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Question about daylight and DayzCommander

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Quick question if anyone can help; I'm using DayZCommander (thanks Exo7) which is far more simple than the (now) clunky SixUpdater. However I noticed that alongside the server lists it tells you what I take to be the current in-game time. I've joined servers at 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, etc. and found them to be in the middle of a night cycle. What gives here?

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Quick question if anyone can help; I'm using DayZCommander (thanks Exo7) which is far more simple than the (now) clunky SixUpdater. However I noticed that alongside the server lists it tells you what I take to be the current in-game time. I've joined servers at 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, etc. and found them to be in the middle of a night cycle. What gives here?

I wish I could get the "True" server time directly from the server, but I have to rely on what they put in the server name for a UTC offset. Then that gets converted to the real time. So, it's only as accurate as the server admin is diligent.

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