as well. Also add Benny Hill music.

Edited by I am a Failure (Destry)

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If you have at least five guys I have a server ripe for clean up. PM me and we'll work something out. These guys NEVER let the noobs anywhere near whichever big city they're camping. The server needs your help!

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all these negitive posts are the exact reason i started this in the first place. Everyone wants to sit on the message boards and complain but no one wants to actually do anything about it in game. just keep sitting back and complaining and begging rocket to change things. Cause that seems to be working so well so far right?

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cant wait till next respawn, ill be sure to stash a frag or two somewhere safe, then i can suicide bomb the hospital as you all stand around nicely breaking the glass to let me in and protect me from evil bandits

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Don't see this working, after a while... the people playing with you, who get killed enough times because had to sit there and wait until someone put a round into their skull, are going to say "Screw this, I'm not wasting my time anymore. Just going to shoot first and ask questions later from now on." And you've successfully added another bandit to the ranks, thanks for the population boost! We bandits appreciate it! Gives us more competition. :)

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if I see a sniper, and I can't safely get a shot on him, I mark it on map and label it "sniper"

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I applaud your effort, but you probably wont suceed:

Reason 1: Bandit clans will attack you, being a well known anti-bandit clan is likely to make your home server more violent (This is what I'm witnessing playing on CQF servers).

Reason 2: Killing bandits wont make them abandon banditry, you will simply slow them down as they have to respawn and find another Enfield before they can continue slaying.

Reason 3: Say a new player panics and fires off a shot at the well armed group of survivors approaching him, you kill him since he shot first, now someone in your crew has a murder, and the new player has decided to never trust anyone.

Bandit hunting is not the solution to rampant banditry. Organize a peaceful protest, setup a survivor aid center, assist new players and offer medical services, then maybe you could start to change people's mind on player killing for sport.

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I applaud your effort, but you probably wont suceed:

Reason 1: Bandit clans will attack you, being a well known anti-bandit clan is likely to make your home server more violent (This is what I'm witnessing playing on CQF servers).

Reason 2: Killing bandits wont make them abandon banditry, you will simply slow them down as they have to respawn and find another Enfield before they can continue slaying.

Reason 3: Say a new player panics and fires off a shot at the well armed group of survivors approaching him, you kill him since he shot first, now someone in your crew has a murder, and the new player has decided to never trust anyone.

Bandit hunting is not the solution to rampant banditry. Organize a peaceful protest, setup a survivor aid center, assist new players and offer medical services, then maybe you could start to change people's mind on player killing for sport.

we plan on doing things like this as well. for one of my first missions I was thinking along the lines of gathering a lot of medical supplies and setting up a medical camp somewhere outside of the major cities so players could come to us and get things like bandages, pain killers, morphine. the Theme of ABB may be killing bandits but I plan to have the clan doing other things as well for sure.

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The "Bandits alive" counter is currently rising by the thousands each day, that means people are generally playing DayZ as your standard FPS DeathMatch on a giant map.

This game simply isn't giving "bandit hunters" as many tools as it gives the "ololo i shoot u first" crowd, so the "just do something about it, duh" argument seems a bit far fetched and frankly like a cheap exit to get out of the argument.

Edited by totallyRebb

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"There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else."

-Ernest Hemingway-

Edited by Acix
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