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Dat Gameplay [Realistic features that don't sacrifice fun]

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Loving the mod, and as I've been playing I've had a few ideas that I feel would spice up the game a little. Adding more realism without sacrificing fun, while keeping the general atmosphere the same.

[[Vehicles]] - Add them, lots of them.

I understand it's the post apocalypse, but seriously, more cars and trucks would make traversing the wastes so much better. Cars can sit in a garage for years before they start to break down, yet there's still corpses on the ground from the upheaval. So why is every car on chernarus a wreck?

[Gameplay implications]

I see no reason not to simply add a ton of working, or almost working vehicles. At least 1 per city, especially inland (edit: Note, not enough to turn the game into a rally sim.) They certainly don't make life any easier, as a car is a big, loud target that's restricted to roads and fields. That said, I'd still be willing to take the risk of getting jumped for the ability to cut 3 hours from my hike inland w/myself and my buddies. Exploration becomes easier, yet riskier. Im only talking civilian vehicles though. Maybe super-rare technicals in the middle of the woods. With the increase in vehicles, fuel trading may begin to develop, and transporting groups and goods becomes far easier overall.

Edit: to address replies

Additionally, with the present system, getting a vehicle in working condition as a solo player is exceedingly difficult. It's doable, but the time spent/reward ratio is ridiculous. It can be rewarding, yes, but it's just not worth the time and risk if you're on your own. I agree that group play should be encouraged, but as it stands now, unless you find a working vehicle as a solo player, you probably wont be driving. Also, chernarus is huge. It was made with vehicles in mind. I do enjoy the occasional hike through the woods, but not all of us have the time to spend hours trudging through repetitive forests. It's a fantastically boring time sink. As a last remark, I don't think the fun of this game should hinge upon exclusivity. I know it's great to have assets other players do not, but "because not everyone has one" doesn't make things entertaining in it's own right.

[[Guns]] - More small weapons, less military hardware.

Assuming the ladder issue gets fixed, handguns should be the most common weapons. Civilians have far greater access to handguns than anything else, yet 1/3rd of the people I encounter are packing military weapons. Hangars and airbases have piles of covered bodies in them, and automatic weapons just laying around. What? Military grade automatic weapons should be much much harder to find. Pistols, shotguns and smaller rifles, on the other hand, should be much more abundant, and in much greater varieties.

[Gameplay implications]

High powered automatic weapons remove a lot of the tension from the game. They certainly have their place, but they remove a lot of the fun and sense of vulnerability from both firefights and zombie hordes. All of the best duels I've had in DayZ have been pistol and shotgun fights. With an automatic weapon you can just cut people down. With a handgun, not only do fights last longer, but the outcomes can be unpredictable. People can survive things you wouldn't expect, and winning a gunfight because your target bled out after you thought he ran away is incredibly satisfying.


Speaking of bleeding out, as it stands now a gunshot can empty you of all of your blood in about 2 seconds. Meanwhile, immense pain causes a sudden onset of parkinsons. This is a game that's supposed to be gritty and realistic. Death comes far too quickly, and pain is either insignificant or annoying. I'm not proposing adding gore or anything like that. Instead, the rate of bleeding should be reduced along with the effectiveness of bandages. Rather than stopping bleeding once applied, bleeding should begin to slow bleeding until it stops. More effective bandages could also be added to hospitals/churches. Along with this, immense pain (serious gunshot wounds to the torso, horrible zombie beatdowns, etc) should force the Arma wounded animation. You know, the one where the player ends up squirming around on the ground in 1st person, completely defenseless.

[Gameplay implications]

A slower bleed out time opens all sorts of possibilities. A serious wound should be something that will probably kill you, but is still possible to manage. There should be a bigger chance to save your buddies life after you dispatch the sniper that dropped him. You'll have to deal with his cries of agony while you do it though, as they potentially attract more zombies. Additionally, blood transfusions suddenly become far more than just health packs, and having a designated medic in your crew could become hugely beneficial. Also, call me a sadist, but I'd really enjoy being able to deliver a coup de grace to that stupid bandit who tried to ambush me. Or, I'll leave him to the Z's. Who knows?

Edit: to address replies

I do believe that there should still be wounds that kill you quickly, no doubt about it. All I'm saying is, sometimes you die quick, sometimes you don't. It would be awesome if the game reflected this.

