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Shoot On Sight Recruiting

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Shoot On Sight Is Recruiting


We are a ruthless group of bandits, who enjoy taking what we want, when we want at any means necessary. If you want more of a squad type feeling while still feeling like a bandit, This is a clan for you. What we want is for you to know your way around the map, know key locations to Snipe/Ambush/Raid. Must have Skype/Vent, this is used to identify the location of your character and to confirm to Shoot On Sight on other "Survivors". Biggest key factors during a Fire Fight is not to freak out, I don't want a individual to panic, take unnecessary shoots to lose our position and be able to keep their cool. Lighten up, its a game is 100% serious during Fire Fights but when we are out doing bus rides, have fun I don't play this game to be 101% Serious(101 Joke lol), I'm a very open person who loves to have fun, keep in mind. We really aren't looking for someone who will sit on Skype/Vent with us saying nothing.If you have higher tier gear "Great", if you don't "Great" your will not be treated differently for having more gear or less gear, we are here to have fun and kill people and take their loot. As most of my team are bandits you will have to work your way up in our ranks to get to your general veteran, hope you enjoy reading this, if you feel like applying still. Add me on one of my accounts thanks

Contact us on our following accounts for more info. Thanks Happy Hunting







Edited by iDeeJayTre

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I just sent you a request via Steam and Skype. Check them out man. ;)

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At work right now, im interested and ready for hunting :). Ill message you on Skype when I get home.

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sent you a steam request.

wanna get those kids back. they stole my m107

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This is not a clan that is going to hunt for you or with you for revenge. Please loot else where thanks

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whats with the skype thing...is video chat really needed? Isn't voice chat enough?...i would be interested except the whole skype thing

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whats with the skype thing...is video chat really needed? Isn't voice chat enough?...i would be interested except the whole skype thing

Skype has a video chat, but its mainly used to voice calls not video. Sorry that would be weird if i only did video chats.

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Shoot On Sight Is Recruiting


We are a ruthless group of bandits, who enjoy taking what we want, when we want at any means necessary. If you want more of a squad type feeling while still feeling like a bandit, This is a clan for you. What we want is for you to know your way around Chernarus and be able to navigate efficiently.

To communicate efficiently. Must have Skype,this also means highlighting any useful Intel and ensuring your position is always known by the players around you. This also includes the ability to take orders and to convey them without panicking. To have a good sense of humour and to be able to actually enjoy the game. We really aren't looking for someone who will sit on comms with us saying nothing and being 100% serious 24/7, obviously in situations seriousness is needed but know when to apply it, and when to lighten up and enjoy a laugh.To have had experience with gear, it's obviously preferable if you have some type of relatively decent gear on you now, however it isn't compulsory if you've had necessary experience handling high end items as we've all died in this game! To be willing to gain our trust, as trust is a big factor in this game, and it's the basis of all team play.

Contact me on my following accounts for more info. Thanks Happy Hunting



Are you saying that once we join we get shot on sight?

....ppppfffffttttttt hahahhahahahhahaha.

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Are you saying that once we join we get shot on sight?

....ppppfffffttttttt hahahhahahahhahaha.

noooooooooo Haha I thought about that, cause that would be funny in the thread, but its my first time recruiting on here, i didnt wanna do that, maybe later down the line :) you can help <33

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I sent you a request on steam. I'm very interested. I know my way around Chernaurus and am certainly not lacking for gear.

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I would love to join you guys if you play regularly. I have no qualms about shooting on sight while be loyal to our group of bandits. I know my around the map very well, and can even get to the NorthWest airfield by memory from either Kamenka, Electro, and Balota. I do not have Skype at this moment, but I do use Steam: Jesse_James3

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Shoot On Sight Is Recruiting


We are a ruthless group of bandits, who enjoy taking what we want, when we want at any means necessary. If you want more of a squad type feeling while still feeling like a bandit, This is a clan for you. What we want is for you to know your way around Chernarus and be able to navigate efficiently.

To communicate efficiently. Must have Skype,this also means highlighting any useful Intel and ensuring your position is always known by the players around you. This also includes the ability to take orders and to convey them without panicking. To have a good sense of humour and to be able to actually enjoy the game. We really aren't looking for someone who will sit on comms with us saying nothing and being 100% serious 24/7, obviously in situations seriousness is needed but know when to apply it, and when to lighten up and enjoy a laugh.To have had experience with gear, it's obviously preferable if you have some type of relatively decent gear on you now, however it isn't compulsory if you've had necessary experience handling high end items as we've all died in this game! To be willing to gain our trust, as trust is a big factor in this game, and it's the basis of all team play.

Contact me on my following accounts for more info. Thanks Happy Hunting



Rofl - So your so un-original that you end up stealing the forum post that I used and created for my clan and added your contact details below it? Seriously? Is this what recruiting has come to? That's pretty sad mate. Not to deter people from your clan, but a forum post for your clan should have some pride taken in the creation of it, and not just copy - pasted because you cba to write your own recruitment post, but if that's how your clan operates then so be it ;) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/34537-clan-101-recruiting/ Originality? It looks like people have become sheep to a minority of shepherds.
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