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Two Bandits Infiltrated ~{SoH}~ Then killed some Recuits

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Hahahaha, good shit! Reminds me off me and my friend ran up to a guy and was like; We're friendly! I had a Lee einfield in my backpack, I told him there was a surviver infront of us and he was like; WHERE? We told him to use his Binoculars, and when he did.. Boooom! Hahahah. So many assholes in Day Z.

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4 minutes in, how are you able to see so clear with less than 3000 blood?

I haven't been that low on blood since my first week playing so not sure if something has changed or not but I remember it shacking and being almost impossible to make anything out.

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Ha. I get the feeling you are a member of the AtS clan that we had a run in with in cherno a couple nights back. You sir are a fucking ass. I am ~{SoH}~ Desperado and just for the record our ACTUAL clan members never engage without either being shot at first or not getting a response over direct comm if they are or are not friendly.

I've ran with them for a week now in many of their missions including a 10 hour cherno take over for lolz, in which we stock piled 6+ tents in the middle of the streets of supplies for any new players/fresh spawns to take from, and we got attacked by the ::AtS:: clan. Being the middle of the night I dont think they realized just how many members we had in Cherno(8-10 at the time). Speaking of ::AtS:: Godg@mer or whatever it is server hopped to get on a roof we had 2 snipers on. failed to see me prone on the edge somehow despite walking OVER me so i filled him with a clip of a glock. Lol... If it is you guys thats just sad to resort to this. If it isnt you, well whoever you are who has a grudge against us, take it to cherno some time. Quit making us look bad and see if you can actually hold your own against our members.

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Yeah if you got a greif with us come bring it to us not take it out on defence-less noobs you cowards. get a life you tools. ~{SoH}~ Morbid happy to fill you with holes from my M4A3 any day you want bandit scum :)

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For the record, ~{SoH}~ plays in only one server.

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Funny, I don't know any of the names in this. I guess maybe all these were people recruited just yesterday? You didn't really "infiltrate" us. We're an open group at the moment. And fully aware that we're gonna get goobers like you. We will persevere. Still, thanks for the publicity. :)

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