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I got killed by a server hopper. I quit.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 2:49 PM, Burro said:

I won't jump on the band wagon and insult you, but I will say this; take a break from the game for a bit. It's alpha, it's early days yet. There will be things to counter this in the future. If you truly have had enough of it.. well then so long and good luck.

FYI i am not being a troll, i just get so so SICK of people complaining about PvP....WHY?! you deal with it in other games so why do people expect kind treatment in this game?? the most common complaint is that people are being killed by other players, that can be avoided by better situational awareness and just generally being more tactical. as for the anonymity comment, i have a picture of myself as my DP and would gladly give anyone my address if they really thought it necessary to 'say this to someones face'

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  On 7/18/2012 at 2:51 PM, Pte.Robinson-6th AB- said:

well im not 15, im 22. and it seems like most of the people who CONSTANSTLY FUCKING CRY about being kill are immature kids, so shut your face or check my profile before you accuse me of being a pre-pubescent baby.

Do you at least have your GED? You just come off as the kind of person who doesn't.

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I can empathise.. was nailed by a server hopper in SW barracks yesterday myself as well, on the Ziip server.. though I wasn't camping it, just passing through, had checked the last room at the bottom of the corridor, nothing really of interest and was making my way back into the corridor, when cunty mcCunt spawns in and riddles me in the back. He got some well tasty kit too, including some uber sniper rifle I was carrying for a friend cause I had accidently murdered him the day before in the fog of war of a shoot out.. oh well, got tooled up again pretty quickly & i'm back to where I was before I died, only with a lot less murders in the debug monitor... shit happens. no happy endings in the apocalypse..

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  On 7/18/2012 at 2:57 PM, Blindingsun said:

Hello Kitty Adventures is good I heard. @ OP

It truly is.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 2:10 PM, SP00KEH said:

It's my fault that people can server hop and alt-f4 to escape clearly.

I made no error. Anybody entering the building I could have killed, but this guy spawned behind me in the room I was waiting in.

I'm honestly just staying on the forums now to fan the flames. Most of you are defending a disastrously flawed and shitty system that should be on the high priority list to be fixed. I fear however that there is no real way to fix this issue because of how the ArmA 2 engine works.

  On 7/18/2012 at 2:39 PM, SP00KEH said:

This thread should come as a clear signal for the community to do some soul searching. Your ignorance, bias, and overall inability to recognize a system as being completely unforgivably broken shows how flawed many of you are deep down. Your blind love for DayZ is bringing out the worst in you all. I've seen flame trains on 4chan more sophisticated than this.

It's sad. Nothing more. You try to prove a point that it was the victims fault that the system is flawed.

Imagine if this was a trial in a courtroom. A company is being sued for a flawed product causing harm to somebody. It wouldn't be a very intelligent arguement if the company decided to say "Well it's their fault for using our product.".

Oh Jesus H Christ.. really? You where hanging about in, not just ANY of the airfields, but the NW one? And you didn't expect to encounter a single person? No matter where they logged in from?

How do you know they where server hopping? Did you see them drop from another server to appear at yours? Maybe they where as dumb as you, and logged off 12 hours ago, and that was them reconnecting?

Every game, even finished standalone products, have mechanics that can be metagamed.. Yes, rules and features can be put into place to limit it, but don't expect it in an ALPHA, and don't expect people to give you any sympathy for standing around on *the* most contested bit of real-estate on the map..

I'm not even going to start with your flawed product argument and courtroom shite, because you didn't buy any product that rocket or the dayz team made.

  On 7/18/2012 at 2:39 PM, SP00KEH said:

Nobody is at fault here except for the product, or rather in this case people exploiting the flaw in the product.

In the end though. This is the internet. Everybody is retarded on the internet.

Again, I think you need to find a dictionary, or a clue, and work out what 'product' you are talking about.. and you're right about the internet.. I'm posting this to a retard right now...

Edited by Skinman
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Everyone on this thread is aware of the problem...

They understand that it will be fixed eventually...

