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Cursedmyth (DayZ)

Looking for partners

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Hi everyone I am currently looking for one or two other guys to survive in DayZ.

I have a decent amount of experience already and played for 80 hours.

If you are willing to join, be ready to be tactical. I am looking for mature ppl, 16+ years and with enough experience to be able to gear up rapidly. Also, be ready to kill people. I am not a total douchebag who shot everyone in sight but if you carry items that could be useful or if you are a possible threat, I will probably shoot you down. Least but not last, You absolutly need a microphone since we will use teamspeak or skype. Living on the east coast is also a must if we want to play together.

Leave a reply below or PM and I will try to answer you as fast as possible.

-Nathan Smith

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Hi, I'm 18 from England and have mic, and have been trying to find a partner/partners for quite a while now, and ye Im pretty pro at dayz,

When I've died I can get back most of my decent stuff 'alice pack' assault rifle medical stuff ect withing a couple of hours.

Pm me if you like :)

Edited by A Metal Viking

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Hey there! :D


’m 16 and from the USA (east coast, Florida to be precise) and own a Mic/Teamspeak/Exc. I’m on most days and have plenty of Day Z experience, including Airfield and downed-chopper raids. I’m generally online all the time so feel free to shoot me a msg anytime. Thanks, and I’d love to hear from you and maybe team up.

Steam: inkidda (Dr.Lyme) OR [http://steamcommunity.com/id/inkidda] <------ Online 24/7

Skype: Lyyme2 <----- Only online while playing. (Would have better luck adding me on steam)

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i have a mic but its low to hear me u will have to adjust the db on me i got it brand new but idk whats wrong with that but im fairly new to dayz but that doesnt mean i cant follow orders or work as a scout or what ever im in nyc usa :D

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