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Finding Servers

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Hi, Whenever i join a server, it is always night. I try crowded servers, uncrowded servers, and dayz commander. I cant seem to find servers that are in daytime. Is there some way to tell when they are day or night, or am I just bad at finding servers.

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You sir... Must have the worst luck in the world.

EDIT: Mines Daytime ;D

Edited by Food

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If it is night where you are in real life, it will be night on DayZ. For those of us that can only play at night, find another game, DayZ will ALWAYS be night for us/you. It is a shitty idea fully implemented.

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Know your time zone + look for a server with your time zone - 6/4.

When I started playing the only way for myself to play was to join a US server.

Things have changed since.

Edited by Boneboys

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