Until then they are doing there best to avoid it...

If this game was a large shark infested body of water, your the one jumping in the fucking water with a fresh cut on your arm...

Everyone else knows about the sharks, so they avoid swimming since they also have cuts on their arms that are also bleeding...

Rampant case of deep paper cuts apparently...

Oh look sharks followed your bloody scent and fucking ate you...

No one but you is at fault for going into shark infested waters while bleeding...

See I can make comparisons too...

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I'm curious Spookeh, what game are you going to go play now that you've given up on DayZ?

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How can you say its a bad community. The game is desinged with pvp in mind. I shoot onsite unless the target is unarmed if they are unarmed I give them food and water enought to make it to a city or a airstrip and leave them. My second day playing I helped some one for two hours got him gear weapons maps food everytihg. then duuring a zombie killing spree he turned and shot me in the head for no reason. So yes I shoot people on sight becase they will shoot me if I dont.

I know server hoppers suck. me and my friends were holding down the raido tower so firend could get some stuff when a guy ran to the outside of the tower and spotted them via 3rd person disconnected then connected to another server and moved into a spot of the tower where people couldnt see him then reconnected and killed 3 of us before I before combat disconnecting while I was shooting at him.

but this is all part of the game as it is if you dont like it leave but dont cry on the fourms no one cares.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 3:09 PM, Cerven said:

I'm curious Spookeh, what game are you going to go play now that you've given up on DayZ?

Probably just ArmA 2 with ACE and the other games I play on the side.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 1:51 PM, SP00KEH said:

I was sitting in the shower room of the barracks in the airfield waiting for my friend to connect so we could continue. Somebody hopping servers and looting the barracks from server to server connects, shoots us both, then disconnects 5 minutes later. I quit. I'm not looking for any more crash sites. Not scavenging any more buildings. I quit. Too many people shoot first and ask questions later. I really wish I could just have my own passworded server so I could avoid shit like this.

Peace. I give up on DayZ.

Guys, I just logged in to a server for the first time today and found 2 clowns at the NW airfield. After I gave them some ventilation holes, I found they were LOADED. Game rocks.

There's a single player zombie mod for Arma II, maybe you're after that. PvP multiplayer involves good and bad things, it's the fun "risk" element. That can be eternally frustrating and awesomely fun.

What they need to fix is people logging off as soon as they want to, you'll get a lot less people engaging in combat -- 30 second or 10 minutes if you kill someone or something because they can never be sure they will kill you and escape alive. Will sort the men from the boys.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 1:54 PM, Never said:

Hold on for the flame train..

no, actually no flame, its so stupid that the first poster has to write something like that like he is watching over the forum 24/7 looking for a server to go into and troll because he has nothing else to do, and then the name, how uninspired @ never.

@OP i understand your frustration, server hoppers and alt-f4's are scum, they are actually "cheating" tbh, and i hope people know the difference between cheating and hacking right? almost the same but actually not.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 1:51 PM, SP00KEH said:

I was sitting in the shower room of the barracks in the airfield waiting for my friend to connect so we could continue. Somebody hopping servers and looting the barracks from server to server connects, shoots us both, then disconnects 5 minutes later. I quit. I'm not looking for any more crash sites. Not scavenging any more buildings. I quit. Too many people shoot first and ask questions later. I really wish I could just have my own passworded server so I could avoid shit like this.

Peace. I give up on DayZ.

No one cares that you left, have fun playing CoD and Crash Bandicoot or whatever the kiddies play these days, this game is about pvp, sitting in a highly known pvp area like a re-re waiting on a friend and not paying attention to your surroundings makes you not only an easy target but fucking stupid.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 3:29 PM, Acix said:

No one cares that you left, have fun playing CoD and Crash Bandicoot or whatever the kiddies play these days, this game is about pvp, sitting in a highly known pvp area like a re-re waiting on a friend and not paying attention to your surroundings makes you not only an easy target but fucking stupid.

