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I got killed by a server hopper. I quit.

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I was sitting in the shower room of the barracks in the airfield waiting for my friend to connect so we could continue. Somebody hopping servers and looting the barracks from server to server connects, shoots us both, then disconnects 5 minutes later. I quit. I'm not looking for any more crash sites. Not scavenging any more buildings. I quit. Too many people shoot first and ask questions later. I really wish I could just have my own passworded server so I could avoid shit like this.

Peace. I give up on DayZ.

1. When I read "airfield" I lol'd 'cus they're PVP areas.

2. This post is a +1 for PVE Servers!

Give us PVE servers! <3

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cry me another river...

guess what, I've been killed by serverhoppers plenty of times, I also killed a couple of them, that's how it is, get over it...

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For how long have you known that alt+f4ing was possible and people often server hop in the same position you sat? Right. Don't be a fucking moron and blame the game for your stupidity. You knew server hopping at the barracks is a common thing, yet you persist in your false logic only to find a way to nag about your frustrations because you lost your precious beans.

Find a new game.

Edited by Mr.Glowsticks

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It's sad that so many people are accepting of server hopping. This thread is a showcase of how retarded the average man is.

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This thread is no longer on topic...

Ergo I shall show you a picture of a tent in a tent...


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Why not just find yourself a private hive server?

I've already abandonned all hope on official servers ever being worth attention. I will if I play again.

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"It's sad that so many people are accepting of server hopping. This thread is a showcase of how retarded the average man is."


Telll me then, what can you do AGAINST server hopping ATM?:)

It's bloody part of the game, I mean where do hoppers hop?

Fire stations, airports and deer stands mainly for military weapons.

SO, when you approach these buildings you MUST pay attention every little noise, you should be aware the whole serverhopper situation.

And you don't sit down at the control tower to drink some coke or have a meal,you do not stand up for the snipers, you PISS OFF after looting.

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This seems to be what replies to this thread are trying to get across:


1) You may compliment the game and love it and give the devs all your love.

2) Criticism is not allowed.

Without criticism nothing advances. If nobody criticized subjects their flaws would not be fixed or quality increase.

I guess you all want to see DayZ never advance.

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"It's sad that so many people are accepting of server hopping. This thread is a showcase of how retarded the average man is."


Telll me then, what can you do AGAINST server hopping ATM? :)

It's bloody part of the game, I mean where do hoppers hop?

Fire stations, airports and deer stands mainly for military weapons.

SO, when you approach these buildings you MUST pay attention every little noise, you should be aware the whole serverhopper situation.

And you don't sit down at the control tower to drink some coke or have a meal,you do not stand up for the snipers, you PISS OFF after looting.

Are you equally understanding when it comes to people DCing?

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Are you equally understanding when it comes to people DCing?

I bet if somebody Alt-F4'd to escape him he'd be making a thread whining about it.

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It's my fault that people can server hop and alt-f4 to escape clearly.

I made no error. Anybody entering the building I could have killed, but this guy spawned behind me in the room I was waiting in.

I'm honestly just staying on the forums now to fan the flames. Most of you are defending a disastrously flawed and shitty system that should be on the high priority list to be fixed. I fear however that there is no real way to fix this issue because of how the ArmA 2 engine works.

Hello sir. Please look at this.


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The DayZ community is like a group of Maggots scrambling for food. At any point if they have the chance to treat Rocket and the game as a holy masterpiece they will. I was on the forums for a whole week before I saw people repeating stupid excuses like "It's Alpha." Because you know, you can't complain about something that is broken but you can sure as hell say it is the best mod/game ever even though it is in alpha. "Lol tears, I want some." As if some dumbfuck is sitting at his computer stroking himself because complaining about someone complaining will gain him epic kudos on the internet. "Bai don't let the door hit you on the way out." Pretty much showing the community is not supportive at all, and doesn't even bother to get their lazy asses up and help someone or tell Rocket when something needs to be fixed ASAP. There are many more comments but they are so cut and dry and so stereotypical that it is not even worth mentioning. Sad thing is a lot of these idiots say they are in the military or show themselves in some army gear as their profile pic, and us eit as some excuse that any game with a gun in it, it makes them an expert. Part of the reason the Military is getting bad press. Because they act smug.

You just don't get it. All the people are saying it's an alpha say it for a reason. Alpha is for adding features, not balance and making this game you apparently paid hard earned money for up to your expectations "ASAP" lol. Beta is where most bugs and exploits go bye bye. The trouble is not with people being irked and giving feedback to help the testing process. It's with the entitled, immature legions of whiny brats that don't have a shred of tact screaming bloody murder and bashing the team, in some cases downright being abusive towards the people that are working AS HARD AS THEY CAN TO MAKE THE GAME BETTER. If you can't see the difference between helpful and constructive criticism as part of the alpha process versus typical spoiled PC gamer pissing and moaning and often even abuse, then you're not as smart as you think you are. Remember, most alpha tests are closed to the public. Yet we're lucky enough to be doing it, and it's FREE ffs.

