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I got killed by a server hopper. I quit.

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Why were you waiting in the showers anyways.

Couldn't you have picked a safer spot?


Where server hoppers DON'T tend to use as their hopping grounds.

ya dun goofd

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Rule 1: Don't get attached to your items.

Sure the server-hoppers and alt-f4ers are something that is begging to be fixed, but it's alpha, it happens.

I'd say just be more cautious in the future, don't go waiting for someone in a military loot spawn points, middle of fields, and the like (and apparently showers? lol)

Good luck, hope your DayZ crave brings you back!

Edited by Dokrane

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Because like or not, you made a grave error...

And your death was almost entirely your fault...

It's my fault that people can server hop and alt-f4 to escape clearly.

I made no error. Anybody entering the building I could have killed, but this guy spawned behind me in the room I was waiting in.

I'm honestly just staying on the forums now to fan the flames. Most of you are defending a disastrously flawed and shitty system that should be on the high priority list to be fixed. I fear however that there is no real way to fix this issue because of how the ArmA 2 engine works.

Edited by SP00KEH
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Why were you waiting in the showers anyways.

Couldn't you have picked a safer spot?


Where server hoppers DON'T tend to use as their hopping grounds.

ya dun goofd

Cus they back-traced it.


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When I'm waiting for my friend to come to the barracks, I'm usually in a fern outside aimed in on the barrack windows to pop any server hoppers or this happens. Live and learn x

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It's my fault that people can server hop and alt-f4 to escape clearly.

I made no error. Anybody entering the building I could have killed, but this guy spawned behind me in the room I was waiting in.

Your error was sitting in a known hot spot for no reason other then to wait for your friend.

Why were you waiting in the showers anyways.

Couldn't you have picked a safer spot?


Where server hoppers DON'T tend to use as their hopping grounds.

ya dun goofd

He sees my point... Why can't you?


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We all have 0 fucking sympathy for you dude. I found a bunch of sweet gear from raiding cherno and killing 2 bandits, one of which had a GPS and it was the first time I had ever found one. I had disconnected in the middle of the woods and went to be. When I got back on and reconnected I fell from the sky, broke a leg and died instantly. Nothing I could do. I was dead and had to restart. DON'T GET ATTACHED TO YOUR GEAR. YOU WILL DIE. STOP CRYING. Bye.

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When I'm waiting for my friend to come to the barracks, I'm usually in a fern outside aimed in on the barrack windows to pop any server hoppers or this happens. Live and learn x

Real simulator, you point at houses because humans might get teleported there.

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The problem with dayz is that the scope is so amazing that it not only attracts us hardcore arma players...but also every 12 year old little pussy who has seen dawn of the dead and came in their pants when they heard about this mod. grow up or GTFO. In a real apocalypse people would be just as paranoid, violent...you need to get out of your little dream world and quit crying. Don't get mad..GET EVEN.

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I tend to die then log off for the day - I've never really had the chance to actually find a safe spot for myself :lol:


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Cus they back-traced it.


Back-tracing, server-hoppin' bandits.

Better call the cyber police on em' SP00KEH.

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Your first mistake was waiting in one of the airfields. If you know anything at all its that airfields are hot spots for bandits. Second mistake is not only waiting in an airfield but the BARRACKS?? What the actual f**k? Third is waiting in the showers. I think you know what they say about showers. Anyway your a noob and you were asking to get killed by a bandit. You were a sitting duck. That is all.

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We all have 0 fucking sympathy for you dude. I found a bunch of sweet gear from raiding cherno and killing 2 bandits, one of which had a GPS and it was the first time I had ever found one. I had disconnected in the middle of the woods and went to be. When I got back on and reconnected I fell from the sky, broke a leg and died instantly. Nothing I could do. I was dead and had to restart. DON'T GET ATTACHED TO YOUR GEAR. YOU WILL DIE. STOP CRYING. Bye.

I'm not crying. I'm only slightly distraught that you're defending something being as buggy as it is in such a rude manner.

Your first mistake was waiting in one of the airfields. If you know anything at all its that airfields are hot spots for bandits. Second mistake is not only waiting in an airfield but the BARRACKS?? What the actual f**k? Third is waiting in the showers. I think you know what they say about showers. Anyway your a noob and you were asking to get killed by a bandit. You were a sitting duck. That is all.

Because clearly I was a sitting duck when I was well embedded in cover, gun pointed at the only enterance to the room, simply waiting for a friend to connect to the server.

