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loling through zombies ruins the game

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Please make zombies ''not so pussy''. They are really just a joke at the moment, and it's not really a ''zombie survival game'' if the zombies aren't a big part. When I go out into the game, I'm more afraid of being sniped across the map by some random asshole, more than I'm afraid of attracting a horde of infected. If you really want to make this game DayZ, and not DayPvP; you need to make the zombies a bigger part of the survival.

Here are my thoughts on how to fix zombies

-There are way too many weapons that 1 shot zombies, I think even the better of weapons should be a 3-4 shot kill.

-Fix their fucking animations, my god... You can't take the zombies seriously, when their attack animations look like they're just trying to give you a little push. And their running animation isn't even anything to be afraid of, its just laughable because they run like a bunch of downies.

-Fix the way zombies growl/moan. At the moment, they just sound like a bunch of angry chihuahua's.

-Don't make them aggro from far away, but make it so when you DO aggro one, you aggro a lot more.

-It's way too easy to just run away from zombies, there needs to be a reason to turn around and kill them instead of just run. Maybe make it so they CAN hit you while you run, but make them run the same speed as survivors, so you're not just getting douched. That way if you slow down for any reason you will be swarmed.

-Maybe make something where, if you're running from zombies for too long you ''trip'' and go into the prone position.

-ENHANCE zombies hearing abilities at night. Can you imagine having 10-20 infected chasing you around in the pitch black!! This shit would be epic.

These are all just off of the top of my head, nothing too amazing; but the whole point of this thread is to point out that zombies need to be something feared. If zombies were really something to be scared of, it would give players an incentive to come together.

What do you guys in the community think?

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Please make zombies ''not so pussy''. They are really just a joke at the moment, and it's not really a ''zombie survival game'' if the zombies aren't a big part. When I go out into the game, I'm more afraid of being sniped across the map by some random asshole, more than I'm afraid of attracting a horde of infected. If you really want to make this game DayZ, and not DayPvP; you need to make the zombies a bigger part of the survival.

Here are my thoughts on how to fix zombies

-There are way too many weapons that 1 shot zombies, I think even the better of weapons should be a 3-4 shot kill.

-Fix their fucking animations, my god... You can't take the zombies seriously, when their attack animations look like they're just trying to give you a little push. And their running animation isn't even anything to be afraid of, its just laughable because they run like a bunch of downies.

-Fix the way zombies growl/moan. At the moment, they just sound like a bunch of angry chihuahua's.

-Don't make them aggro from far away, but make it so when you DO aggro one, you aggro a lot more.

-It's way too easy to just run away from zombies, there needs to be a reason to turn around and kill them instead of just run. Maybe make it so they CAN hit you while you run, but make them run the same speed as survivors, so you're not just getting douched. That way if you slow down for any reason you will be swarmed.

-Maybe make something where, if you're running from zombies for too long you ''trip'' and go into the prone position.

-ENHANCE zombies hearing abilities at night. Can you imagine having 10-20 infected chasing you around in the pitch black!! This shit would be epic.

These are all just off of the top of my head, nothing too amazing; but the whole point of this thread is to point out that zombies need to be something feared. If zombies were really something to be scared of, it would give players an incentive to come together.

What do you guys in the community think?

I think you beat Dayz now GTFO and get a job.

<3 FriendFace

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I just think that there needs to be super hard areas that require a group of coordinated people to even enter.

Lone wolfers can also get in... if they are opportunistic.

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I just think that there needs to be super hard areas that require a group of coordinated people to even enter.

Lone wolfers can also get in... if they are opportunistic.

Airfields, and cherno/elektro/berezino should be like this.

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Rocket has repeatedly said this is not a zombie survival game. They aren't even technically zombies. This is an anti-game experiment that tests human interaction with an environment. The Zed are a small piece of that experiment.

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Yea, zeds are not much of a threat atm and just sprinting through hordes and then parking them in a building does sort of kill the atmosphere a bit.

Imo the most important things to fix are the animations (they just look weird and unrealistic), and implement either a stamina stat for players so you cant run forever or give zeds the ability to hit you while running.

Edited by vile.

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-There are way too many weapons that 1 shot zombies, I think even the better of weapons should be a 3-4 shot kill.

i agree with all except this.. thats insane. most weapons arent 1 hit kills imo.. alot are 2 and imagine an army of zombies coming for you and needing 4 bullets per zombie.. thats batshit insane. not to mention the low amount of ammo already :|

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Rocket has repeatedly said this is not a zombie survival game. They aren't even technically zombies. This is an anti-game experiment that tests human interaction with an environment. The Zed are a small piece of that experiment.

im baked and u got me hahah

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i agree with all except this.. thats insane. most weapons arent 1 hit kills imo.. alot are 2 and imagine an army of zombies coming for you and needing 4 bullets per zombie.. thats batshit insane. not to mention the low amount of ammo already :|

Well hear me out. 3-4 was a bit of an over exaggeration. Like, WAY too many starting weapons have the ability of 1 shotting (AKM, Winchester, Lee enfield, M1911, Revolver) so it just kind of removes the immersion of going through hell and back just to find some more ammo, or going through hell just to get away from the zombies chasing you. It's just too simple to be able to turn around and 1 shot everything. That was the point I was trying to make :)

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