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Is it time for an item/character wipe?

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Before I get into this, I want to say up front this isn't a shot at Rocket or anyone who works on the mod or any of the players, just an observation from a player..

I think the time might be fast approaching where it might be the best option to get decent feedback would be to wipe all "saved items" and even possibly force all characters to start over. Why you ask? it's simple. It's stupidly easy to duplicate items, even if you don't intend to duplicate them.

I don't just mean wipe saved items/characters on a whim, Rocket has to figure out how to stop this first off or at the very least make it far more difficult, at least to the point where one can't unintentionally duplicate items. I have no expertise in this area, I have no clue if it's an engine issue, a mod issue, the server's, whatever, but it's a huge problem and it needs to be addressed. It's an alpha so it's not unreasonable to have multiple character/item reset's when issues are addressed.


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I'd support, and I'm sure there will eventually be, a full wipe of all items and instances once the game goes into beta and has most of these bugs fixed.

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I'm down. It's always fun starting completely over :)

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Yeah, tend to trip over AK-74's that duplicate outta my backpack. I try to throw them away in the forest to be fair.

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