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A question about infected speeds

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So the infected:

- Cannot feel pain

- Lacks all reasoning other than basal instinct

- Has no human emotions

- Has only the desire to attack

I can understand the folks who want the zombies slowed down for gameplay reasons.

But what completely dumbfounds me, is why do people steadfastly believe that in "real life" they would be able to outrun a person in such a state?

I'm genuinely curious, as such a notion seems absurd to me. Removing alot of the human thoughts from the brain, such as fear, pain, self preservation - would make someone extremely hard to get away from.

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So the infected:

- Cannot feel pain

- Lacks all reasoning other than basal instinct

- Has no human emotions

- Has only the desire to attack

I can understand the folks who want the zombies slowed down for gameplay reasons.

But what completely dumbfounds me' date=' is why do people steadfastly believe that in "real life" they would be able to outrun a person in such a state?

I'm genuinely curious, as such a notion seems absurd to me. Removing alot of the human thoughts from the brain, such as fear, pain, self preservation - would make someone extremely hard to get away from.




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I don't have any problems with the zombies because I have the guts to just turn around and shoot the bugger in the head and get it over and done with! Problem Solved.

If they don't want to be chased stick to the forest line instead of running through the town thinking you are some hot-shot and then suddenly cry when you get chased by 50+ Zombies!

Anyway, agreed. Do not in anyway alter the Zombies, in my opinion they are 100% fine as they are.


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So the infected:

- Cannot feel pain

- Lacks all reasoning other than basal instinct

- Has no human emotions

- Has only the desire to attack

I can understand the folks who want the zombies slowed down for gameplay reasons.

But what completely dumbfounds me' date=' is why do people steadfastly believe that in "real life" they would be able to outrun a person in such a state?

I'm genuinely curious, as such a notion seems absurd to me. Removing alot of the human thoughts from the brain, such as fear, pain, self preservation - would make someone extremely hard to get away from.


But they are still limited by their physiology.

You can't just give a person a heck load of painkillers and he will outrun a cheetah :).

But I think the current speed of zombies is okay.

If those buggers wouldn't defy physics and change directions faster than space invaders :D

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But they are still limited by their physiology.

You can't just give a person a heck load of painkillers and he will outrun a cheetah :).

But I think the current speed of zombies is okay.

If those buggers wouldn't defy physics and change directions faster than space invaders :D


Well, I also wish the Zombies wouldn't zig-zag around like chickens with their heads cut off but it's how ArmA 2's A.I. had been scripted. Hopefully ArmA 3 has been worked on for a little longer :P


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I can understand the folks who want the zombies slowed down for gameplay reasons.

What leads me to... can you think the zigzag stuff they make when coming close to a player can be fixed ?

It isn't the speed the problem, it's clearly that.

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While having the lack of pain can help withstand damage, I still think it's pretty hard to see them running as insanely fast as they do. Four legs versus two, digigrade versus... not... Should you be able to outrun them? For a little while probably, but they don't have the limitation of stamina.

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I can understand the folks who want the zombies slowed down for gameplay reasons.

What leads me to... can you think the zigzag stuff they make when coming close to a player can be fixed ?

It isn't the speed the problem' date=' it's clearly that.



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I don't mind the speed, the zigzagging is the annoying part.

But if we are going all realism here. I don't think a normal human being could run that fast without messing up the body somehow. A normal human body is not made for such speed. It's probably physically impossible to run that fast.

But from a scifi perspective. The zombies have been mutated, which is why they move so fast. In other words, scifi is the answer to everything.

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the infected

the only thing that I don't understand is that knock-down move. I don't know about your world's lore, but I find it hard to believe that a zombie would be able to keep me pinned down for so long alone, considering he's some dead (?) farmer, and I still have my gun :-/

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Because those things don't automatically make the zombie fast, just driven. It doesn't suddenly make the muscles stronger, or less rotted, or somehow better. It doesn't effect the body unless we're talking about a mutation that gives the zombies that ability, which I haven't seen.

The biggest problems aren't the speed.

It's that there's no aggro radius and they'll chase you from one side of the map to the other

It's that they can knock you out in a single hit

And it's that they're stupidly tough to hit.

Also make bleeding stop after X blood loss.

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In popular culture, your typical zombie is dangerous because they are in groups, not because they can sprint at full tilt nonstop and zigzag.

Reducing their speed to jogging speed is the best solution. They still keep up with you but you can doubletap W to attempt to slightly outrun them

The speed at which they run is ridiculous currently

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I don't mind not being able to outrun them, you should have to have a vehicle to be able to get away from them! Hopefully with arma3 they'll be able to attack you even if they're on the move so you can't simply run from the zombies and expect to be fine.

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Zombies shouldn't be setting the record for 100m dash. Not when I'm looking at a pudgy farmer in boots mowing me down like an Olympic sprinter.

Of course, they can be faster than a human carrying gear and a weapon, but that's entirely for gameplay reasons. Trying to justify it on anything else doesn't really solve the matter because I could use realism to say animal-like zombies can be faster OR i can use that same realism to say how could a sickly, infected human with barely enough intelligence to avoid tripping over his own feet run any faster than a small child? It goes either way, so realism doesn't help.

