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Connecting Failed

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I have the same issue, checked that long mentioned in first post and it says

NAT Negotiation failed (NNThink - result 2)

However I got into one other server without any problems but most servers, including my home server don't work. :/

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For me it worked to use the six launcher/updater (both works for me). Still can't use the ingame browser but at least i'm able to play on the servers i want^^

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Got this too.

Running / BETA 95208 and latest BE dll (1.165 verified current version)

I get the error 'connecting failed' and checked the arma .rpt file and sure enough

NAT Negotiation failed (NNThink - result 2) log entry

Stupid thing though; some servers I can connect to without a problem (including my own), while others keep giving this error.

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I had asked Dwarden (Bohemia) to contact GameSpy and they have confirmed the issue.

It has gotten better and several of my servers are online again.

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Just bumping this shamelessly and adding my one piece. I've been hunting the internet for a while, and saw that this problem has been popping up in the past 24 hours quite a bit. I play DayZ, but the problem did NOT start with DayZ for me. I know that it is NOT related to the mod in anyway. I was instead playing with the ACE setup, then the base game and this problem persists. I really hope someone figures this out, maybe caused by the massive spike of players from the Steam Summer Sale? Doubt it... but still a possiblity. Could be a game breaking patch or something.

Again, I hope someone fixes this. The answer will probably pop up in this thread, and I will do my best to keep an eye out for it.

---- EDIT -----

Adding some extra information: MANY of my friends tested this by hosting a quick game. No one could connect. It isn't a dedicated server problem, it is something bigger.

Edited by Phantomsmedia
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The game works for me via 6 launcher now

Good mate, shame not for everyone!

This is an ongoing Issue, using 6 launcher/updater is NOT a fix its a workaround Glad someone got Dwarden's attention He was too busy when I asked!!

Edited by Shinobi

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For some reason if I launch the game using DayZ Commander it fails to connect, BUT when I go into menus and connect through normal browser it works. After I turned on DayZ Commanders ability to run the game through steam, it connected straight away!

Do not know if this will work for everyone but worth a shot!

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mine appears to stick on wait for host, I'm going to leave it for 10-15 see what happens, not getting my hopes up as I tried this last week with no results

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left mine on wait for host for about 40 mins now, Guess it wont work :P

Edited by Shinobi

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THe Arma 2 browser was offline last night for maintenance. It works for me fine now. Connecting failed issue has gone for me since it came back online. If their is a waiting for host delay now that could be an alternative problem?

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Good mate, shame not for everyone!

This is an ongoing Issue, using 6 launcher/updater is NOT a fix its a workaround Glad someone got Dwarden's attention He was too busy when I asked!!

6 launcher is by far the easiest way to get into a Dayz server anyway, isn't it?

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Help there, I love a server (CH01 Private) but won't pop up on ArmA II browser, DayZ Commander and SIX launcher browser, but will appear on SIX Updater browser but stuck on Wait for host. Now I can't connect AND can't find my fav server.

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6 launcher is by far the easiest way to get into a Dayz server anyway, isn't it?

I wouldn't agree I find it clunky and it gives me performance issues, Dayz commander is preferable for me! however thats besides the point, say you join a game via 6 updater and your friend comes on and says join me on server X why should you have to close the game to switch to that server!

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You dont have to close game to change server....just Abort and disconnect and then browse for the X server

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Just to reiterate this certainly inst fixed for everyone, it's more than possible there are 2 separate issues masking as one here, the issue with game spy which has been effecting people over the past day or so and a longer running issue with the same problems and symptoms e.g. I have had this issue for over a week now

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You dont have to close game to change server....just Abort and disconnect and then browse for the X server

yes but that would be using the in game browser NOT 6 launchers

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Nah nothing to do with 6 updater, ive tried that, dayzcommander and the in game browser!

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seems to have start working for my arma 2 server. people are joining again.

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A few friends and I are now experiencing this problem as well. We all use a variety of different methods to connect to a DayZ server: via Steam shortcut using the in-game Multiplay, Six Launcher/Updater, DayZ Commander, and one even uses a shortcut to the beta patch installer (???) to launch the game then uses the in-game Multiplay. This is not happening on all servers we try, but just the most recent ones. However, the only people from my group not having any issues are those launching Arma2 from DayZ Commander. I tried this as well, and had to disable the "Launch Through Steam" option in settings (caused a DirectX error), but it has worked for me as well so far.

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