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This game would be perfect for me if it had:

-ride-able bicycles that spawn periodically in towns

-all chat only accessible through radio

-servers with higher player caps


-ability to create groups, form rivalries between groups, and officially capture cities (maybe through extermination of all the zombies in the area and by capturing a point)

-faster load times

Feel free to post your own wishlist that would make this game perfect to you.

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-Work on making servers more stable and fixing bugs

-Don't change the gameplay to make it easier for all of these people on here lately complaining how "it's too hard" or "walking takes too much time" or "I die too easily" or "I keep running out of ammo lets have melee weapons" or "how there should be tons of working vehicles"

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I think rocket understands that the game is suppose to be hardcore not easy mode. It's about making it a realistic experience if there was a zombie apocalypse.

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Hopefully the radio idea gets implemented but at this point I wish the text for global chat was a different colour than the text for direct chat. It's annoying not knowing if someone is within 50m of you or if they are a billion miles away.

Just my 2 cents :)

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More fluent movement would be nice, and easier to get on servers. Other than that I absolutely love the content and love the game type even more. I can stand loading times if it means I get to play Rockets' awesome mod!

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I would like to point out, when people say there are too many bugs, there are supposed to be bugs, its an Alpha and for my wishlist, I think bicycles and group system as well as barricading would be great.

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Melee Weapon(s)

Maybe not possible since that would have to do with arma more than the mod... But this game/mod desperately needs a crowbar or machete to fall back on when out of makarov.

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I am very set against both horses and dogs in this mod for many reasons, but I think it would be great to see a bicycle here and there. Imagine the joy of seeing some pedal by like a lunatic with 20 zombies warping after him. Yeah, +1 to bicycles for me.

As to any other wish, no new additions for me just for rocket to carry on with what he is doing and making sure that the Beta has a lot of the known bugs and issues fixed.

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Melee Weapon(s)

Maybe not possible since that would have to do with arma more than the mod... But this game/mod desperately needs a crowbar or machete to fall back on when out of makarov.


Then you could literally live forever. It's already too easy to kill zombies just by sidestepping and shooting because of the way the civilian AI works in Arma, and I highly doubt that is going to change.

Simply put, if you want melee weapons then play Left 4 Dead or Dead Island. There's no place for melee weapons in this mod, and you do understand that Arma doesn't have melee weapons, so if it were implemented it would be horribly clunky.

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This game would be perfect for me if it had:

-ride-able bicycles that spawn periodically in towns

-all chat only accessible through radio

-servers with higher player caps


-ability to create groups' date=' form rivalries between groups, and officially capture cities (maybe through extermination of all the zombies in the area and by capturing a point)

-faster load times

Feel free to post your own wishlist that would make this game perfect to you.


I would definitely say that inventory management is a definite must. As with the game, you need to be careful with that inventory. You can lose whole stacks of meet, to ammo, to even guns!

I don't think towns should be capturable. However, in those wide open areas of "white space' in Chernarus, I think should be camps, military camps. Ones with gates and walls. Therefore, if you do have a group with you, you can capture a camp and start storing your shit there. It doesn't need to be BIG, but something nice. From the camp, your group leader can delegate people to go out and scavenge supplies, find car parts, weapons, more tents to put up back at camp. Leader can delegate some survivors to guard the camp while the others are out and about.

I also think that Capturable camps would be a good way to get more "teamwork" involved into the game. If the groups that are capturing this camp were smart, they would heavily guard that area, so taking one is going to be hard for one man.

The main thing I want however, is a steady database, so when I login, we aren't moved to a different part of the map then where we left off.

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I want people to stop complaining about people complaining about dieing too easily.

This patch has more zombies than was intended but was left to see how it went and its an ALPHA, so if someone thinks there are too many zombies then that is their opinion, some people just rip them down for no other reason than they think they are 'Hardcore' zombie slayer..pfft.

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I want people to stop complaining about people complaining about dieing too easily.

This patch has more zombies than was intended but was left to see how it went and its an ALPHA' date=' so if someone thinks there are too many zombies then that is their opinion, some people just rip them down for no other reason than they think they are 'Hardcore' zombie slayer..pfft.


And I would absolutely second that. Morons urging Rocket to leave the zombie numbers at their present level are only encouraging him to develop a game that can never be enjoyed as a solo experience - which in 1.5.6 was one of it's strengths. We need Zed numbers (and respawn times) to reach a happy balance between 'manageable' and 'challenging' for all players, regardless of whether they play alone or in groups. It's not fair for those who always play in groups to deliberately attempt to exclude those who wish to play solo by calling for Zombie numbers to remain so high.

There are many things I despise about the mob-handed MP mindset, but that kind of bullying elitism is definitely high on my list.

Oh, and one other thing: I think Rocket needs to designate one member of his team specifically to tackle the widely-reported issue of cheats and hacks. If there is any truth in the claims being made I see little incentive to put myself up against a bunch of dishonest players who will use any nefarious means possible to 'game' the game. It undermines the entire premise for all honest players and cheapens what is an otherwise outstanding experience.

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Choosing where you spawn

more guns, like SMGs in more places.

Melee weapons

knockback attack?

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I think a melee weapon would/should have a place in this mod... It's unfortunate that it would be difficult to create/implement, but it would greatly increase the realism aspect.

I'm sure we all have axes/bats/metal pipes around our house that we would turn to if we ran out of ammo.

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Chainsaw would be amazing, but people are right, probably too hard to implement.

A few scattered Z's in fields and woods would be a good addition, to add tension.

Also, fix the lakes, you currently have to submerge in lakes to fill water bottles which sometimes looses you your backpack.

Rain collectors, you should be able to construct one from an empty bottle made into a funnel, and an empty water bottle to fill when it rains.

Setting up base camps, you should be able to set up more permanent camps somehow, perhaps which then get a chance of spawning a few Z's. Or perhaps the ability to fortify a building which then belongs to the player as long as they keep up maintenance. I.e. a game dynamic/mechanism which supports players setting up and defending a home base.

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I'm glad the Dev's took my suggestion for a melee weapon/crowbar. Just found one, and i was like...Ahhh yes.

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