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DayZ or HellZ?

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Can anyone tell me how did this happen last night on Canada 11 ( Canada 2 ) Near Elektro that made night bright as day? :D

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Someone hacked a A-10 on the server and crashed it later somewhere. The fire doesnt hurt you.

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Someone hacked a A-10 on the server and crashed it later somewhere. The fire doesnt hurt you.

Right i was gonna say.. def a hacker, i had the same thing happen but with multiple heilo's crashing into cherno and destroying buildings left and right fire everywhere and smoke, smoke apparently the smoke cause's intense fps lagg:/

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Helocopters are disabled at the moment, so it's from a hacked, crashed aircraft. This bug mostly/only occur when an aircraft crashes and explodes. Some players see the small fire grealy magnified. The fire is harmless, but some burning vehicle fires still cook off, so if you get all the way up to the vehicle, you might take a little damage.

I think the only way to fix it is to restart arma.

Edited by Dallas

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DayZ became something like GTA SA:MP/GTA IV, so many cheaters :(

btw, I dont think that Heli's disabled, I saw one flying.

Edited by DooM4MR

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