Hopefully, I'll think of more things. Thanks for reading!

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Disagree about working vehicles all over the place

One of the fun parts is searching for a vehicle with your group, finding the parts, and repairing it, it's rewarding

Also the rarity of seeing them in action

What fun would it be if every new player in Elektro can just hop in a car and drive all over the map

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[[Vehicles]] - Add them' date=' lots of them.


I find it's more fun to try and find the rare vehicle, repair it with your pals, and be all proud when you've got it running.

If everyone had a vehicle and were driving around in them, where would the fun be? You can just imagine that most people who had a car drove away when they heard of the outbreak, hence the lack of vehicles.


You do know that a gunshot wound in a major organ is death without surgery, and high high risk of death with surgery? Also, a bleed in a major artery can take from a few seconds to less than a minute to make you lose enough blood to passout and die if the bleeding isnt controled?

Also, a well done bandage or tourniquet either stops the bleeding, or the blood flow in that member immediatly, hence why tourniquets were a major revolution in treating army wounds in the field.

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[[Vehicles]] - Add them, lots of them.

The storyline might explain where they all went. I will hazard a guess and say they were destroyed long ago to help contain the infection.

[[Guns]] - More small weapons, less military hardware.

I believe this is being worked on right now. Though I disagree with you about civilians having abundant pistols.


I've only ever been killed cleanly once by another player. Every other time I was knocked out and either got up later or was executed.

Zombies do eat downed players already and it is fun to watch, especially if you are responsible.

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Edited main post for clarification, but I'll reply to you guys here.

I don't think that having to fill your inventory with vehicle parts is fun. Bear in mind, a lot of people play solo, and that shouldn't be punished. We don't all have a band of people we can scrounge parts with, and hiking through forrests for hours gets pretty boring no matter how you look at it. Not all of us have the time for that either. I'm not saying give everyone a car the moment they wash up on the shore, but this mod does need better transportation options. Likewise, if cars became more common, fuel and parts would be far more of a commodity.

As for the gunshot wounds, I'm not proposing a massive increase. Just enough to heighten the tension and make it possible to revive your buddies if you have everything together. S

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I think your assumption about handguns is actually opposite of the truth. Handguns (In my state) require more regulations and paperwork than a standard rifle or shotgun you would use for hunting. The most common weapons should be low quality hunting rifles and shotguns.

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Always wondered why they made vehicles as such a pain to acquire in this mod. Not only is the mod unstable to reliably look for the parts in time before the usual server crashes/resets/etc. but I'm fairly certain the virus doesn't affect tires, gasoline, and engines. Also this is ARMA 2, one of the key points of the games engine capabilities is large maps for vehicle and infantry use.

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I think your assumption about handguns is actually opposite of the truth. Handguns (In my state) require more regulations and paperwork than a standard rifle or shotgun you would use for hunting. The most common weapons should be low quality hunting rifles and shotguns.

Totally did not know that, but yeah that does make sense

I feel like, overall, weapons like that should be more abundant, if maybe a little less effective. (More iron-sights, more shotties, etc) The sense of vulnerability should be something you have to work damn hard to ease.

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I don't think there should be a single fully working car spawning anywhere, maybe some cars that don't need much to fix them up though. (Needs tire changes & fuel etc)

I haven't found a car yet so IDK how badly they're damaged or how varied the damage is yet.

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Civvies more likely to have hunting rifles and shotguns than pistols... This isn't a Texan university...

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I'm not fan to add yet cars, trucks etc. What point is then of big map, if players think, that walking is wasting of time? Then in game isn't enough fear, when using civilian vehicles seems more secure.

But if just the discussion... Then which vehicles seems suited to the specific surroundings? Imho, some old style bicycles in some villages. Such as is used by civvy in "Takistan". Also some very rare Mountain bicycles, findable in big cities. It doesn't mean that they can't break.

Also would be very interesting to have in some village the old style motorcycle with sidecar. Relatively realistic vehicle. But how many it add to gameplay?

What about arms, I too think, that too many modern military guns is undue in this game.

But handguns are not prohibited for civilians by the vast majority of the previous Eastern bloc countries. (Ok, in pair countries they stay banned for civilians.)

Therefore in cities they can be found.

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Personally would like to see bicycles a possibility in this game as they already exist, there could be limitations imposed on to them such as very low health as they've almost rusted through etc. Parts like a bike chain and a bike wheel or two could be implemented so they aren't just an instant pickup.