The problem with dayz is that the scope is so amazing that it not only attracts us hardcore arma players...but also every 12 year old little pussy who has seen dawn of the dead and came in their pants when they heard about this mod. grow up or GTFO. In a real apocalypse people would be just as paranoid, violent...you need to get out of your little dream world and quit crying. Don't get mad..GET EVEN.

You sound like you're 15, suffer from the fanboyism, and thus extremely biased and unable to see flaws in a clearly fucked system.

Edited by SP00KEH

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I tend to die then log off for the day - I've never really had the chance to actually find a safe spot for myself :lol:


Even safe spots aren't safe...

After a long night of playing me and a friend decide to log out in each corner of one the hangers in the NE Airfield...

The next day we get back on our server and both login...

I die instantly my friend moments later...

The server only had 12 people on at that moment but somehow we manage to login just as two other survivors were looting that hanger...

We have awesome luck...

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This thread should come as a clear signal for the community to do some soul searching. Your ignorance, bias, and overall inability to recognize a system as being completely unforgivably broken shows how flawed many of you are deep down. Your blind love for DayZ is bringing out the worst in you all. I've seen flame trains on 4chan more sophisticated than this.

It's sad. Nothing more. You try to prove a point that it was the victims fault that the system is flawed.

Imagine if this was a trial in a courtroom. A company is being sued for a flawed product causing harm to somebody. It wouldn't be a very intelligent arguement if the company decided to say "Well it's their fault for using our product.".

Nobody is at fault here except for the product, or rather in this case people exploiting the flaw in the product.

In the end though. This is the internet. Everybody is retarded on the internet.

Edited by SP00KEH
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You asked for dieng if you camp in the fucking Barracks .....

Don't blame the game that your stupid enough to camp the building mate

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I can understand your frustration, but I would learn from it. The barracks @ the airfield is terrible for people either server hopping or logging in after logging off, I would never wait there and realize the whole area is a hot spot. I was hit down to 4k for no reason yesterday (not shot), I've been sponteneously killed, teleported 30km off the map with a ghillie, fully loaded, only to run back (get kicked an lose water) and died just before I reached my friend to the north west, I was teleported to the coast with full gear, one update, and spawned in front of a guy who instantly shot me when I came in... the point is this is an ALPHA, expect this stuff.

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You asked for dieng if you camp in the fucking Barracks .....

Don't blame the game that your stupid enough to camp the building mate

Clearly you can't read past the first sentence of a post.

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Real simulator, you point at houses because humans might get teleported there.

What the fuck else do I do while I'm trying to stay hidden waiting? Make a daisy chain?

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You're just as likely to get killed by a server hopper as you are to kill someone server hopping. I know more people who have died server hopping at the NW airfield than have been killed by server hoppers. If you're going to raid the NW airfield barracks, make sure everyone with you is always prone. Then just shoot anyone standing up on sight. Problem solved.

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This thread is full of the kind of people I loathe, internet trolls. Anonymity is the scourge of the internet. I doubt anyone here would have the balls to say these kinds of remarks to your face, and yet trolls call others "children". *Sigh* People need to grow up.

I won't jump on the band wagon and insult you, but I will say this; take a break from the game for a bit. It's alpha, it's early days yet. There will be things to counter this in the future. If you truly have had enough of it.. well then so long and good luck.

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If you log in inside the baracks and sit and wait for

your friend to log in inside the baracks and get killed

by another player logging in inside the baracks,

then I share your complete outrage.

Edited by Dallas
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You sound like you're 15, suffer from the fanboyism, and thus extremely biased and unable to see flaws in a clearly fucked system.

well im not 15, im 22. and it seems like most of the people who CONSTANSTLY FUCKING CRY about being kill are immature kids, so shut your face or check my profile before you accuse me of being a pre-pubescent baby.

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Heh. I scared the hell out of a server hopper in the barracks once... With a flashlight!

I was minding my own business, looting the barracks, when I turn around and see a dude crouched, looking right at me. I had a military flashlight on, and before I could say a word, or switch to my AK, he DC'ed.

That said, if I ever met anyone while looting barracks, I would shoot on sight, for sure. Too risky to try and be friendly with this many weapons around.

Also, anyone who server hops is extremely vulnerable for a time (between when it says "setup completed" and the character appears, he just stands there idle and defenseless). I'd kill anyone I saw doing that, as well (actually, have killed one, once, server hoping inside a barn, of all places).

Edited by takfar

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