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♠ Unknown ♠

Hunting and raw meat suggestions (realistic)

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Couldnt change the title of the other topic so I asked for it's closing and remade it.

Old topic: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/35803-so-suggestions-would-add-realism-imho/


I really like the aspects of realism this mod has, and I have a little suggestion that could help players, add realism and make things a little bit more interesting.

The ideea is about hunting, gutting and cooking meat and eating in the woods.

As we know, you have to cook meat in order to eat it. If you are in an extrepe survival situation and you are in need of food, and you do not have any matches one would risk it and eat raw meat.

We could have eating raw meat possible, BUT this would give you a significantly lower level of blood compared to eating cooked meat, but it will let you go on for a while longer without starving to death. However eating raw meat would have a risk of getting sick, so it would bea a 50%-50% chance. You might lose blood due to meat being infected, have parazytes or you could gain blood .

In my opinion it would be interesting and maybe it would help a survivor's life, or put him in a even worse situation. That's how stuff happens when you survive.

Another aspect would be ateable plants and fruit.

Plants - If any of you played Red Dead Redemption you know how you find bushes of flowers and do the "pick up" animation to get them. Well that's how it would work.Yet again Some plants could be poisonous and you could get your vision blurred etc. Or get a bit of blood back.

This could work two ways:

1- have 1 type of plants and have a 50%-50% chance of it being good or bad.

2- have serveral type of plants, some giving you blood, some making you lose blood, cought etc. In this second case we could also have like some kind of books or papers.

Fruit - add umm a pouch or basket maybe? and allow ppl to use it to gather fruit from some trees. (this isn't as good of an ideea, I guess because you'd have to make fruit appear in trees, and so on, but I just trew it out there)

This would make things a little bit more interesting, since the rist of gain/lose would always be there.

It would add to the realism of the game and it would also make Bear Grylls a happy man :P


Edited by ♠ Unknown ♠
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I like the idea, but the fact that it would be 50-50 chance of getting sick really makes this not worth it, considering how rare anti biotics are.

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yeah that sounds good. (the original post was just a idea, I wanted the idea to be taken in consideration beacuse the % would be calculated and chosen by the apropriate people if it were to make it in the game)

Edited by ♠ Unknown ♠

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Did you ever try to eat raw meat? I mean ourbody isn't used to digest large amounts of raw meat properly anymore...that would end in diarrhea at least, food poisoning in the worst case. And we are also used to seasoned food, ever tried to eat salad without dressing, just the leaves, cooked meat is at least edible? Tastes really good... ^_^

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Did you ever try to eat raw meat? I mean ourbody isn't used to digest large amounts of raw meat properly anymore...that would end in diarrhea at least, food poisoning in the worst case. And we are also used to seasoned food, ever tried to eat salad without dressing, just the leaves, cooked meat is at least edible? Tastes really good... ^_^

i always eat salad without the dressing. o0.. lol. uncocked meat can be eaten, though only red meat really. white meat can contain salmonela (or however its spelt)

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Did you ever try to eat raw meat? I mean ourbody isn't used to digest large amounts of raw meat properly anymore...that would end in diarrhea at least, food poisoning in the worst case. And we are also used to seasoned food, ever tried to eat salad without dressing, just the leaves, cooked meat is at least edible? Tastes really good... ^_^

But then if you look at beef it's a meat that can be eaten raw with relative safety

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Rocket said in his interview with that game magazine or whatever it was that he would eventually like to make things like pumpkin patches and orchids lootable to give food.

The raw meat aspect could be done and I always thought I should be able to eat the meat raw but only if I was starving.

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I never liked the random aspects in RPGs, so I'd say no to the "posibility" of getting sick, make it a little bit harder to eat, give less blood but 100% safe.

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