did you actually understand the post? he didnt talk shit about the game, but the players cheating, its kinda nice you basically say server hopping is great and only pro people who dont play cod do that, are you mentally ill? or did you just not read and understand the post before you posted? it doesnt matter if he was afk and was recording, if the other guy was still server hopping then HE is the culprit, dying to a server hopper = you made no mistakes except being against a cheater.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 2:55 PM, Pte.Robinson-6th AB- said:

FYI i am not being a troll, i just get so so SICK of people complaining about PvP....WHY?! you deal with it in other games so why do people expect kind treatment in this game?? the most common complaint is that people are being killed by other players, that can be avoided by better situational awareness and just generally being more tactical. as for the anonymity comment, i have a picture of myself as my DP and would gladly give anyone my address if they really thought it necessary to 'say this to someones face'

I made a point of not specifically naming names with my "being a troll" comment, solely because I have no time for petty arguments with people I don't know. I didn't even read your post to be honest, I read the OP and then 2-3 others before losing interest and making my comment before exiting the thread, so please don't feel I'm fingering you out.

That said, you may or may not feel you're a troll for the response you've given, that's a matter of opinion really; some might agree while others might not. I think that anyone who cannot form a a civilised sentence to another forum user, but instead either labels them a child, a kid, a cry baby, or any other juvenile retort is a provoking attention seeking troll that just wants to belittle others in the hope of gaining a sense of self-worth..

Lastly, I made that statement about anonymity because the vast majority of internet troll will happily sit at home at their computers hiding behind their avatars and pseudonyms, while throwing out insults and abuse to people they don't know because there's little or no come back from it. That fact that you show your picture and are willing to hand out your address for people to come and find you is just stupid frankly. Just my opinion.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 3:36 PM, Zyfer said:

did you actually understand the post? he didnt talk shit about the game, but the players cheating, its kinda nice you basically say server hopping is great and only pro people who dont play cod do that, are you mentally ill? or did you just not read and understand the post before you posted? it doesnt matter if he was afk and was recording, if the other guy was still server hopping then HE is the culprit, dying to a server hopper = you made no mistakes except being against a cheater.

1) 'Cheating' and 'metagaming' are not the same thing..

2) Hanging about in the barracks shower is not advisable in game or in real life

3) The OP's insinuation that his own retarded actions, are in some way equal to courtroom 'I'm not at fault' type claims for reimbursement, are infact, retarded.

He did INSIST, that the game was at fault.. when it can clearly be seen from his own words, that no one in their right mind would do what he did.

Again refer to point 1, and learn the difference between metagaming and cheating.. To be absolutely clear, I don't support either.. but as one (script attacks, aim bots etc etc ), can be caught by battleye, and the other can't.. then anybody with 2 braincells to rub together, should be paying attention to their surroundings, WHILE THE DEVS FIGURE OUT A SOLUTION.. to come here, and bitch like a 6 year old girl, and NOT admit that you are an idiot, is just trolling...

/edit AND AGAIN, how do you know the other guy was server hopping? He might just have been as retared as the OP, and just logged back on after the last nights derp around the airfield, and got lucky..

Edited by Skinman

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  On 7/18/2012 at 2:00 PM, Kiro said:

There should be something that prevent players to spawn less than 50 meters away from other players though

Yeah this. I was at stary sobor on the little hill next to the military tents and a group of guys spawned right in front of me and my 2 mates, sadly I died but my mates managed to kill 4 of them and stole their gear, still though I feel sorry for their group and well, for me. I always die first...

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  On 7/18/2012 at 4:46 PM, BobMarley said:

Yeah this. I was at stary sobor on the little hill next to the military tents and a group of guys spawned right in front of me and my 2 mates, sadly I died but my mates managed to kill 4 of them and stole their gear, still though I feel sorry for their group and well, for me. I always die first...

And so, if you log out one night, under a tree, and then log back in the next day, at a random point, 50m away from where you logged out, and get owned by a sniper / zombies, you're saying you won't come back here and complain, that you didn't log back in where you logged out?

