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Question about not-so-legitimate items.

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I have a question about some items that my teammate put in our base.

Here's the back story, I log onto our Ventrilo and I'm told that he found a base with a whole bunch of different stuff

and he put some of the stuff that he found back into the tents at our base, so I log on and I see 3 NVG's and 3 coyote elite backpacks, my first reaction was "That's fucking awesome!" but then I looked in another tent and saw "Soldier's Clothing." I told him that there was a problem with this, that soldier's clothing isn't even in DayZ and that it was hacked in. When I saw that I questioned the legitimacy of the NVGs and packs and I still do.

So my question is are we going to get in trouble because he unknowingly raided a seemingly hacked base?

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You don't want to touch anything that is hacked in thats not supposed to be in the game as it can get you a perma ban, however other items can be used safely

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have no proof, but i read in a post on these forums that soldier clothing is actually in the game, i just never personally seen one

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have no proof, but i read in a post on these forums that soldier clothing is actually in the game, i just never personally seen one

Wasn't on the wiki so I doubt it, there was 3-4 of them though so if it was rare I don't think we'd have that much.

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I saw a video on youtube of "soldiers clothing - ghillie" and then I found some civi clothing....

But if i can get you perma banned...there needs to be a list of weapons that are allowed...im a new user, completely. I have no idea what is in the game legimately or not...I mean not even lucky enough for a pistol and ive played for hours. But...i dont wanna get banned because I dont know any better.

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I saw a video on youtube of "soldiers clothing - ghillie" and then I found some civi clothing....

But if i can get you perma banned...there needs to be a list of weapons that are allowed...im a new user, completely. I have no idea what is in the game legimately or not...I mean not even lucky enough for a pistol and ive played for hours. But...i dont wanna get banned because I dont know any better.


This is a list of the weapons that are available in DayZ at the moment, if you see anything that's different from that list then it's probably hacked as well.

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