I'd suggest a speed decrease of 10 - 20%

I'd aim for 20% because there's the matter of their sporadic movements too, which I understand is the fault of the ARMA AI. The only way to decrease the appearance of glitchy zig-zags is to reduce the amount of distance covered by each zig or zag (reduce speed).

Lastly, there's the inability to attack while running. No human, exhuman, or animal I know of comes to a complete stop to attack a moving prey. If zombies are allowed to attack while moving suddenly they don't need to be as fast anymore and they become a lot more believable.

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All of those points are things that I and a lot of others like about the zombies right now.

The only thing I don't like are the evasive maneuvers they pull.

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I just wish some of the zeds could Walk rather than run, I'm a romero kind of guy

I prefer walking zombies rather than running ones... It doesn't mean they should be easy to shoot. I feel like if they were walking, the players would feel more safe, when in fact they're not at all. (coming from every side etc.)

But that would need to thing: one bite or two and you're done. + instadeath only when in the heads.

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The zombies are based off from 28 days later, hence the "Day Z mod"

On topic:

If we where to integrate slow paces zombies there would have to be hundreds of them, I mean like each city would nee to include 400+ zombies.

But some things that baffle me is that, Zombie in the house THEY WALK.....

Even when there dead they can still hear there mother saying "DONT RUN IN THE HOUSE!!!!"

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There's nothing wrong with them. If zombies ran straight at you they'd be way too easy to kill. They're pretty easy to take out as it is unless they get really close. Leave them the way they are! I actually get a panicked feeling when 3 of those things are running at me full speed, screaming, and zig zagging. I know if I miss the shots I'll be screwed. It adds tension to the encounters and a real sense of fear rather than just mindlessly shooting zombies knowing I'll be okay.

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I dunno if most part of people in this thread are complete noobs or just trolls. You already can outrun them sprinting - they probably can get you at some point, but they still won't be able to hit you. Furthermore - I have no problems with killing any amount of zombies as long as I have enough ammo: you can just move walking and shoot them, while one tries to hit you, you just move a bit away. Zombies are actually must be buffed, not nerfed, they are already too weak and as soon as you get game mechanics you don't have to play in team doing some raids - you are quiet good against them alone.

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Killing zombies is not hard, it's how we kill them that ruins the atmosphere. Currently, because they are too fast and glitchy, you only waste ammo by trying to hit them from a distance or while they're moving. You can hope they stay long enough in the "run straight at you" animation, but only effective strategy I've settled into (and I'm sure many others) is to backpeddle until they stop to attack you, then take a headshot while the attack animation finishes playing.

This is 100% stupid, and I'd rather not play like this (sadly I hate it so much I tried a few times to pull off hollywood-like final-stand shooting, but each time some zombie or another would glitch/zig-zag/teleport and after lining him up for so long he'd end up beside me anyways and kill me)

This is not how I envisioned taking zombies out, it's pretty game-y feels glitchy and just all around wrong. Slow 'em down, smooth out the zig-zagging and let them attack while running.

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I wonder. There's a fine line of 'realism' here, and finding a balance is proving challenging. Being dead, zombie bodies shouldn't be able to match the speeds of a living survivor due to decomposition but this means they do not need to regain stamina either - they do not need to eat, drink, sleep or even breathe.

Perhaps two changes might capture these particular assets:

1) Slightly slow the speed of zombies, so they're possible to temporarily escape from and buy some breathing space - but make it difficult to lose aggro unless line of sight/sound is totally lost.

2) Force humans to become slower the more exhausted they are, representing stamina based on time running and how well fed/watered they are.

Therefore, it becomes possible to evade a horde if you take cover without them spotting you (hiding in a building, turning a tight corner past a blindspot), while making it impossible to simply outrun a pursuing horde across entire fields without stopping.

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Being dead' date=' zombie bodies shouldn't be able to match the speeds of a living survivor due to decomposition [/quote']

I agree with you on the common goal of slowing them down, but woah, woah woah, we should clear this up for everyone out there: they are INFECTED not DEAD.

Infected zombies are fast and weak, Dead zombies are slow and take lots of damage. What we have here is an infection, not a necromancy!

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Personal opinion: Speed is good as-is. If anything, it could sprint faster. It's the tactical flanking maneuvers that throw people off. As you've mentioned, zombies have a very limited capacity for thinking.

- Military zombies should still have this! If they're in the Military, these skills are trained to the point where it's embedded into the Cerebellum (and is 100% automatic, you could literally do it in your sleep.)

Personal opinion: Speed is good as-is. If anything, it could sprint faster. It's the tactical flanking maneuvers that throw people off. As you've mentioned, zombies have a very limited capacity for thinking.

- Military zombies should still have this! If they're in the Military, these skills are trained to the point where it's embedded into the Cerebellum (and is 100% automatic, you could literally do it in your sleep.)

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