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List of servers that side chat is available

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LOTC 1 and 2 is one of them.Any other servers with it enabled and up to date?

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Not a good idea to post server names that have SC. They might be banned.

To the devs: make sidechat a server option. Lots of people want it back. Me too.

Edited by Roboserg
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IS there actually a rule against enabling it? Is you still can?

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IS there actually a rule against enabling it? Is you still can?

In the thead about server rules there was nothing about SC.

Edited by Roboserg

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I think he asked wich ones still had it he really did not ask ur opinions on them

Someone with an IQ above 100.That's rare in this forum.

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Someone with an IQ above 100.That's rare in this forum.

Stupid people sometimes btw man I think all of the side chat channles are fucked right now none of there bitching will solve anything the "rabio" is still going to make them bitch non stop because i bet it will have some drop chance % as the NVG wich is really rare so if they implament a "radio" still you will only get mostly bandits or the max of 6 to 7 people talking wich will still be shit better to get a clan going get a vent and kill every fucker on sight
















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