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A question about infected speeds

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The problem is not the fact that the infected are faster then you, its that they are consistently running at an angle towards with a consistent random variable.

- Lacks all reasoning other than basal instinct

- Has only the desire to attack

Would lead them to running directly at you, not at a sideways angel, even as they are hitting you continuing to revolve around you.

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Speed is fine, but I'd tone down on the twitchiness and weird zig-zag movements.

Especially since high speed + high twitchiness + just a little bit of lag = warping around like crazy and way harder to kill than it should be.

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I don't want to see zombies nerfed at all. There is already very little in the mod that encourages teaming up as it is.

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So the infected:

- Cannot feel pain

- Lacks all reasoning other than basal instinct

- Has no human emotions

- Has only the desire to attack

I can understand the folks who want the zombies slowed down for gameplay reasons.

But what completely dumbfounds me' date=' is why do people steadfastly believe that in "real life" they would be able to outrun a person in such a state?

I'm genuinely curious, as such a notion seems absurd to me. Removing alot of the human thoughts from the brain, such as fear, pain, self preservation - would make someone extremely hard to get away from.


If we accept that whatever is causing this zombification doesn't adversely effect the subject's physical condition, I would agree.

However, givent the limping, lumbering movement that zeds display, combined with the obvious physical deterioration evident in their appearance, I would say that is not the case.

So, based on the evidence directly available, it does not appear that zombies are in peak physical condition, (in fact, quite the opposite) which seems like it would cause them significant mobility impediments.

I think slowing down zed animations, rather than the zeds themselves, would go a lot further toward making them feel more natural. Right now they look like they're always moving in fast-forward. When walk, the animations are about 40% faster than the footstep noises.

Slow zed animations down by 40% or so, and they would look a lot more natural, in my opinion.

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I didnt read the entire thread, but I was hoping for a player run fatigue implementation at some point, where you end up slowing down due to fatigue.

Right now you could run through a town, have a dozen zombies in your tow, but as long as you keep running you will be fine. Eventually you could lose them using obstacles or running into a building and picking them off when they go into 'walk mode'.

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I always liked the Romero Zombies: slow but hard to stop, always in large numbers. Killed only by a shot in the head.

I think high speed runing is silly mostly because zombie is really a dead body - walking. THats why you call them "the Walking Dead" and not "the Running Dead". Rotten, disfunctioned body that is animated by the virus or whatever jest to keep walking (and eating brains of course).

On the others side - gameplay wise - it will be just too easy if you could get in, get out of a city just by running fast.

The truth is - only on a diffirent (urban) terrain slow zombies would be ok. Labirynths of small streets, dead ends, lots of corners PLUS lots of zombies witch are only killed by headshot.

On an open terrain it would jest be too easy to avoid them. THats why most of zombie movies are set in cities/towns/malls ;) and not in woodlands and beaches ;)

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they're dead.

Muscular and nerve decay is why zombies are slow

A Frenzy manic state is why the term infected was used

but the game is called 'Dead Z'

personally infected is good for me, if you could loose them and they didnt teleport all over the shop

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I always liked the Romero Zombies: slow but hard to stop' date=' always in large numbers. Killed only by a shot in the head.

I think high speed runing is silly mostly because zombie is really a dead body - walking. THats why you call them "the Walking Dead" and not "the Running Dead". Rotten, disfunctioned body that is animated by the virus or whatever jest to keep walking (and eating brains of course).

On the others side - gameplay wise - it will be just too easy if you could get in, get out of a city just by running fast.

The truth is - only on a diffirent (urban) terrain slow zombies would be ok. Labirynths of small streets, dead ends, lots of corners PLUS lots of zombies witch are only killed by headshot.

On an open terrain it would jest be too easy to avoid them. THats why most of zombie movies are set in cities/towns/malls ;) and not in woodlands and beaches ;)


Well walking zombies could work if they were attracted easier, like if someone fires a gun EVERY ZOMBIE nearby goes towards the sound. Or if they see you they will follow you and try to track you, they may even follow you between cities and towns, but they would take a while to get there. So if a bunch of zombies see you in a town and you just run away to another town, eventually a horde of zombies might emerge from the forest looking for you :P So players would be harassed by these zombies until they are forced to fight them.

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left 4 dead did zombies really well, keep em at a respectivly fast speed. however, at the same time they are zombies, fueled only to eat the first living thing they find, hence they would not be charging at you in serpentine patterns, but strait for you.

as of right now unless the zombie is at extreme range, or point blank its really hard to land a shot, as they are moving at very high speeds usually at 45 degree angle from you. that simply makes no sense, and usually just ends up with zombie encounters ending by the player blasting them once they are in their face.

alot of the tension of avoiding letting them get close by shooting them as they run up is gone as of right now. its pretty much just standing there and shooting them once they get point blank before they get an attack off.

on the note about it being more realistic that zombies move fast. technically a zombie is dead flesh, which means blood has stopped pumping, which means muslces would tighten up and dry out, leaving them unable to move at high speeds at all.

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So the infected:

- Cannot feel pain

- Lacks all reasoning other than basal instinct

- Has no human emotions

- Has only the desire to attack

I can understand the folks who want the zombies slowed down for gameplay reasons.

But what completely dumbfounds me' date=' is why do people steadfastly believe that in "real life" they would be able to outrun a person in such a state?

I'm genuinely curious, as such a notion seems absurd to me. Removing alot of the human thoughts from the brain, such as fear, pain, self preservation - would make someone extremely hard to get away from.


have you herd of rigorousness or done any research into zombies before posting this?

if you want this to be a real life situation look at it this way zombies wouldn't be running they would be walking at a slow pace, after about a week they would be dead as well. the zombie needs blood pupping to keep your body moving, with out blood with out oxygen, without water and carbs your dead. think about it. zombies in real life wont be a big problem. all you have to do is withstand the first month if not first 2 weeks then youll be fine.

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Well, I think many people are making the assumption that this game has zombies instead of infected. Understandable, given the name of the game and the fact that everyone keeps using the word zombie. Obviously, a reanimated corpse is going to suffer some significant debilitation.

For people who know these are infected, is would say it comes from another assumption, this time on the nature of the infection. The two biggest real-life causes generally piggybacked on for zombie fiction are "human mad cow disease" and rabies. The former causes balance and coordination impairment and altered gait, while the latter causes flu-like symptoms, partial paralysis and, eventually, coma. These would be significant impairments, even for a population that appears to be made up entirely of Olympic level sprinters.

Of course, it is a fictional infection; so, you can ignore all these real-life factors I've mentioned if you like fast infected more. Personally, I think slow would be better, gameplay wise, but I think that is a different thread.

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Sorry for weak English.

Imo best option is to decrease their movement speed to 2-3x faster than they now walk. But make them killable only with headshots, body shots might only slow down them a bit or make them fall (lay animation and stand?) also they'll be able to kill you by just 1 hit. They should also attack you from bigger distance if they see/hear you. Gun shots should make them fallow to noice source for 2 mins for example. They also should fallow you for 2 minutes and if you ran away they go back to their spot.

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I find the zombie speeds acceptable, although I think the pathfinding is a bit buggered. Someone going on basal instinct woulldn't bob and weave/zigzag after their target, they'd throw themselves full force after that target and run straight into whatever they want to kill

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