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Updating Beta Patch

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So I updated my Arma2 OA to version 94997 and I can't play with my friends who are on 94876.. Idk what to do, I'm not sure if re-installing/downloading will help or is there any way I can downgrade? I have teamviewer, skype, and teamspeak so if any one can help me out.. I'd greatly appreciate it! :] thank you!

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Just download 94876 and install it like you would any other Beta patch. It will overwrite the new one.

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Oh ok, thanks a lot! I will give it a shot and tell you how it goes! :)

Edited: So I reinstalled the 94876 patch and when I run Arma2 OA it says I'm on 1.61.94876.. However whenever I try to join a sever, my Arma2OA will load but crash right when I'm about to play.

Edited by Ceized

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