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I'm not fan to add yet cars' date=' trucks etc. What point is then of big map, if players think, that walking is wasting of time? Then in game isn't enough fear, when using civilian vehicles seems more secure.

But if just the discussion... Then which vehicles seems suited to the specific surroundings? Imho, some old style bicycles in some villages. Such as is used by civvy in "Takistan". Also some very rare Mountain bicycles, findable in big cities. It doesn't mean that they can't break.

Also would be very interesting to have in some village the old style motorcycle with sidecar. Relatively realistic vehicle. But how many it add to gameplay?

What about arms, I too think, that too many modern military guns is undue in this game.

But handguns are not prohibited for civilians by the vast majority of the previous Eastern bloc countries. (Ok, in pair countries they stay banned for civilians.)

Therefore in cities they can be found.


If you've every tried using a civilian car in arma, you know that they're pretty much deathtraps. They allow you to move from point a to point b, but they're both easy to spot, and easy to shoot. Bicycles and motorcylces should be added back as well. Anything that makes getting from A to B easier, and adds a new layer of gameplay, would be hugely beneficial imo.

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I think your assumption about handguns is actually opposite of the truth. Handguns (In my state) require more regulations and paperwork than a standard rifle or shotgun you would use for hunting. The most common weapons should be low quality hunting rifles and shotguns.

Totally did not know that' date=' but yeah that does make sense

I feel like, overall, weapons like that should be more abundant, if maybe a little less effective. (More iron-sights, more shotties, etc) The sense of vulnerability should be something you have to work damn hard to ease.


Probably the best way to implement it would be a durability system, and weapons you find on the coast are all shitty so they break/start jamming quickly. Of course this would require a repair mechanic, which would probably take a bit of coding.

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I like that this is small tweaking. Nobody ever thinks about the difficulty it is to add their suggestions and most of them are retarded. People need to start making more realistic posts like this and put themselves in the scripters shoes. I feel if people don't have experience in coding, modeling, texturing, or anything to do with constructing a game/mod they should not make posts. Not just because you think your top shit guy with fancy wording and think you have survival realistic man instincts.

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I keep seeing posts like this. The word "easier" is used in the suggestion threads way to much. Please, this game isnt meant to be your friend. Its meant to be hard, unforgiving and brutal.

Keep this in mind when posting.

Sanchez. This is a suggestion thread. Anyone that is registered can make suggestions. This is it purpose.


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I disagree Dyson, Sanchez is completely right. If you take blinders and hang them on your wall you don't get anything out of that do you?

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I disagree Dyson' date=' Sanchez is completely right. If you take blinders and hang them on your wall you don't get anything out of that do you?


Are you comparing DIY with the suggestion thread on a MOD? i dont understand your logic.

Its just a think tank. That is the threads purpose?

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[[Vehicles]] - Add them, lots of them.

[Gameplay implications]

more vehicles and less parts sounds fine by me.


[[Guns]] - More small weapons, less military hardware.

Assuming the ladder issue gets fixed, handguns should be the most common weapons. Civilians have far greater access to handguns than anything else,

we don't have any great access to handguns in russia, so thats pretty realistic to have more hunting rifles and military stuff if you are living next/at military town, what is quite common stuff around here.



will be absolutely great to have ace wounds system with all medical supplies it got.

but if no, then default med module is better then nothing.

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The difficulty to get vehicles working is one of the driving forces behind the game, take that way and your losing the longevity.

One thing I would say is that bleeding out needs to be more obvious, I keep missing the fact im bleeding when im busy Id like a much clearer alert for it.

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Dayyymnn, some good suggestions up in here, and I was hoping your definition of fun was different to mine so I could have some laughs but no such luck :(

That car accessibility could use some work, cars should really require A LOT of work as anyone with a working car would have taken it to gtfo.

One thing I would say is that bleeding out needs to be more obvious' date=' I keep missing the fact im bleeding when im busy Id like a much clearer alert for it.


It sounds like you want an audio cue as there are currently two visual cues to know that bleeding is occuring.

Checking for any one of these after a close encounter will prevent excessive blood loss.

1) Check your blood count for 5 seconds. If it's dropping you are bleeding.

2) Check the blooddrop in the bottom right, If it's got a white flashing + then you are bleeding.

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