/edit Or maybe the player logging back in isn't allowed to spawn at all? Or should you spawn them back at the coast?

Here's a better idea.. log out, and in, in sensible places that have a low chance of dropping ontop of someones head. If you can fuck that up, then you deserve to be shot.

Edited by Skinman
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  On 7/18/2012 at 2:55 PM, Pte.Robinson-6th AB- said:

FYI i am not being a troll, i just get so so SICK of people complaining about PvP....WHY?! you deal with it in other games so why do people expect kind treatment in this game?? the most common complaint is that people are being killed by other players, that can be avoided by better situational awareness and just generally being more tactical. as for the anonymity comment, i have a picture of myself as my DP and would gladly give anyone my address if they really thought it necessary to 'say this to someones face'

Dude. Stop being so emo.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 3:12 PM, SP00KEH said:

Probably just ArmA 2 with ACE and the other games I play on the side.

Weren't you leaving?


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  On 7/18/2012 at 5:12 PM, M O N S T E R said:

Weren't you leaving?


best post yet.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 5:59 PM, XMorTus said:

best post yet.

Why do people (on every forum I have ever been on), who say that they're going to quit or leave, always come back to see if anybody cares?

Attention-seeking gets you nowhere except up your own ass.

If you're leaving, leave. If you're just bitching, just bitch.


EDIT: I may have made you pink, XMorTus. Soz bub~

Edited by M O N S T E R
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  On 7/18/2012 at 2:39 PM, SP00KEH said:

This thread should come as a clear signal for the community to do some soul searching. Your ignorance, bias, and overall inability to recognize a system as being completely unforgivably broken shows how flawed many of you are deep down. Your blind love for DayZ is bringing out the worst in you all. I've seen flame trains on 4chan more sophisticated than this.

It's sad. Nothing more. You try to prove a point that it was the victims fault that the system is flawed.

Imagine if this was a trial in a courtroom. A company is being sued for a flawed product causing harm to somebody. It wouldn't be a very intelligent arguement if the company decided to say "Well it's their fault for using our product.".

Nobody is at fault here except for the product, or rather in this case people exploiting the flaw in the product.

In the end though. This is the internet. Everybody is retarded on the internet.

Including you.

You left yourself open to attack and you came to have a sook on the forums, hoping a bunch of people would suck your proverbial dick and hop on your faggot-train headed towards Pussyville.

You made the biggest mistake by getting attached to your gear. Do you want to know how to avoid dying again? Listen to the advice in this thread.

Don't WAIT in the barracks. Not even for a friend. If you do have to sit in the barracks, keep your back to the wall and ONLY wait inside the shower as each room has windows looking in from both sides.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 4:16 PM, Skinman said:

1) 'Cheating' and 'metagaming' are not the same thing..

2) Hanging about in the barracks shower is not advisable in game or in real life

3) The OP's insinuation that his own retarded actions, are in some way equal to courtroom 'I'm not at fault' type claims for reimbursement, are infact, retarded.

He did INSIST, the the game was at fault.. when it can clearly be seen from his own words, that no one in their right mind would do what he did.

Again refer to point 1, and learn the difference between metagaming and cheating.. To be absolutely clear, I don't support either.. but as one (script attacks, aim bots etc etc ), can be caught by battleye, and the other can't.. then anybody with 2 braincells to rub together, should be paying attention to their surroundings, WHILE THE DEVS FIGURE OUT A SOLUTION.. to come here, and bitch like a 6 year old girl, and NOT admit that you are an idiot, is just trolling...

/edit AND AGAIN, how do you know the other guy was server hopping? He might just have been as retared as the OP, and just logged back on after the last nights derp around the airfield, and got lucky..

Thank you well said

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  On 7/18/2012 at 6:01 PM, M O N S T E R said:
I may have made you pink, XMorTus. Soz bub~

Nothing to do with me, and nothing wrong with pink.. but my 6 year old daughter is asking why I can't make all my text pink.. I don't have the heart to tell her that I don't really want to :(

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