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Mister Christopher

More Common Bad Guns

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I know they took out the feature of spawning with a handgun when you start on the beach, but we should still be able to find them somewhere right? Ive been playing for about a week now and I have found one gun. Granted im not the best player but really? ONE gun!?!

Now due to the fact that ive only found one gun, i dont know what the worst gun is, but i think that there should be more weapon spawns in the little villages. On the other hand maybe they can spawn with very little to no ammo. There's a reasonable amount of ammo thats easily accessible... That is, if you have a gun.

Now im sure most people are just thinking "this guy is just an idiot who doesnt know where to find guns", well that is very true. Should i have to memorize every single gun spawn and just go from point to point on the map? For me, that takes the fun out of the exploring and surviving aspect. Its no longer a "do what it takes to survive" but a "go to these specific places because all of the stuff you need is there" game. Not to mention running into the people who sure as hell know that the things i need are there and pick me off with the countless guns i dont have.

I feel like after sneaking through 4 villages avoiding zombies (while completely defenceless if seen) i deserve to at least get a crappy handgun for which to use the few clips that i was actually able to find in the houses.

-unrelated, but is it out of the game's ability to add some sort of crappy unarmed or flashlight melee?-

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I do agree that the randomisation for certain items is poor, but tbh the game is only in alpha we will have to wait see :D

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Guns are actually really common. They spawn pretty much in every residential, military and farm buildings. I usually get a gun 10 minutes after I spawn.

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I used to think guns were rare. Then I caught on how to play and if you know where to look, you can usually find a gun within 5 minutes of spawn. Finding your first food I think personnally is the real challenge. You're only really certain to find that in supermarkets. Elsewhere, you'll be lucky to find ONE can in ONE house somewhere.

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Guns are actually really common. They spawn pretty much in every residential, military and farm buildings. I usually get a gun 10 minutes after I spawn.

I agree i get guns fairly quickly

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Well thats the thing, i have absolutely no idea where to look, and whenever i set off into the map i end up walking for hours until i find another village where there dont seem to be any guns (or food, i starve a lot, or for that matter matches to actully cook the meat i hunt down with an axe). I just figure that these are fairly simple changes to make while the game is still in alpha. If(when) it becomes its own game im sure there will be no issues like this.

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Guns are ridiculously common. You need to refer to a Dayz map such as http://dayzdb.com/map and learn how to play if you play for a week and only find one gun. Now i'm not trying to flame or insult you because i started out doing absolutely horrible too and crawling from one low value building to another till i learned to prioritize, run, and get away from zombies easily. I can now fully regear myself in about 30 minutes with Lee Enfield/Winchester/Assault Rifle and a 1911 or revolver plus all the requisite food, water, and tools to make my way north. You just have to learn what to go for, when to run, and when to crawl.

*protip* Unless you have a lot of valuable gear and are somewhere like NW airfield you should not ever crawl. It just makes it easier for the noob camping snipers to spot and hit you. If you run your chances of survival in town go up drastically. Once you have great gear then you can maybe crawl around behind cover and try to stay out of sight and not attract attention. Till then..... dont bother.

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