Edited by Sgt Abraham Ford
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Hello sir. Please look at this.


Definately my fault that the game is set up in such an easily exploitable way. I am a noob and should be punished for in my noobish ways, it is my fault that people can exploit a fatal flaw in the system to have an advantage over people who refuse to take such routes.

90% of the replies to this thread come from illiterate and biased simplefolk.

Edited by SP00KEH

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This seems to be what replies to this thread are trying to get across:


1) You may compliment the game and love it and give the devs all your love.

2) Criticism is not allowed.

Without criticism nothing advances. If nobody criticized subjects their flaws would not be fixed or quality increase.

I guess you all want to see DayZ never advance.

I would believe the main reason you are getting flak is that almost identical threads like this one has been created MANY times before and Rocket is well aware of the problem.

People are simply getting tired of seeing the same threads with: "This and this happened to me, i fucking quit".

The problem you mention in your thread is common knowledge so there is no reason to create thread nr. 200 whining about it..

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Providing criticism is fine, but it's not like literally 95% of the playerbase and the entire dev team hasn't known all about server hopping for a long time already. Even if this thread were not totally redundant, I would expect you to format it with a focus on possible solutions to the problem itself, rather than "IM MAD AS HELL AND I QUIT TESTING YOUR ALPHA BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T FIXED THIS PARTICULAR ISSUE YET".

While your frustration is understandable, I don't understand how, presumably being aware of the existence of server hoppers before this incident, you could have failed to realise that what you did is the exact best way to get killed by said issue.

Yes, the system needs fixing. But everybody knows this. Everybody knows that there is a huge floater in the swimming pool, but you decided to dive into the swimming pool anyway and then you complained to everyone here about it with an air of entitlement. Of course you were going to get flamed. And your courtroom analogy is ludicrous. You did not pay for access to DayZ, nor was DayZ advertised as a completed consumer-ready product.

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Reality is, if you would of seen HIM login, you would of SHOT him before he shot you. He just did the same. Stop whining.

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Providing criticism is fine, but it's not like literally 95% of the playerbase and the entire dev team hasn't known all about server hopping for a long time already. Even if this thread were not totally redundant, I would expect you to format it with a focus on possible solutions to the problem itself, rather than "IM MAD AS HELL AND I QUIT TESTING YOUR ALPHA BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T FIXED THIS PARTICULAR ISSUE YET".

While your frustration is understandable, I don't understand how, presumably being aware of the existence of server hoppers before this incident, you could have failed to realise that what you did is the exact best way to get killed by said issue.

Yes, the system needs fixing. But everybody knows this. Everybody knows that there is a huge floater in the swimming pool, but you decided to dive into the swimming pool anyway and then you complained to everyone here about it with an air of entitlement. Of course you were going to get flamed. And your courtroom analogy is ludicrous. You did not pay for access to DayZ, nor was DayZ advertised as a completed consumer-ready product.

Thhat's why it's an analogy and nothing more. I wasn't comparing DayZ to a paid for product. I was comparing the replies accepting server hopping as a feature and putting blame on victims of server hopping to the parties mentioned in the analogy.

Oh, and I repeat as in every post in one way or another. You're all retarded, know nothing of the development process you use to defend your arguments, and haven't actually read past the title of the thread most likely.

Edited by SP00KEH

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Hmmm, I wonder what reason you could have had for your friend to connect in the barracks... hmmm... server hopping maybe?

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I was sitting in the shower room of the barracks in the airfield waiting for my friend to connect so we could continue. Somebody hopping servers and looting the barracks from server to server connects, shoots us both, then disconnects 5 minutes later. I quit. I'm not looking for any more crash sites. Not scavenging any more buildings. I quit. Too many people shoot first and ask questions later. I really wish I could just have my own passworded server so I could avoid shit like this.

Peace. I give up on DayZ.

So do you guys always meet in the shower?

And it DOES sound a bit like you were waiting for your server hopping friend or you both were doing so, and the other guy just happened to come in first..

Last thing I'd want is an unwelcome visitor in the shower when I'm 'waiting' for my 'friend'.

Anyway, it happens. I've also gotten the drop on server hoppers... In the barracks building, in fact. THey just disconnect when they see you or when they start taking fire. It's DayZ at the moment.

Probably a good idea to go elsewhere. There are a lot of multiplayer games that you can play with your friend. Find something that is fun for you.

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Definately my fault that the game is set up in such an easily exploitable way. I am a noob and should be punished for in my noobish ways, it is my fault that people can exploit a fatal flaw in the system to have an advantage over people who refuse to take such routes.

90% of the replies to this thread come from illiterate and biased simplefolk.


9/10 for ironic posting.

Edited by gutzdorf
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9/10 for ironic posting.

Now you're just being a cunt. A massive cunt. Dear god why am I not banned from the forums yet I've criticized to prime topic behind this entire website.

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